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[PETS四级] 公共英语四级辅导:PETS4阅读精讲(48)

发表于 2012-8-14 13:19:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Reading Comprehension , q' d: P! n7 Q7 E( n& q3 e" O3 g
  Read the following two texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A. B. C or D. 0 [! u& y; a/ g2 Y1 l0 ^$ W
  Custom ! c9 q5 c$ V3 r6 I$ d
  Now custom has not been commonly regarded as a subject of any great importance. The inner workings of our own brains we feel to be uniquely worthy o f investigation, but custom, we have a way of thinking, is behavior at its most commonplaces. As a matter of fact, it is the other way around. Traditional custom, taken the world over, is a mass of detailed behavior more astonishing than what any one person can ever evolve in individual actions. Yet that is a rather trivial aspect of the matter. The fact of first-rate importance is the predominant role that custom plays in experience and in belief and the very great varieties it may manifest. 7 ~# p! z+ q( G: m/ ]7 v7 b
  No man ever looks at the world with pristine eyes. He sees it edited by a definite set of customs and institutions and ways of thinking. Even in his philosophical probing he cannot go behind these stereotypes; his very concepts of the true and the false will still have reference to his particular traditional customs. John Dewey has said in all seriousness that the part played by custom in shaping the behavior of the individual as over against any way in which he can affect traditional custom, is as the proportion of the total vocabulary of his mother tongue over against those words of his own baby talk that are taken up into the language of his family. When one seriously studies social orders that have had the opportunity to develop independently, the figure becomes no more than an exact and mater-of-fact observation. The life history of the individual is first and foremost an adjustment to the patterns and standards traditionally handed down in his community. From the moment of his birth the customs into which he is born shape his experience and behavior. By the time he can talk, he is the little creature of his culture and by the time he is grown an able to take part in its activities, its habits are his habits, its beliefs his beliefs, its impossibilities his impossibilities.
, ^3 ?8 }( m0 y. E' H  1.The author thinks the reason why custom has been ignored in the academic world is that____. 6 u' O1 t! n/ N
  A.custom reveals only the superficial nature of human behavior.
  i; w  o7 c! t  B.study of social orders can replace the study of custom. + X$ Q, m1 b1 i/ Y) r
  C.people are still not aware of the important role that custom plays in forming our world outlook. # A! o% ^5 F9 q' ^
  D.custom has little to do with our ways of thinking.
& p, b  u: Q6 k! G9 Z+ F3 g9 `3 V+ n  2.Which of the following is true according to John Dewey? . W! h% Q4 U! W3 j4 A7 Q  e* M( `, I+ [
  A.An individual can exercise very little influence on the cultural tradition into which he is born.
- r1 S! M2 z1 Q! n5 k" {  B.Custom is the direct result of the philosophical probing of a group of people. / j2 e) v, `$ D' w2 v
  C.An individual is strongly influenced by the cultural tradition even before he is born. & Q0 i, a  d9 b6 D5 z' S, m
  D.Custom represents the collective wisdom which benefits the individual.
$ g3 w* H+ ]+ |2 P: }5 y  3.The word “custom” in this passage most probably means_____.
4 H9 {, g1 _# B: e" e7 }  A.the concept of the true and the false of a society
9 O$ z% C0 c2 y  B.the independently developed social orders , X4 |/ T( E6 V1 U$ m  N, k
  C.the adjustment of the individual to the social environment 6 Z( w, F$ U+ Q0 r) C
  D.the pattern and standards of behavior of a community
' `& i1 f1 k3 b4 K; `* x  4.According to the passage, a person’s life, from his birth to death,____.
; Q% C" ^7 c) D# K. W& `7 T6 T  A.is constantly shaping the cultural traditions of his people 4 z8 w: @% ^$ Z% Y
  B.is predominated by traditional custom 6 z5 `& h9 t% k
  C.is continually influenced by the habits of other communities
8 [7 u$ T6 b, J9 E8 s: Q0 F  D.is chiefly influenced by the people around him
( O- L/ _* Y) I/ c' w. e  5.The author’s purpose in writing this passage is____.
