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[PETS三级] 2010年公共英语三级阅读辅导(十)

发表于 2012-8-14 13:02:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.& `  D. m5 C! t+ b9 d$ M8 C3 B
  Text: W& ?2 W) q$ o; @% O
  If you are worried about things and are under a lot of stress at work or school, then you are probably not sleeping well. Worry can keep you awake, tossing and _______26in bed until the early hours of the morning when you eventually_______27asleep. When you wake up, you don' t feel_______28, but tired and worn out and_______29to face a new day.) j9 n: v- t) |# `4 s
  Dr. Henry Winkle, in a recent newspaper article_______30Stress and Sleep, _______31that stress and lack of sleep are directly_______32. Dr. Winkle says, "the more we worry, the33we sleep, the more we are unable to deal with_______34If we can find a way to get a good night' s sleep," he_______35,"we can often find the36to deal with what's worrying us. "
7 P) |( E9 L1 t& t  So, what is a good night' s sleep? Research shows that the amount of sleep which people need in order to keep healthy_______37a lot. Seven hours is about the average amount, _______38strangely enough, sleeping longer often gives you a headache_______39of making you feel more refreshed.
4 B* m7 C0 t1 c4 d' V& Y$ e  Dr. Winkle believes that preparing for sleeping is important. People who work late should try to give themselves a short_______40and do something restful before going to bed. This could be watching TV or listening to music. Doing some exercise_______41 in the day should help yon to feel physically as well as______________42tired. A bedtime drink can also help, but coffee or tea should be avoided as they contain caffeine (咖啡因) and will keep you ________________43"When you put the light _______44," Dr. Winkle says, "concentrate on relaxing your muscles. Working slowly up from your feet, and you'll be asleep_______45 you know it. "  w* @' h& w) L: E- P9 {! Y
7 ?% W3 m/ V( z2 n  B.rolling
& Z7 s1 v  \: R& {* O: ]  C.twisting6 M; m5 k5 n6 y4 d
  D.rotating+ c  N. O% b2 I# j5 A* n
  27. A.find) y2 x+ Z7 ^  q, r2 k/ L" _$ q
  B.feel# X% A) `6 Y+ p* {0 j
  C.drop' B5 C# @4 y- _; R
; U7 n* d# j2 a6 s  o4 n0 j/ y  28.A.relieved
' @& n- {7 p8 l2 e% \: e  B.renewed) P( K0 ~, U' V& [& C* _
  C.refreshed. t" |/ T- ~* n, X
9 `; Z* j5 d) p1 F9 Y  29.A.impossible
" W8 |, S7 R; {8 G% R) K  B.unable3 b% ?/ [  C# ~% V+ ~
  C.powerless( ]8 l( x, `7 t8 W+ K4 u, R
  D.incapable( \9 a; L8 i# C+ I( Z
9 d- H( j. v* ?" z* u  B.labeled1 P. z" Q) @; @' F
  C.entitled5 [" ]% U5 c2 P/ @& |* l; g9 N5 s
