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[PETS一级] 公共英语PETS1:英语写作范文17篇(13-17)

发表于 2012-8-14 12:18:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  情景:你刚上大学,想给高中班主任写一封信。$ Q1 e. O( d: e/ b
8 }# X: I+ O0 J  F7 H  C+ Z   1 你对大学生活的感觉如何; 2 大学与高中有什么区别; 3 简单谈谈自己的专业,课程情况。 / C* x- J8 w. H5 }* Z  U
  请用下面格式:; E' i6 s# t( F8 s, ^! e
   Mr. Zhang ,
! m" [  c0 F( G" a   ……4 c! _1 F% S  f5 A  ^
   Chen Feng
. l6 U; T' }2 o  m  V' U9 j/ k: o  范文:- E; G( a+ Y" S5 T1 c# `2 o
   Mr. Zhang ,1 K! n; \7 w7 [( ~' R- S5 P0 P: u! \
   Everything here is new to me . I think college life is very interesting . But we are busier at college than at middle school . And my classmates come from different parts of our country . The teachers use different ways of teaching too . I study physics . We have many course to attend . And we have to work hard to pass all the them .8 W% k1 y" h7 s4 s5 z  l0 K' j9 A
Chen Feng
+ j+ s- M" N* N3 P7 ~/ G, b/ G  请假条(Request for leave)* ~! n& q0 o( Q( E5 ^. S
  请假条常采用书信格式,比较正式,需写明日期、称呼、结尾和请假人的姓名,正文一定要写明请假的原因。如:% ^) n" B3 d5 |# V, k4 x
   6th May.20033 l8 F9 s. n! B" H# ^; M, m
   Dear Miss Wang,
5 n' H, `" E4 y* C   I’m feeling very sad today and can not come to work.The doctor advised me to stay in bed for a few days.Now I’m writing to ask for sick leave of three days.I’ll come back to work as soon as I feel better.! }! A$ _, s/ C3 A" I& Z( V
Yours truly,) w$ I/ [, J% l  V4 M
   Liu Ying" h0 i- p, `; M+ f! h8 o
  留言条(Message left)% W7 c) k! H- A4 |1 p5 Y; Y# J
  K- n2 d" A9 T, {7 U% c( B: a% U   3 p.m.Oct.4+ w7 U- F! h4 p/ r9 Z  q/ }, t; C1 m
0 T5 D1 f+ A8 A8 g5 h) k3 G   I arrived in Beijing this morning. At present,I am staying at Oriental Hotel,Room 1204.
, F1 q' p1 O; a2 j   I’ll leave Beijing in five days.Please come over or ring me up as soon as you read this note.
) q- W& _9 }0 y% @5 k, P* ]+ ]Jack
2 A. p$ l7 [. r3 ^- N$ V  通知(通告)(Notice)& q# H2 v" ^# b$ h6 x2 F- R
  g% a7 l" h# h# y& f, h/ s  {   Notice
7 ^" x! h5 F" U8 ?" ?   All teachers and students are requested to meet in the auditorium at 2:30 on Wednesday afternoon to hear a report on current international affairs by Mr. Liu from the Institute of Foreign Affairs.Be sure to attend on time.
( o( p1 a  j* [) }1 L# ]9 AThe President Office
5 A' [. m6 ~; z6 z' M6 {   October 8,2003
- U( n3 ^' B0 [1 Y0 u) w- j  启事(Notice)+ f: c0 H4 }/ L' c: j
  启事是一种公告性的通知,需要向公众说明什么事情,要求什么帮助都可以采用。把启事内容的要点作为标题写在启事的上方正中;启事的日期写在右上方;启事者名称在右下方;不用称呼语。如:% V* E# D+ _  e& b7 {$ s7 ^2 w$ p" `1 r
   A Wallet Found0 i6 R8 \  n2 q: C& ^9 T1 y
; r9 C& r/ _% a9 z& L# V   A Wallet was found in the lecture hall,inside of it are money and cards.Loser is expected to come to the Office of the Department of Foreign Languages to identify it./ ]* U  A# ?2 R% Q( P; p. p5 k
  The Office of the Department
( o: C3 L8 s! M( P# j   of Foreign Languages
" O* \/ C2 p/ K: D& k/ A; a  书信(Letter)9 K( l& r! `0 V( T: w2 e
  书信的格式是:信头(发信人的地址和日期),位于信纸的右上角;信内地址(收信人的地址,私人信件可省去),位于信头下两行左边;称呼,位于信内地址下;正文,位于称呼下,缩进两个字符;署名,位于正文下两行右边;签名,位于结尾下。如:0 n- x6 O  P. m( h2 w1 x- W# [
   No.4, Jianguo Rd, Shanghai
) w+ q! @0 w  }" H8 c' h   May 24th,20031 ^! x3 z; R# K
   Dear Sister,+ m' A% A4 |! ?& Q. p& }7 j# H$ v
   It has been half a year since you left home.I miss you very much.Luckily,I’ll come to Guangzhou to attend a meeting on May 10th.The meeting will last five days.I will come to see you during my staying in Guangzhou and we can have a good talk.
6 s. F3 i5 C' `- v8 ~   I’m looking forward to seeing you!
2 N0 ]. i( A. B# t4 V2 p   Yours,
0 x, B0 S" j& q! B' q1 R% K   Zhangli

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