. @! y1 ?7 Z8 V4 K  T  A.to urge individuals to follow traditional custom 6 j" g& x) x& J# v
  B.to stress the strong influence of custom on a individual & J& u" x- E. H) k) d/ r
  C.to examine the interaction of man and social customs ; o( m9 N  R, n
  D.to show man’s adjustment to traditional customs ' K) r) T/ e  b- Z  F% V, S' s
  解析: ; H" l5 x: T2 w& T5 G2 N* Y3 T
  1. C 8 r! f& e; X+ k, z
( O) q2 Z) Z9 g; C  2.A
) D2 U+ o- S, D, M9 L' Q" c  在第二段中,John Dewey 说了这样一句话the part played by custom in shaping the behavior of the individual as over against any way in which he can affect traditional custom is proportion of the total vocabulary of his mother tongue over against those words of his own baby talk that are taken up into the language of his family. 这句话告诉我们:风俗塑造个人行为时扮演的角色和个人对传统风俗的影响,与母亲带给家庭的全部词汇和一个喃喃学语的婴儿带给家庭的词语,是成比例的。也就是说,这两者带是可以比较的。作者在文章末尾提到:从一个人出生的那一天起,风俗就在影响着它的经历和行为,而不是在出生前开始影响的。   k# s2 _! f9 a& M4 b
  3.D & I, N- j$ N/ n6 Y& i! B
  文章末尾有这样一句话:the life history of the individual is first and foremost an adjustment to the patterns and standards traditionally handed down in his community. 这句话告诉我们:一个人的生活其实是对上一代传下来的传统方式和标准的一种调节适应过程。所以我们可以判断,本文的风俗指的是社会的行为方式和标准。
- T, Z; j+ q+ G" k& q6 t* b8 p. t  4.B . ~2 W7 l* L/ ~0 r7 F/ V- ]
  文章末尾有这样一句话From the moment of his birth the customs into which he is born shape his experience and behavior.。一个人从出生到死亡一直被传统支配着。
, W3 Q, K4 P2 t  5.B
0 ?/ @4 l6 ^/ Q& y) p; H4 W  作者在开头就表明了自己的观点,现代社会中人们已经淡忘了传统风俗在形成一个人的世界观的过程中所扮演的角色。由此,作者写这篇文章的意图是强带你传统风俗对于个人的影响,以唤起人们对它的重视。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 13:19:24 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  Harlem Renaissance
: P$ b: u* n$ p! a  There can be no doubt that the emergence of the Negro writer in the post-war period stemmed, in part, from the fact that he was inclined to exploit the opportunity to write about himself. It was more than that, however, the movement that has variously been called the “Harlem Renaissance,” the “black Renaissance” and the “New Negro Movement” was essentially a part of the growing interest of American literary circles in the immediate and pressing social and economic problems. This growing interest coincided with two developments in Negro life that fostered the growth of the New Negro Movement. These two factors, the keener realization of injustice and the improvement of the capacity for e4xpression, produced a crop of Negro writers who constituted the “Harlem Renaissance”
0 |# h+ X! k. J  ~6 x: v  The literature of the Harlem Renaissance was, for the most part, the work of a race-conscious group. Through poetry, prose, and song, the writers cried out against social and economic wrongs. They protested against segregation and lynching. They demanded higher wages, shorter hours, and better conditions of work. They stood for full social equality and first-class citizenship. The new vision of social and economic freedom which they had did not force them to embrace the several foreign ideologies that sought to sink their roots in some American groups during the period. 6 Q3 ]' k1 m9 _' {
  The writers of the Harlem Renaissance, bitter and cynical as some of them were, gave little attention to the propaganda of the socialists and communists. The editor of the Messenger ventured the opinion that the New Negro was the “product of the same world-wide forces that have brought into being the great liberal and radical movements that are now seizing the reins of power in all the civilized countries of the world. Such forces may have produced the New Negro, but the most articulate of the group did not resort to advocating the type of political action that would have subvert American constitutional government. Indeed, the writers of the Hamlm Renaissance were protesting its inefficient operation. In this approach they proved as characteristically as any writers of the period. Like his contemporaries, the negro writer was extremely becoming more aware of American’s pressing problems; and like the others, he was willing to use his art, not only to contribute to the great body of American culture but to improve the culture of which he was a part. ' C0 z+ o; e6 v5 D" F) J
  It seems possible, moreover, for he historian to assign to the Negro writer a role that, he didn’t assume. There were doubtless many who were not immediately concerned with the injustice heaped on the Negro. Some contrived their poems, novels and songs merely for the sake of art, while others took up their pens to escape the sordid aspects of their writings; it is because the writings flow out of their individual and group experiences. This is not to say that such writings were not effective as protest literature, but rather that nit all the authors were conscious crusades for a better world. As a matter of fact, it was this detachment, this objectivity, that made it possible for many of the writers of the Harlem Renaissance to achieve a mobility of expression and a poignancy of feeling in their writings that placed them among the masters if recent American literature.
1 V7 q1 ]& |+ x1 O; k  6.The author id primarily concerned with ____. - i# c) D6 O" J3 N7 G& v5 N
  A.Analyzing stages in the development of the New Negro Movement into the Harlem Renaissance.
, a  r5 S5 G1 A5 `; H* {& W  B.Arguing that the literature of the Harlem Renaissance arise from the willingness of black writers to portray their own lives.]
$ x: W* X/ V' o0 A: ~  C.providing examples of the injustice protested by the writers of the Harlem Renaissance. ; a, \7 L( P- @) h
  D.Describing the social and political background that led to the blossoming of the Harlem Renaissance.
& `# Z$ s. v' B8 W+ H  7.Which of the following is implied by the statements that the writers of the Harlem Renaissance “were not so much revolting against the system as they were protesting its efficient operation”? 中华考试网(www.Examw。com)
& h. J' l% g, t2 X' d+ [# Y  A.Black writers played only a minor part in protesting the injustice if the period.
