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[PETS四级] 公共英语考试:四级口语练习-恐怖与惊奇

发表于 2012-8-14 13:19:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 10.How Terrible!   Oh, on! A ghost! 哇!有鬼呀!
# B7 {: C. \$ `/ d! `! U  My goodness! A snake! 天呀!有蛇!( \  y. A  {. V- ]1 K
  His eyes will pop out in astonishment. 他因为害怕而瞪大了眼睛。
8 {6 d, Y! `* }, O+ ]0 O  Frightened to death. 吓死人了。, j7 ]1 D; O# T/ x6 x
  Shook up. 吓住。
! \; [- n. d; g: x7 \  I've lost my nerve. 我失去了勇气。
7 C- L) C/ e% q2 X$ a/ h  She is scared to death. 她吓得半死。0 _2 C1 P1 C. P  [- P" I1 @
  How awful. 多可怕呀!
# z+ Q9 b5 x- Y7 C+ {  He is shocked. 他受到了打击。
  P0 _: B/ c, @% @+ b  She will be amazed when she wakes up for dinner. 她要是在吃晚餐的时候醒来。必定会大吃一惊。
8 W! d9 n# _8 a2 T' S  OPPS! 哇!
5 w6 M  |2 f5 K- G, y  He is surprised. 他大为惊讶。
2 N8 x0 |& a4 ^3 {: e+ Y& |  She cried with shock. 她因受惊吓而喊叫。2 W: J; d8 e3 ]: I) [$ N
  She was so stunned, that she couldn't speak. 她惊愕得说不出话来。
) v. X, P3 [- b- o  The crowd gasped with astonishment. 大家惊讶的屏住呼吸。1 J9 b, K3 B4 B
  He surprised them, so they gave up quietly. 他出其不意地袭击了他们,因此他们乖乖地投降了。
" ^0 ]5 x' b8 f" z; q  They jumped at the unexpected noise. 他们因突如其来的声音吓得跳了起来。2 L3 h; L  z$ p4 Q$ _$ L
  She screamed in astonishment. 她惊吓得发出尖叫。
- h3 l  G# H8 F  g, q7 E  He was so startled that he yelled. 他惊吓得高声喊叫。% n2 U7 l, y6 d
  He turned white with amazement. 他害怕得脸都苍白了。! P" z$ G- v6 Z" L% C# e
  Got all in a panic. 惊恐万分。

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