  D.named1 J4 i7 d2 ?& v: t
# w" W2 O4 ~9 {  L/ u  B.suggests: f2 a( X8 D" `. `
2 H/ k& `5 W( M" [- V" E  D.indicates& ^( h: O" |7 @
  32.A.related6 ]+ f8 G2 x" n: [
$ K7 D& Y" j% r4 l- T" J( l! o% J1 L  C.combined
0 T4 _$ U% M  Z9 j  D.put together6 O  Z& J& q% H5 k. p( K
5 R( ^, z: s0 ?2 A  {. D  B.less$ z( W9 l+ ]* x- |8 {) U; C
! ]' N/ X3 ^+ _  D.later
' H) y, ]2 m2 z; x* k( y  34.A 1 nervousness
  {; _% ~% q7 D( k4 p  B.anxiety
' {7 o7 E$ M' N* q9 I6 _  C.stress+ I% U  d) S# a( O) S  U
  D.tension  |* [9 o) A" ]3 T- |# H8 E
  35.A.enhances: k4 t& `3 o. x  D" E( b3 c
$ b" p9 t6 T, v2 {' t  C.inserts
8 Z* v# R8 o& }( z, H; T0 a  D.adds& `6 ^3 c. i2 P& p. x% F* M" \- ^
  36.A.power8 F2 m' O0 O' c- O# w8 _
. p& H5 V# `1 R  C.vigor
1 J' l7 {' n/ W) ?2 B2 \& ]" n  D.force
6 |1 b9 v4 p2 k1 K: {* ]5 @( B  37.A.varies
. ~* y7 H  M) S$ M- f$ j, K  B.differs9 f% B! S( z2 k& }* T! [9 o8 N
( I; u' \! ?% Q) g& x/ m  D.contrasts
! b. _* P1 a# ]0 B3 l6 X  38.A.nevertheless
7 d, y8 O6 Q+ ]2 ]. k  B.since" ]1 u* i# p3 F- m" @. ?9 T: ]
' W% A% a* ^/ B4 f: g  D.however
& N* g. P5 B8 L  O$ V9 X. u  39.A 1 because1 k9 `0 ?: h1 k; |
  B.spite7 ?) G/ C$ m* T7 E  E
  C.despite0 ]' X0 j0 K7 p$ ^4 @1 g' C
  D.instead6 O, y5 X% k4 x1 j1 g- I' ^" B3 E
  40.A.pause- A+ E) P3 F8 P( F- n" t+ @
  I B.break$ |$ P; F9 M4 M/ |3 F' ]' O
( }/ K1 p% {4 c7 @) S  D 1 interruption
" V' F9 V9 Y/ L2 Q7 v( h  41.A.earlier8 o1 G7 o3 n2 L  |" j. p: i
  B.early6 @9 Q2 t% D' p
  C.previously" t1 w& s9 m. ?1 y
5 z" R5 u6 r/ v# X# e  42.A.spiritually' D* o3 |4 S+ }
8 G' d# l$ R0 x: o. K, u" B: H  C.mentally
8 H+ k* U0 g* k' F1 z- F  D.emotionally
! p5 o# ~( U8 A3 Q6 E- Z) \. ~  43.A.asleep) v( R% [* N. z5 E9 O" T; l
, m& U1 f  ?6 d" F$ t% r  C.alert4 N# U' [" D& `
  D.active2 q+ E" p/ }  u$ t5 y. l" `
$ z8 a: c2 j& y  B.on
5 k# `) ?- G  k  C.away
: y7 F1 N2 {* w$ F* ~  D.off
4 [6 {* u& e+ X: ^; t- c  m  45.A.as soon as& a6 `& C/ x3 h, z* j8 K
8 S' j3 c' y. V, n% z0 E9 G  C.before% Y% \8 s6 p. y
' p9 `1 g+ m" P2 R$ F3 Q  英语知识运用参考译文0 w; f+ e0 ]3 m# Z, G+ i$ ^) X
  如果你正为某些事情担心或是在工作上、学业中承受着很大的压力,你极有可能睡得不好。忧虑使你无法入睡,你在床上辗转反侧,直到清晨时分才能睡得着觉。醒来的时候,你并不觉得精神焕发神清气爽,而是精疲力竭,无法迎接新一天的来临。0 \) f/ ]# S4 S$ T, e; b$ x
  近期的报纸上刊登了一篇亨利?温可尔博士的文章,题目是《压力与睡眠》.温可尔博士认为压力和睡眠不足有直接的联系。他说:“我们越是忧心忡忡,睡得就越少,也就越没有办法对抗忧虑。”他还补充说:“如果能找到使自己睡个好觉的方法,我们就能有足够的精力解决我们的问题。”0 U- j) Y( S$ |0 J. F5 c9 x
6 ~/ s) f4 X& ~  温可尔博士认为睡前的准备工作是很重要的。工作到很晚的人临睡前应该稍稍休息一下,做点有助于放松的事,可以看看电视或听听音乐。早晨做运动也会使人在身体上和精神上有疲劳感。睡前喝点饮料也有助于睡眠,但不要喝茶或咖啡,因为它们含有的咖啡因会使你无法入眠。温可尔博士指出:“关灯之后,你就该集中精神放松你的肌肉。慢慢地从脚开始放松,就会不知不觉地进入梦乡了。”

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