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[PETS二级] 2012年公共英语PETS-2考试辅导资料02

发表于 2012-8-14 12:34:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Jun arrives at the home of Bob, Laura, and son Judd Robinson
3 @$ p* c5 P! Q  K% s  Laura: Welcome to our home, Jun. You're the first guest our son Jason has sent us from Asia!3 b( j1 p0 H% s9 l# t4 B% d" ^( m
  Jun: I'm so lucky to have met him near McDonald's last week, right after winning this plane ticket to the States.3 f7 G/ \" _# {6 I; O5 E& }( S
  Laura: You sure are lucky. And we're so proud that Jason chose to spread the word of God in Asia.2 ~1 Z) Z  l2 k6 }# V- e
  Jun: Well, thank you so much for taking me in. I've brought you some of best oolong tea as a gift. Hope you like it.
3 g% {, g0 t$ x9 |0 z. D8 g  (下期续)
! n+ N- e" C6 m: V. e  小君抵达鲍伯、劳拉和他们的儿子贾德罗宾森家  ^0 w( I; n/ b  s  s' R* `% V4 k
  劳拉:欢迎光临我们家,小君。你是我们儿子杰森第一个从亚洲送来的客人。/ d% D$ ~4 N: T1 n9 o1 U
  小君:我真是太幸运了,上星期才刚抽中一张到美国的机票,就在麦当劳门口遇见他。: C" y. B. y3 v4 D. @( o
" N  U' l3 b6 x) Q* H  小君:很谢谢你们让我住在这里。我带了一些最好的乌龙茶当礼物送你们。希望你们喜欢。: v8 L* G6 l0 {, h, q& u1 U
  重点解说:- g/ r8 E! h, Q6 N& ~. f8 Q
  ★ spread the word of God 传教( U$ S( c' E. ^, b
  ★ take someone in 留(某人)寄宿   Trev, Paul and Wei are standing in their underwear+ i& Y' a2 R6 Z! E) b
  Wei They took everything, even our clothes!4 Y; e2 ~$ @' y$ g; s8 u
  Paul: It's all your fault, Trev!& o' U- `" U9 ^, o% Q  ^
  Wei: Did you see the way they were looking at me? How horrible!# F' Z8 O' o5 g4 X* L$ l# h
  Paul: At least they didn't take you, too.' K8 V4 G2 Z; o! [  u# F
  Wei: What do we do now?+ Y0 e4 I  S( D3 ?  q1 z6 ^* R7 ~
  Paul: We have to call the police.
' R$ c  F5 o1 G! r) l/ n  S  Wei: I can't walk out there in my underwear!+ \  [; I7 i0 v+ N# \2 s; W0 E
  Paul: Use that trash bag over there. Trev, I'm never going to forgive you.
; h! o( m$ b' T5 X  Wei: Me, neither! Not unless you figure a way out of this mess!
. ?' h; L# x/ E( f, G9 v3 ]% |  (续上期,下期续)
0 M7 I* L+ E' U4 `  崔佛、保罗和小薇穿着内衣裤站着
: t$ T9 M6 ?$ a- D  小薇︰他们拿走所有的东西,甚至连衣服也不放过。1 r9 E1 N9 e; c5 y  Q8 s
! o5 D5 j5 I" q! Z7 b/ k: f4 |  小薇︰你有看到他们看我的样子吗?真是可怕!) d' z5 N# ]1 C6 w7 X9 n1 I* g. W
+ O: A1 o$ n7 P  k& n  小薇︰我们现在该怎么办?
8 k3 G7 t) T3 A6 [5 {3 g  保罗︰我们必须报警。; O. d6 e1 a; J
  小薇︰我不能这样穿着内衣裤走出去。) _  x/ F# t/ c
& n' x/ ~3 i' b& m* B* u- Z  小薇︰我也是!除非你想到法子收拾这个烂摊子。
* D/ s5 a# P6 F9 ^6 d# @9 ?9 V  重点解说:
' d* j5 P0 c( g  ★ not unless 除非$ c- x. p# L. c$ v7 |2 V
  ★ underwear (n.) 内衣裤(集合名词,单复数同形)
( O% T8 F! o) q* ~% L  ★ horrible (a.) 可怕的

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