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[PETS四级] 公共英语考试:四级口语练习-健康话题

发表于 2012-8-14 13:19:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
4 T; X0 P5 K# \2 Z" G  Festivals and Events' h; m# M) z3 i4 h  ~& n1 v
  1) My favorite holiday is Christmas.
, i9 j/ b6 r0 p: u2 C  我喜欢的节日是圣诞节。
  r6 k, x1 V' C5 U8 d% u2 l) F; N  2) Our family always has a traditional Christmas.: K$ \. Q. ]% ]. a: b
* Y) p& U. O" i  3) Mother begins baking cookies two weeks before Christmas.
. c! [7 `5 n6 o% d  自圣诞节的两周以前,母亲就开始做小甜饼了。
/ z' p4 m% _% h# W6 ^% g. W. E! B  * begin + ~ing “开始~”
& Z, n8 O/ o( j& K8 T4 f  e.g. When did you begin learning English?* w+ b! l5 U9 r: w
+ a. Y8 f+ Q9 z7 @9 ^) S( @" m/ ]  4) We always open Christmas present on Christmas morning.! K, a' W7 |& d3 m, r
: c5 Z# x$ k/ ~  5) Christmas Day we have a large dinner with many different things to eat.1 m& ?- n, ]1 K& g" S0 ^3 h0 S
* d/ A. ~1 b+ C7 e  6) New year's Eve comes one week after Christmas.
9 B6 D/ S: v2 E$ x* b- K" P! a  新年夜在圣诞节的一周后到来。
6 k$ m; |0 Z5 I7 ?  7) Many people go to gay New Year parties.
9 D+ b  ~( {7 X; N  很多人都去参加新年派对。! Z- U" O) u: y! @2 z  c
  8) At twelve o'clock midnight people blow horns, yell, and kiss each other5 t+ I" W9 h+ X' s2 A7 }1 ?0 ]
  to welcome in the New Year.
: B/ i" r" r5 e1 g" _, j6 v* F4 g  到了午夜十二点,大家都吹吹喇叭、高声喊叫、相互接吻来庆祝新年。
) I3 D2 }# E, I- C  \  9) People usually stay out very late on New Year's Eve.
. ]$ Q- N* K9 y9 t( F  新年夜,人们通常都出去到很晚。9 H* {% S8 ~$ D+ p
  * stay out “外出”
. Z( b5 `! C' K  ^; \  1) How are you feeling today?% [. \) T* \5 g( Y  w
* i# \$ g3 K) H& a) p9 `, a4 O. ^) l8 n" W% k* ]4 Z. B( M5 ]$ ?! Z
  * 这句话用于问病人,对健康的人是用“How are you?”

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 13:19:24 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  2) You look more rested than I've seen you before.; O4 X5 E5 V/ f+ e# ~
  你比上次我看到你的时候精神多了。- [7 {3 ]9 q' N5 m  X
  * look 是“看似……”的意思。
- Y+ B2 w5 c: x  e.g. She looks very happy. He looks pale.
* b$ `! R1 z+ _& Z7 c1 t2 p* F  她看上去很幸福。他脸色苍白。
- h3 y7 R7 g, d  3) You look tired. Have you been getting enough sleep?
5 _1 ?' Z9 B; z6 V; [9 K: e+ \/ J8 z  你似乎累了。睡眠充足吗?- Y! y, |$ ?' L5 _1 l6 r
  4) I'm afraid I've let myself get run-down. I've been working too hard.7 H0 F9 N3 M* R  }6 k8 \
( v" _0 y7 c4 ]4 D7 W  * run-down 是指因过于劳累而使身体衰弱。
% x. Z) Z3 @3 s1 W/ d  5) You must go easier on yourself; you look exhausted.
/ G& A; b1 c& z2 y  你不可以太勉强,你的身体似乎太疲劳了。
8 d6 V# o# J) Y- g3 ?. s  s  * go easy 是“轻松地做”。0 i! U% q5 h, c% w6 C: F  j
  exhausted 是“疲劳了”。
2 ]9 y: ?5 n2 T8 e& k% e/ w) }  6) I've had this cough for a week now.
) @. h, ~2 K* X  我这样咳嗽已经一周了。
8 V, b# ?7 S& O( w  {- y7 Y  * 这时候,你应该说:That's too bad. I hope you get well soon.' I% \  J* P8 {1 V# L7 x* O
5 {4 o; Q$ C+ h, w2 d8 p: Y  7) I heard you'd been sick.
' f( a" \& v* y9 n% B$ U  听说你身体不舒服。6 I9 T$ \4 S5 Y  x8 u
  * 此际若附加一句“I feel for you.”,便是表示对对方的轻意同情。; E; K% C7 ]* ?7 f
8) Do you feel better now?. A% T6 r2 _6 x+ K4 Z4 Y" Y$ D
8 W# p, p8 E% g3 ?  9) Are you over your cold yet?
- _) q+ I- _' `6 b$ s4 |$ _" e% \) o
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 13:19:25 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  * 这里的 over 是用于“结束、完成”之意时。
# H( c0 q3 _8 e+ \  细思算,奇葩艳卉,惟是深红浅白而已。+ g# ]  s3 X& ^( K2 l
  争如这多情,占得人间,千娇百媚。$ }0 v# t2 ^* _9 \0 `8 Q' z
# C, V$ j, M) X5 W5 n& {  自古及今,佳人才子,少得当年双美。  q) l4 x" k% W) _1 r, y
  10) You'd better see a doctor about that stomachache.: C' c: J: ?, U+ X5 f" b1 T
$ {0 T, s) F( k$ j! r) g' e  11) Henry got a toothache and asked to be excused.
