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[PETS四级] 公共英语考试:四级口语练习-校园生活

发表于 2012-8-14 13:19:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  H2 W4 O& R6 E  School & College
1 p1 a1 y' J: V: |$ e# [. M  1) Their son will start college in September.
' b* X; s4 K, G* b/ V/ Q  他们的儿子将于九月份开始上大学。
2 y0 |: }: F( I/ W  2) What courses will you be taking this semester?
( U$ W% c/ ], t! ], x6 Y  你本学期打算修什么科目?$ j9 n( U6 P5 t7 }3 ?
  * semester 是指一年二学期制下的“学期”。# R0 N. }, V4 |
  3) There are three terms in a school year.
- s" I- f, I* k) @6 p8 k# v  一学年有三个学期。
4 b: S: t( B3 z  D" {  * 西方的教育体系和我们的有所不同。term 是指一年三学期制下的“学期”。3 e0 }4 N. H; }
  4) I still have to fill 16 hours in my major." g4 l! B. ^* t
. m, W- X4 S4 I9 r  5) Besides the required courses, I'm taking an elective in the Lab Science.
4 r+ C& E/ C5 [% U1 T- ^6 E: A  除必修科目外,选修科目我选了实验科学。
& T, g5 T, i" S5 `4 W  * required courses 是“必修科目”,elective 是“选修科目”。
6 v& K2 ~) T( p  Lab 是 laboratory(实验室)的缩写。7 B1 n7 A% _' s- s
  6) For my math requirements, I'll be taking algebra, calculus, and trig.4 Z: V& g: [! W
  数学的必修学分预定选代数、微积分、三角法。' a+ ]7 q" _3 B- v$ O
  * trig = trigonometry 三角法,trig 是学生用语。- w1 {, ?% Q, L2 Q/ {2 C/ S
  7) The prerequisite for Chinese Lit is Freshman Lit and Comp.
/ Z6 y: e) Z* O6 a  若要从事中国文学,必须在一年级修文学与作文。# L0 I! E7 _' w( \; Y
  * Lit = literature
; t* D- W' p8 X: B* H+ `& ?' F  Comp = composition5 x4 Y7 u9 Z" P
  freshman 是大学一年级的学生。% X6 m- V. H1 g1 g6 A
  8) Three times a week I have to walk all the way to the gym for my Phys Ed class.; _* w# Z0 h$ g; g$ r  S' q# Y
8 d7 t9 d1 Z9 _% t2 l" z1 a  * Phys Ed = physical education) f) b* q0 V& \5 i& I$ L9 P+ g* s
  all the way 有“远途”的意思,有相当遥远的感觉。
. k. N4 L4 a# Q4 y! ^  9) I still need three more credits in Psych; maybe I'll take Ed Psych this term.
. F4 a( v& A( }  心理学我还需要三个学分。或许我在本学期修教育心理学。
: _. v6 ^6 ~, |3 E+ j6 q% [  * Psych = psychology
9 g! g7 Y4 }& a- }0 V& V  Ed Psych = educational psychology
, i5 f" ?$ T, n0 L, k, \  10) He received full credit for his studies at a previous school.( J+ A. Q: W9 A+ Y+ s
  他在一所先前的学校取得了所有课程的学分。$ ^) d2 x# w6 z' \2 `$ U5 K
  11) I'm being kept very busy with my required reading for Sosh this quarter.: ?. b& \3 o# {3 w
  本学期有许多必须为上社会学而读的东西,我太忙了。6 v' z/ l" C4 B+ ]
  * Sosh = Sociology) m+ q. B4 |: E+ l6 ?
  quarter 是指一年四学期制的“学期”,大约持续三个月,即 trimester。
9 K3 X9 T8 T% q. A6 E* v0 @  12) Next week I must start my term paper for Poli Sci.
; g% a9 h! g+ \  到下周,我必须着手写政治学的期末论文了。
* R* G5 P) I" {/ F# {5 _7 O0 m0 d  * Poli Sci = political science- G( h) v! A0 @' z
  13) I've arranged my class schedule so I'll have my afternoons free.8 C7 |+ \6 x# X4 F& J5 w& m' E2 j0 l

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