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[PETS四级] 公共四级英语口语练习之享受吃喝

发表于 2012-8-14 13:19:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 47. To Enjoy Eating: . T% |8 w( Z8 m2 a, i
  to wait hungrily 饿着肚子等着
/ ~0 ?) g2 }# V' c4 X" E  to devour the turkey 大嚼火鸡肉 0 S, R, b) Y% i3 Z9 Z
  to eat barbecued meat 吃烧烤全牲 , @3 c, j8 \9 m8 U1 v# }
  Delicious! 味道真棒!
5 Z  ?8 h& ?$ X) Z9 Q6 d5 c  to cook barbecue 烹调烤肉 6 B: M  X8 r" x& t  {9 d' i
  To toast, their health! 为了健康干杯!
4 _2 n& B$ A1 k  Bottoms up! 干杯! + ~, K+ U3 a: H7 \+ p; q
  to gulp liquor 一饮而尽
$ K" _4 K* E. r9 X7 N& d) Q9 p/ K  full to the brim 斟满酒
1 T; p0 T& w/ U" p  to heat 热一热 / M- x# |. v1 R9 C
  What's so funny? 什么事那么好笑?
" P3 i. w1 l2 o$ _  to sip a cocktail 啜吸鸡尾酒 - M% |9 n  t7 Q, |
  to blow smoke rings 喷出烟圈
! ^# T4 q7 w! R8 j) u) Q% X# O2 b4 x  to carry a tray of food 用盘子端食物
; Q9 ^$ H" w' Q# E$ S" ~0 _' z5 c" W  to fry eggs sunny-side up 煎一面的荷包蛋
: s0 G8 f# @( i2 {9 Q  to toast 敬酒 9 q" }, L" G5 k
  to smoke a cigarette 吸烟 - Q, l9 [1 E, P* S- U
  to drink brandy 喝白兰地 2 W7 {4 c6 l7 L& J& x
  still full 还很饱(还不饿) ( \# O/ B% C# s- Y# Q
  starved to death 饿死了(只是一种形容方法)

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