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[PETS三级] 2012年公共英语三级阅读类点题辅导04

发表于 2012-8-14 13:02:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
I have a toothache.
# m" Y( I4 m, t1 T牙痛的时候令人不想开口说话,不想吃东西,很不自在,你可告诉别人:I have a toothache. (我现在牙痛)。牙齿的毛病有很多, 例如:I have a cavity(我有蛀牙) 、 I have sensitive teeth that hurt easily (我的牙齿很敏感,容易受损)、 I need to have a tooth pulled /extracted (我需要拔牙)等。
* r2 Z2 \4 T3 R6 y对 话
' f1 y/ q6 ^1 t, xKate: Why re you pulling such strange faces?
% \/ a4 w- A+ x, RRonald: I'm in a lot of pain. I have a toothache.
0 S" f5 X* a+ \3 KKate: Well stop putting up with the pain and go see a dentist.  E% {4 o+ o3 m1 H7 f6 t0 ~) Q
Ronald: The pain of getting his bill will be far greater than this. Here, hold this string. (Ronald has string tied to his tooth to do a DIY extraction) I'll show those over-priced quacks.
4 q! f% i6 A& r; a凯伊:为什么你的样子那么古怪?
" i4 R( P9 e$ z, {罗讷德:我很痛苦,我的牙很痛。
  k, N9 Y) o0 l1 q" q0 }, E" Q$ `' t凯伊:那么别再撑了,去看牙医吧。www.ExamW.CoM
/ N0 _0 b/ i$ F9 B' i罗讷德:收到他的账单比现在更痛苦,来吧,拿着绳子(自行拔牙),我要叫那些收费高得离谱的庸医看看我的手段。0 H6 a: e. ?# k) r& p( w: h
罗讷德牙痛,凯伊劝他说:Stop putting up with the pain and go see a dentist.(别再撑了,去看牙医吧)。但罗讷德决定自己脱牙:I'll show those over-priced quacks.(叫那些收费高得离谱的庸医看看我的手段)。# u& A2 G) Z# ^
I'll show you/him等是成语,直译是‘我要向你/他证明’,有‘要证明自己并非那么不济’含义,例如:Do you think I won't be able to take revenge? I'll show you!(你以为我没法报复?你等着瞧吧!)
6 y5 ?, K5 e6 C0 VPut up with是动词词组(phrasal verb),意思是‘忍受’,例如:He had to put up with an overbearing boss(他那个上司很横蛮,他也只好忍着)。‘忍痛’可以叫做to put up with/endure/bear pain,例如:The pain he was subjected to was more than a man could put up with/endure/bear(加在他身上的痛苦,非人所能承受)。
( r& a: c& r7 l1 K, b; q6 |留意go see a dentist这说法。Go、come二字之后,可用‘to+原形动词(infinitive)’,例如:(1) I went to see a dentist(我去看牙医)。(2) Tom came to talk to me about the matter(汤姆来找我谈这件事)。随便一点的说法,则是用‘and+动词’取代‘to+原形动词’,例如:(1) I went and saw a dentist。(2) Tom came and talked to me about the matter。美式英文有时更会把and或to略去,以go或come和另一动词连用,例如:(1) I will go see a dentist。(2) Come talk to me about the matter。但这个说法的go、come必须用原形(infinitive),不可说I went see the dentist等等.

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