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[考试试题] 英语专业 四级词汇与语法全真模拟练习38

发表于 2012-8-14 11:54:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  今天我们要来复习的就是独立逐个结构.准备好笔记了吗?0 n5 ]" ]! H* {$ j4 ^
  1)名词 / 代词 + 分词
  V" V: p  E3 o: _3 a) E  The foreign travelers had many talks with the natives, the guide acting as an interpreter.
- P; b8 c" u1 G% o  He being absent, nothing could be done.
% i# u" O! S0 A$ o, R* }% \  The floor being wet and slippery, we stay outside.  R* c+ L4 r! l: }, Q" f* b
  All things considered, I think I ought to award the job to Mrs. Smith.1 Y+ v/ Y" t/ b% q
  •1. 独立主格结构的语法形式是:主语+非谓语动词。/ B6 f4 R, [: x8 r% P
  •2. 非谓语动词有三种:(1)to + v.& D) o) W1 I- {. Q( }# N9 [
  • (2)v. –ing  U* H* H" c5 {4 d1 J  p& d8 P
  • (3)v. –ed
: V6 D5 A; M: Z5 J/ [0 J" u  •3. 非谓语动词的特点:
. S7 i4 e) m9 {  • 1) 时间关系:(1) 不定式具有后时性+ i4 F3 p+ Z" |4 g- S+ ]0 v  J7 J
  • (2) –ing 分词具有同时性0 I: F. H' d/ S! Z3 s
  • (3) –ed 分词具有先时性
$ o) M3 b) L' j+ V. j, i% L+ q  e.g. Here are the first two volumes, the third one to come out next month. 8 k( Q/ _, H7 O' L
  They visited Danxia Mountain yesterday, Miss Lee acting as the tourist guide.
$ G6 Q8 z8 X6 \, K! G  His work done, he went home.
$ O2 f) o. B) I! p9 T8 @6 j  2)逻辑主语与非谓语动词的关系:. t- U& P# A* i0 k. P- W
  (1) –ing分词表主动6 ?3 i5 L: G- B- U
  (2) –ed分词表被动/ b) h- o' W  r) K2 N/ z& S
  e.g. He being sick in bed, the team had to find a replacement.  f: d) `) q+ I9 C  X. B% z8 j. N
  Weather permitting, we will go picnicking this weekend.& l6 l. h+ g5 l: w' j% ]4 ^
  The friendly match being over, the players of the two countries shook hands with each other.% b( _+ b: W$ O) |: Q+ q$ _0 G
  All the tickets sold out, they returned home disappointed.
- A" E( ?- q" r6 ?' g$ d& _  The dispute settled, the meeting came to an end.
. x: r7 q; `! g6 G) u* G% k  His voice drowned by the noise, the speaker interrupted his lecture.  
  t. G, Q3 L  u0 i1 q0 r9 e) p   现在你对独立主格的结构了解多少呢?那么喵喵跟你们讲一下解题要领,当然这是个人意见.如果你们有更好的解题办法记得告诉我哦!
/ \8 w; S* P8 E% M6 v" u- k  (1) 找出非谓语动词的逻辑主语
' a* G9 V, r* o/ A' C5 s  (2)弄清楚非谓语动词与逻辑主语的主被动关系
: ?  Q$ N3 A* B9 L# y$ L  (3) 弄清楚非谓语动词与主句动词的时间关系/ M$ z* r1 i+ z4 U9 G: E& k
  练习:, E# ~  R0 l3 K2 V  B
  1. The old writer could not sleep at night, his wrongs and sorrows ____ him no peace.) y4 M. i- ?( Z6 S+ {( F# ]$ E
  A. gave+ \& u6 g5 C' I& B* h$ S( I
  B. have given
; R1 w- _8 _$ Y: O9 u5 |; P! T  C. being given$ u+ I/ r! i/ c1 r$ i1 a9 _) x5 W" u
  D. giving; t* P: q) Q% h7 G
  2. Television has become as major instrument of communication, ____ us to see as well as to hear all kinds of programmes.
+ S7 \# s9 T7 u/ v# v; W; K: N  A. to permit
9 w" E! A$ {, N/ q  B. permitted
9 l& B7 p- p6 B  C. being permitting
5 w* Z* u( S0 z" ?5 ~* ]$ Z  D. permitting
/ G5 O- |; H1 F8 _  {5 E9 O  3. The decision ____, what is to be done now is how to carry it out.; g% w1 s- z  R3 z
  A. been made# A# W3 ~5 n* w* L( I& @
  B. has been made1 @! X0 I- b  q) d! G
  C. having been made# x' O& g* v( X9 x& ]* u6 a9 b
  D. having been making
+ A; k8 w5 ?( h; B( Y4 L7 O, [  4. Some people are sitting on the grass; others are strolling along the lake side, _____.
" c; g8 i6 b; ~$ p7 w- t( M  A. chatting and to laugh$ X' g& S, i, `& F7 e$ c1 f
  B. to chat and to laugh# J, M% C9 S3 l
  C. chatting and laughing
. ^2 V+ P/ q- c% M2 Z8 x  D. chatting and laughed
& |; {8 q4 p' ~, M  h' g  5. I was overjoyed at the news of my hometown ____ so much progress.7 t. }  Y( G' C; v5 C" M
  A. to make
6 R. O6 z( y" X* Z  B. to have made* g0 z4 Y6 t7 j
  C. made$ s4 T/ h) _' B6 ]3 u2 o# _* x
  D. having made
2 f! z1 {- D0 b) I+ x. ^1 |  答案:1-5DDCCD

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