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[PETS五级] 公共英语五级考试:语法精讲辅导3

发表于 2012-8-14 13:28:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
) b5 J' u3 w3 x* d1 d' N. [  空间(地方、位置、方向、范围、界限、包括、排除) about, above, across, after, against, along, among, round, at, before, behind, with, below, beneath, beside, besides, between, upon, save, beyond, but, by, concerning, down, on, out of, outside, over, past, through, throughout, towards, under, up% j- }0 w9 S1 p
  时间 after, before, as, between, by, during, for, from, in, on, over, past, till, until, up to, within, through, throughout
* p7 N# T6 I3 _3 @3 q  原因理由根源(目的,内容等) about, according to, as, because of,due to,owing to,on acount of, from, of, on, with, regarding, concerning, considering, through, by, under, for; ^# b$ S& R# o( {' C
) V+ |2 K- l. e/ U/ j0 o. d: O  区别讲解 例句 :" B: r5 `( Q2 h2 L& b0 M9 A
  表 时 间 的 介 词 at, on, in at表示在几点几分(单位最小);on表示在具体的某一天或某天上午(下午晚上等);
& J. Q. Z# Z! `1 i  in表示在几天、周、月、年。 I get up at six oclock.5 }! z, H5 q5 I4 g# q
  It happened on a spring morning.7 m, R+ q- p; w
  There are seven days in a week.) F+ y" ]1 n8 C8 Y' E
  in the morning / evening / afternoon;at noon / night / dawn / sunrise / sunset / lunch / dinner / supper, etc.
/ h; B6 H, Z( H7 w$ H7 X! V' W  during, for, in for后加一个表时间段的具体单位(常用复数);during强调持续或某活动期间;in指在一段时间内。 She has lived here for six years.4 g/ f! f; L" F
  He was in English during the war.1 n+ p7 P: z/ `, ?0 {& v
  In those days he was poor.
6 {' x6 T2 \) T  till, until till/until构成的短语修饰持续性动词,非持续性动词要用否定式。 They waited till/until 10:00.# e1 I0 M  n2 E2 L; g
  They didnt leave until/till 10:00.
) N4 l* p+ M% `9 f4 A, i  after, since after+时刻或时段,ll be back after eight oclock.# n; g5 b7 S7 E$ r+ w$ V
  Shes lived here since 2002.
7 t4 f8 W6 Q: W( E- i' {  in, after in+时段,ll leave after 11:00.
5 J9 G- q! k8 Z' R% a4 V4 a  v4 d1 j  He left after 11:00.; N  `; }4 u' h
  She left after a few hours.
0 [" Y+ j* e" P$ u2 L6 ^  Shell be back in half an hour.   表 空 间 位 置 及 方 向 方 位 的 介 词 at, on, in at指一个点或小地方;& H8 K& ?" u2 o  G2 X  Y; z" ?
  in指一个地区或大地方空间内;on在某一平面或线上面。 They arrived at the village at ten.
0 ^! t% b& I) ?0 Y! B; @8 ?  Your pencil is in the desk.
( H) }- T/ M7 E8 j  Your pencil is on the desk.9 s: T! D2 b$ A* f7 p& B' A
  on, above, over on与物体接触反义词为beneath;over在s a book on the desk and a pen beneath the book.4 ]7 y/ a7 a8 W0 W2 E
  Theres a lamp over the desk and a bag under the table.
1 q& R6 X- K3 |# J7 {0 F+ P  Jacks bedroom is above mine on the second floor.( H/ ]8 }0 G* H% {6 m' a
  over, across, through across表面跨过;
# z: D, W7 E2 H: U* j, ~  through从中间或从头至尾穿过;
: P' l) X/ Y1 y* o3 d0 g  over从上空越过。 Hes swimming across the river.$ {/ C& x1 Q) J; N0 @" Y, `
  They walked through the forest.  N# _: Q. U# Z/ K5 A; U
  A plane is flying over the city.+ Q7 t, K& x0 ~5 E- @
  at, beside, by, next to, near at靠得最近;

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