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[考试试题] 公共英语四级考试强化模拟题04

发表于 2012-8-14 13:22:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
part B. You will hear a monologue. Answer questions 6-10 while you listen. Use not more than 5 words for each answer. You will hear the recording twice.
  \& ^/ M3 P9 D! y, y& l浏览一遍问题:第一,简答题,字数要求不超过5个词。第二,第一题出现了CoNFERENCE。
, c5 m* [! E. f& y' S( _- Q, z题目中提到了比尔盖兹,WINDoWS,pC, 与计算机或者会议有关系的。第三,具体要求。
, ?# R3 ^( [6 O4 z# E; p1.比尔盖兹对于会议重要性的评价。注意有可能在CoNFERENCE这个词前后出现的评价性词语。
( [7 G0 L# J# J2.WINDoWS成功的原因是什么。 + X3 ]* U2 q/ u3 i- w8 @$ q
3.pC产业提供什么样的设备。4.每年pC的销售量。要对数字很敏感。 5.为什么服务器的性能会提高。
- u9 i# M, P' ^& N* C: f7 x解析:
. q# a$ O% C2 o/ c) z9 I5 s/ @1. major milestone. 该题考查抓住具体信息的能力。 Today is a major milestone for Micrisoft as our first developers Conference here in China.
4 D2 t( R  I: @; e) M; V3 Z$ `2. key partnership with software developers. 该题考查抓住具体信息的能力。The Key partnership with software developers around the world are central not only to the success of Windows but also to realize the great possibilities that pC technology provides. ' {& l1 M) b7 R8 J
3. equipment of low price. 该题考查抓住具体信息的能力。 The pC industry is one of the few industries that can deliver lower price equipment at the same time as improving the capabilities.
2 v  D4 s, q/ L! u% K& ~& P4. over 80 million/ over 80,000,000. 该题考查抓住具体信息的能力。 over 80 million pCs are being sold a year. ( _! ]0 N3 b; z7 X% v
5. faster individual processors/multiple-processor machines. 该题考查抓住具体信息的能力。The performance of those servers is increasing not only because the individual processors are faster, but also because we are using multiple-processor machines. # A; W9 @: w, p( a+ }/ r, W
part B You’ll hear three dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, read the questions related to it. While listening, answer each questions by choosing A, B, C, or D. you will hear each piece only once.
: E& ?- Z+ ^! s9 @! q0 m' h11. which of the following is impropriate to describe “robot” according to Simon? 8 ]) G  r- z' {2 r# n3 `
A. obedient
% Z! ^" X' D) F8 F7 d2 H5 |* ~B. Complaining
7 [6 M: U+ ^3 o3 i. w# {C. Efficient
* d2 g% |2 ?" H$ j* e! O9 E. BD. Capable
/ i% m, t) P5 N12. what does Simon mean by saying “work wonders”?
  H, e- J) [5 D0 T6 YA. Robot can do everything for human being. 4 m7 A6 ?4 ]6 M* F; y$ _
B. Robot can make the impossible possible. # x$ t' Y% T4 Y: v
C. Robot can ultimately replace human brains. 1 U6 a' F/ E/ _' C
D. Robot can do many things we may not imagine possible. : X8 S2 d) g: S* ^
13. All of the following statements are true except _______. # a* T. `- H: x2 D9 Q' ?( Y! J  C
A. robots are the most creative and powerful creatures on earth.
0 O( m/ n6 m( G+ VB. machines can do the kind of work that is physically unbearable to humans. ; q' B* V! K6 C' e
C. Feng yi is fairly emotional when talking about robot.
  l% U& L# M  U; d% BD. they both believe that robot will free human from boring work. - b# t. o1 E& U! O' h3 [
" [5 M5 A7 I# s# |11.首先看清题目要求,根据SIMoN的话,下面哪一个词不适合来描述机器人。A robot is clever, capable, efficient, and obedient. It will work with precision.
6 @2 ^* v7 k9 N3 [$ m' ~6 s) W  v12.考查对于基本词汇的掌握,或者对于上下文的理解,因为在这个词组后面有相应的解释。work wonder “产生奇迹,有意想不到的效果” 2 G( p: T, i# A
13.看清题目的要求,选出下面观点中不正确的一个。According to Feng Yi: I consider humans the most varied, sophisticated and creative and powerful creatures on earth.所以人类是地球上最复杂富有创造性和有力的生物。
$ Q% [$ m$ j% B' Z1 F- T+ \: y2 F# L14. when will the information highway come true to some people?
; i4 c& f6 @* E( o# C" m+ NA. It is difficult to predict.
9 }: ^9 C' V6 V4 {+ CB. people won’t attain the goal within a century.
: R9 D5 o+ ]2 Y. I3 t! oC. In the next ten years. & D* ^! |6 z- P
D. It depends on the future development.
) S* `# G/ ]- A' D2 l15. How would the information technology (IT) affect our social life?
0 [+ f. a; D. G( i4 rA. The information access would play an important role in one’s socialization.
: M5 h: l- ]+ ]; {; OB. people are able to get information about the things going on in town by electronic means.
) `( ]( W7 k, R9 ?& H# Y" VC. Those elder people can share information with others by means of Internet.
6 {- h# f/ y& d; q9 X/ e+ zD. All of the above.
# m% G. X8 C0 J, z16. What can we expect the young generation going up with IT industry to do in the future.
- k( l9 E  t2 r0 W" C! [% fA. To bring computers’ potential into full play. ' i# M  i8 E! K2 {& k8 X( b# k  x+ X
B. To play games with computer. 6 O; Q% J" {3 K7 U; {! p2 g
C. To make computer only an information tool. & R6 G" i) c! i3 Y* O2 M8 v* B
D. To find friends through Internet.
& ?. k5 N- S" I. f" A3 K7 H* Q5 C解析:
$ w9 R8 n  ~" c! X14.C 信息告诉公路什么时候会实现。所以要对表示时间的数字留意。But I believe that within a decade pretty much that ultimate vision will be available to a lot of people around the world. (decade: ten years).
+ z9 S: x. N+ ^5 {0 J9 i15. D 信息技术将会如何改变我们的社会生活?所以我们注意听采访者提问的第二个问题:how would information highway affect our social interaction? 我们听到这样的回答:and yet the idea of being able to get so much information about the things going on in the town and how you can get there when it’s scheduled, what your friends thought about it, how you can see the menu before uyou go to a restaurant, etc… 由此我们可以确定B。C两个选项。采访者的最后一个问题是与选项A有关的。Do you mean the information access will play an important role in one’s social interaction? ---Absolutely. 由此选项A也是正确的。
4 N1 b' b0 a0 Q16.A 这道题关键在于理解词组的意思。“And probably the young generation going up with these tools right now would take this tools fullest potential.” Take full potential “充分利用,充分挖掘潜能”相当于bring… into full play.

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