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[考试试题] 英语 专业八级人文知识冲刺卷五

发表于 2012-8-14 11:54:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
英法百年战争 When Edward Ⅲ claimed the French Crown by the right of his mother Isabella, the French refused to recognize the claim because the Salic Law debarred females from the succession. In 1337 Edward declared a war that was to last a hundred years.
0 W; J+ u# |" o; Y& ?0 p& m爱德华三世通过他母亲伊莎贝拉的关系宣布继承法国王位,但法国人民拒绝承认,因为萨利法典规定女子不得继承王位,于是在1337年,爱德华对法宣战,战争持续了一百年。* R" S  X/ f6 R- V+ k1 @
1. The Romans brought ____ to England after they invaded the British Isles.  C, P  @" g, C9 Q. `: d2 ?$ v* V
A Buddhism 6 A4 G0 `0 u3 @! a
B Islamism
4 D: q) t8 o2 f! l0 NC Christianity
, @$ T: T& Z6 T* I& W0 DD Catholicism
7 l, f0 o8 C) Q( t9 B2. The Chartist Movement took its name from____5 m% ^: W$ p  U( M
A The Agreement of the People
7 m# m. _1 Y5 F; e; F  x) W/ CB The Bill of Rights+ S: A7 A' C. A+ y4 d3 C. g
C The People’s Charter
: a$ t2 w# G* u/ q* X1 i( [6 CD The Great Chart- |# K5 i/ f5 ?
3. The Hundred Years’ War between Britain and France was fought ____
7 S( u- w8 Y2 I) t/ V9 m. KA from1327 to 1453 # e1 y" q" E+ C2 }. x5 a# w2 v
B from 1337 to 1453
( N* l% I0 e% Z' N  ~# Q; [) vC from 1347 to 1453
/ p: y6 f, ~- b+ ID 1357 to 14535 E. o" \+ E# K: R
4. ____is usually considered as the national symbol of New Zealand.
" f/ T9 r. c9 D& c2 O9 D; kA The kiwi , H! h3 w5 r. y9 b! m( l
B Lake Taupo . x  ]& N% V" k9 D3 s! e
C Mount Cook 1 G  D7 e9 \3 s+ ^$ f7 q
D Auckland
- o/ X$ x2 s- P/ n3 k& P5. ____was written by Jane Austin.
2 M9 f4 v- E7 J* c0 ?, Y+ gA Jane Eyre & x* e8 D& @- W; _( B' J. J! x. Z
B Emma
2 G0 w+ K, z# z, v4 ^4 [5 uC Wuthering Heights 5 o/ u1 G6 U1 l- B; [: \
D Middlemarch
. b0 p) q# |0 m6. _____is written by Theodore Dreiser. ) Z+ J$ }2 }2 H2 T2 {' K
A A Pslam of Life
0 L5 f) I& T, `; X: [B Sister Carrie . h2 d0 E# _) W3 a# N2 o
C Moby Dick
5 E' Y. G; ^1 v1 \D Emma
& [: O- m  L4 t9 |+ q* a0 b4 @7. ____ wrote The Grapes of Wrath.
. q* a0 q) X% H  {- J5 N& {2 @A John Steinbeck
& y- }* x% S& G& S. JB Eugene O’Neil
) N- B/ M! X8 I+ c! kC. F.Scott Fitzgerald 0 Y/ ]- t$ q) w: q
D Theodore Dreiser 7 Z( Y/ S1 |0 k# ?* j
8. Which of the following is not a compound word?
8 v7 ], G% s; p# u. \4 K) gA landlord ( A  s. s8 k2 C5 S& b1 m, Y3 t* k
B riverbed
1 O; l5 U, V+ f- l; o) ~6 j% a9 O8 sC throughout / o# d( I$ i# @  `: V4 \
D unbelievable ( ?6 n9 E% e$ e  q
9.Which of the following groups are complementary antonyms?
4 O3 E: q8 \  a0 R- iA good-bad
, H. }' M5 S5 L2 j3 W& VB buy-sell ; X! T; U  b! x/ Y1 v
C above-below
/ ^3 r/ X  w1 S. ZD boy-girl # H, F- `" T% F% U; _* `& ~3 e
10 ____can be defined as the study of how speakers use the sentences of the language to effect successful communication.# Z! h8 N2 D, ^, t; Z' \2 Q
A semantics
; t% b# G3 d/ g0 v) s) NB pragmatics
6 x/ h5 ?* \. ~C applied linguistics
; m7 |8 E- u7 jD sociolinguistics
/ x: f1 b* ~4 h( S7 ]( C5 _
: P7 N' z! K  r# G( t4 K答案
7 n. r- o% T  s/ z; jCCBAB BADDB

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