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[考试试题] 英语专业四级词汇与语法全真模拟练习二十五

发表于 2012-8-14 11:54:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1. There is nothing in physical structure, the brain or the internal organs to__ a difference./ m  A' P% g. g6 @/ r
  A display
9 H0 H" Z% z$ n$ M9 _! m0 G  B indicate
+ B7 ?3 f# o9 D8 l- ?: x  `5 n  C demonstrate
( d8 J! @! |" Z) }4 a# W% `. |0 Q; O  D appear: V8 ~, m: V2 _: G
  2. The largest brain ever examined belonged to a person of weak_.
0 @5 P6 C* a3 n! `  A health9 d+ m7 n8 h3 e
  B body
( [( p2 a# o! z  C mind
1 q* ?- u* ]# u+ {% W; Q. l6 W) ?/ q  D thought
5 l: F1 b* j0 _8 j: ^( }! E  3. Individuals of every race_ civilization to go backward or forward.) v5 n; [) Z+ Y3 p7 ~; |
  A make) D- b) k  Y/ p+ u& {' L
  B cause$ p. }: }* H' @& [9 E8 H3 B, [
  C move
5 m+ m* n  k3 L* G) H* h  D turn# V. d1 Q4 I% U1 P! s8 l
  4. The new government_ the foreign-owned oil fields one after another.  E/ q  D) ], z: `
  A took over7 ]# z3 g5 O8 c
  B took out
, q3 @# ~& T' ~* Y  C took off
- V- ]# n4 e+ V6 ~  D took on" N9 J! l7 O6 p2 U' R& K& }- M
  5. The new technological revolution in American newspapers has brought increased_, a wider range of publications and an expansion of newspaper job.% A: l3 Q* b' Z# x5 B1 x. |* W
  A circulation
: |* T3 ^  c" e, X  B reproduction
6 y5 Z! H8 v6 K2 z& _  C manipulation
. k" E5 ~  ~  j5 p  D penetration$ ^# V- _4 {* {# f6 V, |
3 o( a3 U+ l& f1 @  R5 Z' ^  1.选B ①indicate标志,表示,表明What country is indicated by the name has not yet been determined.
. K5 s8 g) O# ?  ②demonstrate说明,论证,演示,表露,显示At that time no one could demonstrate that the earth moves around the sun.
5 n& ^- ]7 ?0 V' L( H1 N' l& c5 T0 k' I  ③appear出现,显露,来到,看起来好象He may appear a fool but actually he’s quite clever.2 K* Y, U3 }4 r( w* l7 i0 v8 E
  ④indicate暗示   & J: H% A/ j! d' z
  2.选C①mind“智力”He is old but his mind is still sharp.* Z$ K. S9 ]# K) F: C( o$ h1 q& T
  3.选B①如果选make,后面的不定式to要省略。The children were surprised when the teacher made them close their books unexpectedly.②cause使……Climbing those stairs caused her to feel faint.# A: e. W2 K) l! m6 n% C
  4.选A①take over接收,接管He is taking over my job during my holiday.
$ }& V  Y, W, o! F% o  ②take out除去,删除I’ll have my tooth taken out.2 H* p5 f$ w3 P3 \8 H" d
  ③take off脱去,脱掉% i; \8 i+ I& \1 L2 h( y
  ④take on从事,承担He has taken on many responsibilities.   1 L8 ?: Q, [) O/ U
  5.选A①circulation销售量0 N, O/ U8 _3 A% x* ]# z* w) E
  ②reproduction生殖,繁殖We will have a lesson on the reproduction of the rabbits this afternoon.8 P% P2 q/ j6 u$ `; e
  ③manipulation操作,操纵Some people can put back a twisted joint, like the shoulder, by careful manipulation.0 D, p4 l. M( E
  ④penetration穿透,洞察力The penetration of that woman’s mind is really wonderful.

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