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[PETS四级] 公共英语四级辅导:PETS4阅读精讲(17)

发表于 2012-8-14 13:19:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Use of English
5 @1 X$ ^6 q5 r6 L8 J  Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase marked A, B, C or D for each numbered blank. 7 n0 T& f$ _' I$ ^0 Z
  In recent times there have been several gold rushes. people heard stories of finding large_1_ of gold lying on the_2_. _3_ they heard could_4_ a fortune just by _5_ a little. Then all kinds of people rushed to the _6_ of the latest gold discovery.
0 g' J5 N8 J. w" Q  The California gold rush _7_ in 1849 brought hundreds of people into a wild, unknown area with very _8_ government control. Most of them were very _9_ and looking for adventure as well as riches. The gold rush on the Fraser River in British Columbia was different. The miners needed a _10_ from the Canadian government and were not _11_ to more around the area to look for gold.
6 ]3 j' O! f. c+ E" S8 w  There were other gold rushes in Canada, the United States, Australia and New Zealand. In 1886 gold was discovered in South Africa. However, the _12_ was different there. The miners needed complicated _13_ to take gold from the ground and separate it _14_ the other minerals. only large companies had the money to _15_ this. _16_ this reason, a few large mining companies _17_ the gold production in South Africa today.   f9 y( U( ]: s2 T4 c) w
  Gold lasts _18_. For centuries people have made gold coins and jewelry, later _19_ them into a liquid, and used the gold again. If you have some gold jewelry, it is possible that this same gold was a piece of jewelry for _20_ who lived thousands of years ago. And thousands of years from now, someone else may be wearing this same gold in another form. ! _( b+ E! |: y3 t5 ~# `
  1. A. bar B. sheets C. pieces D. quantity ! l9 T" M0 ?) T! Q/ ?
  2. A. earth B. soil C. ground D. field
9 n6 d5 \9 }$ ~4 K5 t5 F/ N  3. A. otherwise B. or C. yet D. then
3 U% d1 i. E1 }* ^  4. A. seek B. push C. earn D. take
5 c5 J9 `0 ^" |  B2 e  5. A. drawing B. digging C. searching D. exploiting 9 W) v! P& |3 X
  6. A. condition B. location C. situation D. scene # A  a/ i# |5 t4 a
  7. A. setting B. dating C. originating D. starting
( B- |3 d0 ^  j' ]9 S# R7 H; Z  8. A. little B. strong C. few D. strict ) v! O$ i( u( `5 L$ A* i! O
  9. A. dependent B. isolating C. confident D. independent
7 c: Y5 p) R3 L* Z0 K0 \4 V  10. A. order B. promise C. approval D. license 5 ~3 I- B4 ~% \  _% _  H+ ~% N( t1 ?
  11. A. freed B. free C. promised D. liberal # ]# Z$ G2 b/ D9 a0 o+ U; ]7 s3 P, l
  12. A. rush B. circumstance C. situation D. discovery
0 O3 S) r6 K; m0 k  13. A. machinery B. machine C. mechanism D. engine 5 o) i" B7 E6 t8 t$ ^& ~
  14. A. from B. out C. of D. off
' L* s$ d. s; S  15. A. buy B. do C. have D. make
  X# `7 u% Q& o  16. A. at B. for C. with D. in
0 u2 i3 p( g- ?) q  w  17. A. control B. limit C. promote D. run 8 ?4 n8 N  _; H6 U( J8 D
  18. A. finally B. lately C. forever D. eventually . y. F* d! Q; Z3 v$ Z& c" z
  19. A. melted B. formed C. combined D. made 1 x% [; w. [$ h  T
  20. A. someone B. anyone C. anybody D. nobody

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