% h  `3 G! C* d5 z  亨利牙疼,请求离开一下。, R" u2 x, r: i0 j1 B
  12) She took an aspirin to relieve her headache.# M* J6 h  j. v
$ }/ t) D" V) z' P  13) I'm going to have some x-rays taken.
' D- t8 l; W8 p" ?  我要拍摄X光照片。
; H4 u5 b& \3 B3 U; f# r, @  * 指使人做某事的表达,当以“have(get) something + 过去分词”的句型最为便利。
7 t" K6 u0 X7 p0 S  14) How long have you had this pain?0 e* ]$ [0 m  F+ R& i
( C" R1 S& Z0 D" Y/ w7 d  * 说“~痛”有“have a pain in ...”的表达法。
7 a/ R: c$ P' A( w0 ^; G3 w5 Q  e.g. She has a pain in her stomach.1 ?+ T! `" s6 m+ d5 s4 i
  她胃痛。0 b# C+ D: W/ Y) G9 a1 k# Q0 F, r
  15) It is probably only the flu (influenza).
& ]& J" m; b) Z  可能只是流行性感冒吧。& y- o- [: ]& @6 q1 i: G
  * influenza 是指流行性感冒,通常加定冠词使用。
* I$ o* ?$ @& U" Y6 C  16) Here's a prescription for a painkiller.! P( T  Y6 x/ z$ i
) ]# y, u; H% i; p4 a  17) These pills can be obtained by prescription only.. }* Y: O" Q& A8 O, o
) k" @5 z+ `3 i3 k6 s. J- u! B  * 在美国,原则上若没有 prescription 便不能买药。
% n# q0 o% H% }, t9 H2 E0 G  18) Call me tomorrow if you don't feel better.4 A( `' [3 ?5 [, D
  明天如果没有好转,就打电话给我。3 O5 K5 S0 C; N( G7 f' k: a/ q
, ?% u  U" A4 [7 u  z
  19) I'm going to the hospital tomorrow for tests.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 13:19:26 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  我明天要去医院接受检查。
$ u0 G" E$ ]- ~  d  a  20) It's nothing serious; just some routine examination (checkups).
  T6 [! Q6 A1 R  这并不是什么了不起的事,只不过是常规检查而已。
8 T' l7 Q: x7 ~8 J7 v+ b  * 这句话用来安慰接收检查者,使其不必紧张忧虑。% |4 q7 U0 B6 a2 G: J
  routine 是“日常的,例行的,常规的”的意思。% _8 _' a5 F' M6 T5 I7 \
  21) When will you be released?- D: a* R$ U9 X3 ^3 _) I5 E  y( q
9 F4 y5 R4 g1 A  * be released 原意是“被释放”,这里做“出院”解。
# z: E! b8 F5 S7 D) K" J; T$ _9 S4 E  22) My brother was discharged from hospital last week.
6 A  y0 }9 `: ~3 }: K  我兄弟是上周出院的。
. c) ^) D6 h' m- a  * be discharged from hospital 是出院的另一种表达。
# J+ x" p/ j' d% S+ F+ T  W$ m1 m2 Y  23) When are visiting hours over?) s+ n5 }" h  u7 M3 W* B2 e) Q
  探病的时间到几点为止呢?1 P2 P$ P3 x$ z
  * visiting hours 探望时间
+ B; a) |# `+ n  business hours 营业时间
7 B7 |  e8 O2 {' K$ j  working hours 上班时间% e  W  ?  d6 L( ~. D) G" O% Q
  24) The operation was a success. She's now in recovery.; q1 F. E: l4 X+ {1 H/ Z0 E
  手术进行的很顺利,她正在恢复中。6 P9 _& A# c: U  @1 W
  * recovery 是“复原,痊愈”的意思,常用于 recovery from 的词组中。
( {2 |3 Z. O5 y/ o0 q& e$ P) K  e.g. She made a quick recovery from her illness.; b( i& w5 O: g8 q
  她很快病愈。( u9 _, [' P; F1 S6 h4 X1 b
  25) He must have three more weeks of rest before he is released.
1 x, _# E) Z) ]. S) y  他在出院以前,还需要三周时间的静养。3 E! u! a3 Z. ]8 A" A
  26) The bone will have to be re-set.- r5 v, k7 R3 X6 M3 r
, ^) ]" q& }0 {  * have to = must
0 y. e; x" i3 ^: q4 T! A  re-set 的 re- 是“再次”的词冠。  e( y' Z: ^1 u# I' x# A1 M+ Z
  27) It'll take a few more weeks for the bone to mend.1 E* _8 b8 \4 }/ M
  还需要花两三周骨头才能复原。  T7 o; D5 Q$ Z: h: i
  * mend = recover “生病等痊愈”
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