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[考试试题] 2012下半年公共英语考试三级精选练习04

发表于 2012-8-14 13:09:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
At the dinner table! F9 k4 W. S  _1 _
Judd: I'll say grace tonight. Our heavenly father, thank you for your mercy in providing us with this food. Please give your light and blessings to our guest, Jun. Amen. [everyone says “Amen”]中华考试网
' j; E( m4 x7 c0 \, R0 NJun: Thank you, Judd. You look just like your brother! [takes a bite of chicken] This is delicious! So, Jason told me that you're already a priest?. F; T8 @+ I- T& H9 F
Judd: Yes, I may be only sixteen, but yes. We young Mormon men enter the Aaronic priesthood when we're twelve. We help out with church functions and prepare to be missionaries.
/ o( I8 K/ _# s1 c在晚餐桌上  z& j4 C* d# A6 D& ^1 v6 ]
贾德:今晚我来带餐前祷告。我们的天父,谢谢您的慈悲赐给我们这些食物。请把您的光荣与祝福带给我们的客人,小君。阿们。(大家说‘阿们’)$ i9 H, ^, L$ L/ V+ X
小君:谢谢你,贾德。你看起来就像是你哥!(咬了一口鸡肉)这真好吃!杰森跟我说你已经是个牧师了?. i2 B+ m( E# @3 x8 h, l7 T
/ ?/ g8 |! x; \  D6 m重点解说:9 p" |4 `# k# T& S( F! V
★ heavenly (a.) 天国的,神圣的。heavenly father就是指‘天父’7 f3 |. ^% R) b; {3 }
★ mercy (n.) 怜悯,慈悲
' ^5 b* v0 I6 P★ provide (v.) 提供: z$ e( l+ {- l, a, Z4 y
★ light (n.) 光明。blessing (n.) 赐福,祝福
5 y" u' d3 t* A( q★ priest (n.) 牧师,神职人员。missionary (n.) 传教士中华考试网(www.Examw。com)& ~7 I$ c1 w3 x) ~+ y# _4 M
★ Aaronic priesthood 摩门教次级教士身分
0 V% s/ H4 f/ I+ {. `* P! X* I★ function (n.) 职责,职务

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