" [% z" Z# W7 u( o3 `* H& z0 v. D% Q  B.Left to itself, the system was sure to operate efficiently.
1 i; F/ ]. q0 t" Z  C.Black writers in general were not opposed to the system as such. 8 l6 L7 i) c1 ?* I+ F) R6 I
  D.Black writers were too caught up in aesthetic philosophy to identify the true nature if the conflict.
4 b  }! W# |: _  8.With which of the following statements regarding the writers of the Harlem Renaissance would be the author most likely agree?
, P1 B, T9 S/ B9 J  A.They needed to increase their commitment to international solidarity.
- B# F% g+ S% w: D  P; x  B.Their detachment from their increasing social and political consciousness into art.
8 `3 r" ]& |' E: O  9.The information in the passage suggests that the author is most likely _____.
# \- v5 u( r; H. q4 g1 N  A.A black writer of diction interested in discovering new facts about his literature roots.
9 L) B' K0 s+ c& Q0 v! ?  B.A historian concerned with presenting socially conscious black writers of the period as loyal Americans 9 X0 _- M! F# R5 [9 ?
  C.An educator involved in fostering creative writing projects for minority youths
3 g  ~8 \0 L9 _; w% I+ V  D.A researcher with questions about the validity of his sources
/ F3 b- z. ?2 k6 H  10.The passage supplies information for answering which of the following questions? ! F& A0 `/ U+ S9 n) J, s
  A.Who were the leading exponents of protest literature during the Harlem Renaissance. 1 h4 n6 J& u1 D$ G
  B.Why were the writers of the Harlem Renaissance in rebellion against foreign ideological system? - e0 _7 m: s: E! i: b% ~% A: B" V
  C.How did black writers in the postwar period define the literature tradition to which they belonged?
. ^- ?$ _- ]+ L! I3 L  D.With what specific socioeconomic causes did the black writers of the postwar period associate themselves?
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 13:19:25 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  解析:
& E7 C5 \9 |  U3 h$ d  6.D 2 K' S& d! U  r! L2 H: B
  作者在文中说,Harlem Renaissance 运动实际上是美国文学界对社会和经济问题的兴趣逐渐增长的结果。这一兴趣的增长与培养新的黑人运动的两个发展因素相一致。这些作家通过多种多样的艺术形式表达他们对美国现状的不满。这些都是该运动发展的政治和经济背景。
2 N# E6 W+ r) S3 j( M' |9 p/ Q  7.C ) I  A  e, c: l% a- w( O9 C
  题干的意思是尽管这一运动抗议这一系统的低效运作,但并不是对整个系统非常厌恶,而这一运动的主体就是黑人作家。所以说明了黑人作家并不是很法对这个系统。 8.C 5 H  o7 j) I& U9 n7 g/ v
! s6 r3 v. x( b* g3 O2 R  9.B . G0 L3 q5 I1 a2 n( r; K0 l5 H
  作者站在历史学家的角度考虑问题,表达了对黑人作家的看法,而且在文章中对黑人作家的思想意识做了详尽的分析和描述,说明他所关心 的是提出这个时期作为忠实的美国公民的黑人作家的社会化思想意识。 ) M+ ^* Y4 _- C& J; C0 a& K" V
  10.D 3 F: E; x, m& b; p
  第一段交代了黑人作家出现的社会和经济背景,第二段又具体交代了社会和经济状况,所以文中的信息回答了战后时期的黑人作家把他们和什么样的具体经济原因联系在一起。! H  L4 t9 o4 H& R# S( n
  Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. 9 o% A% e" ?! E6 O7 W
  Developing a taste for classical music could improve your intelligence at least for a short while. But don’t listen while you work, according to the center for the neurobiology of learning and memory at the University of California, or you could overload your neurons. The conclusions are the results of studying the IQs of 36 college students before and after they had listened to a variety of audio tapes. 11) Those who listened to a Mozart piece experienced a temporary IQ boost compared to those who had heard either a relaxation tape or nothing at all. Researcher Frances Researcher who led the study says that the results were conclusive beyond any doubt.
" J) z9 |2 Q, {0 K0 N7 L  11.同听轻松音乐或什么音乐也没听的学生相比,那些听了莫扎特乐曲的学生的智商暂时有所提高。 # }  j1 O! m0 m( w# n) E8 W5 ~
  12.设计的实验是测量智力的一个特殊方面――空间想象力。典型的例子是让你想象一张折叠复杂的纸展开后会是什么样子。 + A- \) K3 z- B: \9 Y+ X+ T
  13.因听古典音乐而智商提高很明显,罗斯切估计偶然因素引起的差异率只有千分之二。 " i$ K/ [6 o" X& k
  14.她现在准备作实验来证明另一个假说:枯燥低沉不断重复的音乐会使人的推断能力变得迟钝。 4 g  c& b( F) f) S
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