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[考试试题] 公共英语试题:PETS四级完型填空模拟试题十二

发表于 2012-8-14 13:22:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  English belongs,in a rather complicated way,to the Indo-European family __1_ includes most of the European languages and a few Asiatic ones. We don't know __2_ the orginal speakers of the parent Indo-European language lived.Guessed about their homeland __3_ all the way from northwestern Europe __4_ central Asia.According to all the early _5__ ,they were a tall,blond,and warlike people,with a good __6_ of energy and intelligence.In their native land they had developed _7__ writing nor cities,so there is not much __8_ about how they lived when they were at home.But when they __9_ home and went out in __10_ of new lands,the Indo-European seem to have been generally successful in _11__ the countries they came to.+ X# N# f+ U4 G# g! j4 d
  When a wave of them _12__ a territory already crowded,they _13__ the original population._14__ they lost their distinctive appearance by intermarrying with the earlier inhabitants,and sometimes they also _15__ most of the features of their language.When a _16__ went to a more thinly-settled territory,they naturally _17__ their physical characteristics comparatively unchanged for a much longer time;and they were likely to preserve the _18__ features of their language also,though the two things did not always go together.7 g; C# u, Q5 p- V1 g- |
  The Slavic and Celltic languages,__19_ Indian,Persian ,and some others,are of Indo-Euro-pean origin,but the three branchs with _20__ English is most concerned are the Greek,Latin,and Germanic,particularly the last.. t7 S1 I+ `. z4 D5 m- J
  1)    A  which      B whose           C that        D whom
: I  j" a1 i* G, y) h! K8 J  2)    A  that        B which           C where      D whose
. g" |0 p, i# O7 a  3)    A  is ranging   B range           C have ranged  D have been ranged8 M+ P! w  P# H. q/ s/ U
  4)    A  into        B towards         C from       D to& n/ |2 L8 T) s0 C
  5)    A  records     B recording        C tapes       D notes; L, s0 Y" F* z0 W* T' ~
  6)    A  number     B great           C amount     D deal
% W3 I7 C! G* i( H( e) R& B  7)    A  either      B neither          C other       D both% o' g; k) u3 J# A6 l
  8)    A evidence     B points          C understanding D knowing
" ~4 A3 J1 ^; b9 R0 q: l  9)    A  leave      B would leave     C left          D were leaving
7 t- h: P" j& K! s# t8 M$ ?$ {8 y  10)   A  search     B wanting        C looking       D demanding
5 r2 G& A+ _6 o1 y/ C4 }! u  11)   A  conquer    B conquering     C defeat        D defeating" o; Z& u3 O" k/ k; x7 z
  12)   A  settled in   B settled         C settled down   D settled to5 u$ R, Z0 L# K: G$ ]( S
  13)   A  mix with  B mixed together   C mixed with    D mix together9 K- N/ \6 W* w: a: }8 p) `
  14)   A  on time    B from time      C by time       D in time
; u6 Y2 p3 U& B8 \/ l, q" j7 x1 R3 {  15)   A  give in    B gave in         C gave up      D give up. z: b; o& ?7 y$ ?5 Q! {1 U. w
  16)   A  branch    B wave          C group         D kind1 w2 b; i- n' f7 h
  17)   A  preserve   B reserve        C preserved       D reserved$ b' F- t' U3 h, H$ N. H% m" s
  18)   A  special    B particular      C distinguished    D distinctive0 O4 [  R  j! ^8 |0 O- W2 X
  19)   A  as well as  B as good as      C as well           D as good7 W- d8 S. y8 O$ t0 F# x$ m; a6 y5 V
  20)   A  them      B which         C the three branches  D that

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 13:22:23 | 显示全部楼层


  参考答案:4 c! k' M! d, M. @
  1--5ACBDA/ ?& A: V: X' s' L
0 r- a, M- O" S  E. h  11--15BACDC
$ ?" v/ W! c, W. ?4 a4 }2 ~# q  16--20 BCDAB
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