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[考试试题] 英语 专业八级人文知识冲刺卷八

发表于 2012-8-14 11:54:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
每天第一个迎接新一天的国家是哪个呢? 新西兰,由于新西兰整个国家非常狭窄,所以新西兰的任何地方距离海洋都不超过110公里,全国只有一个时区。新西兰正好位于国际日期变更线以西的第一个时区,所以它是第一个迎接新一天的国家。4 B6 S+ |' c- H1 t* i
: p; z2 d) H5 t  f& u  E/ v% D9 s
1. It was during ____ reign that the name Great Britain came into being. + w) C" U. ?+ t: m/ q
A Mary's B Anne's C Jame II's D Oliver Cromwell
5 `+ t% C8 b& {. z2.Where is Edinburgh? % |1 y1 }/ z. S* [
A In Wales B In Scotland C In Northern Ireland D In Ireland
( V. J: U% X  f) r3. One of the most famous national parks in the U.S. is the ____
0 n/ [9 s: e- A3 j  {A Yellowstone National Park B Hyde Park
/ r- U: a$ H3 |+ J) L6 w1 iC Kakadu National Park D American Fishing Center! A" ^, H" h# ?7 t- ?$ o
4. New Zealand is just west of the International Date Line, so it is the first country to get ____8 e( y+ U7 u% {( F" S$ W
A frozen B wet C the new day D united  q2 b% R- `, G0 e
5. Mr.Darcy is a character in ____
9 u: g0 u7 ]0 V1 O& x7 ^A Tess of the D'Urbervilles B Pride and Prejudice C Happy Prince D The Mill on the Floss
" N* o. V. C2 i/ O) p6. Lyrical Ballads is the joint work between Wordsworth and his friend____( [) Z/ }4 l  b# I5 u6 q0 ~; T
A Coleridge B Bryon C Keats D Shelly4 U' `7 {6 m, ^7 M! y1 a( r
7.____is the representative work of the Jazz Age+ _3 W, j) |- b
A The Great Gatsby B On the Road C Look Back in Anger D The Sun Also Rises
* w  z0 [; k2 K- [8. The distinction of langue and parole is made by ____ 3 T3 t3 v+ ]! T, V2 a; m  z* R
A Hall B Sapir C Chomsky D Saussure
, o& ~9 D# y3 `% P4 i- N9. ____examines how meaning is encoded in a language.
# Y( w0 l, a! [) X. Y* eA Semantics B Syntax C Pragmatics D Morphology
5 u" G; O7 G  m! x10.The sentence “I apologize!” belongs to the category of ____according to the speech act theory.4 T- |6 _7 P& |# l' T
A. expressive B performative C representative D constative$ D( |& T! ?0 I& m. c. v

! L$ Z. `4 M3 X% \, t. x答案
( m1 g& z3 Q% g+ p* DBBACB AADAB4 p- H2 N. r# o" k( {% m0 e$ h

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