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[考试试题] 公共英语五级等级考试模拟试题一

发表于 2012-8-14 13:31:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 第一节:单项选择( }" _8 Q4 N; l3 s& S
& ]% g. Y+ T3 A0 G* ^9 U9 a0 c  1. Usually, _______ care for children's ______., r) T4 h0 ?# \7 N* t
  A. woman writers…… lives B. women writer…… life- C# I) K! @" B4 Y0 H: S( L, S
  C. women writers …… life D. women writer …… lives$ C! s4 s0 `7 @& F8 I. u
  2. ________ you are free, why not go skating with us?3 C1 x6 u8 }% \- C
  A. Because B. Since  C. As D. For
5 f  x2 f& Y0 N5 Q, R! n  3. Great men never give up ______ difficulty.
" ]: k- j: e2 v$ R1 L  A. in a face of  B. in face of the C. in the face of  D. in the face of the6 j4 p* Z5 |  H- N
  4. —— _____ is the engineer's husband ?3 Y* J8 q: g: O6 z: y  x* P
----- The neighbor of your brother in the corner.% e1 S+ R* P2 F. s( M' {
  A. Who  B. What  C. How  D. Which+ p# @% \9 E* X0 X) V1 U
  5. There are ______ custom tailors and dressmakers in the U. S. than in European countries.- S4 c8 ]- p* i! l2 S* G
  A. far fewer B. so fewer C. very fewer  D. too fewer' I9 j- s' a3 w2 q
  6. A fireman discovered the __________ of the fire.
, }! H! s2 |( D3 V  A. truth   B…… reason  C. cause   D. fact4 y6 A7 w+ u, t) p2 j3 f  r

- Z9 k  x/ _( O2 {6 q8 J6 w/ n# K 

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 13:31:35 | 显示全部楼层


 7. That young man has made so much noise that he ___ not have been allowed attend the concert.</p>  A. could   B. must  C. would  D. should
6 Y4 A; E/ A( _; z. p, G; q  8. “Would you like some more noodles ?”
$ J+ |( }0 X8 e1 O  “'No, thanks. I ________________.”# F$ ?( B$ o! V' r( c# O# r
  A. don't want to B. can't eat C…… am not hungry D. I'm full4 ?% ?: H; `( v2 v2 c  o  F2 N9 d
  9.You may write to me or come to see me. ____________ way will do
+ b8 ?) J: o$ v% y* Z; f  A. All  B. Both  C. One  D. Either
- \# i6 i- Y, t% P$ b: O5 J( }  10. That was the first time I _______________ England's coast( s$ L& `. i; q0 V: N2 ?
  A. left  B. had left C. would leave  D. has left+ h7 i5 R% n1 h/ s, s- u
  11. Whenever I met him, _____________ was fairly frequent, ___________ I liked his sweet and hopeful smile.
' T7 ~, P: }5 \  A. which ……不填 B that …… that C. it …… that  D. what …… 不填% n, B7 V. K+ y( X( z! x
  12.I don't know what illness he suffered from, but I do remember he mentioned ___ in hospital last year.2 J% N( a, T1 b
  A. to have been B . to be  C. having been  D. being  {2 K8 L: e5 _0 D
  13. Entering the room, I found my father __ at the desk and ___ something .
" p! d# h% V, p- F2 W- m  A. seat…… write B. seated …… wrote C. seated …… writing D. seating …… writing
- N  Y/ Y6 `  Q8 h& {  R! f* j3 q. R  14. ____ they will send us an invitation is not yet known, __we hope they sill.
$ L8 C, q' K5 U: _  A. If…… write B. That so C. When …… yet  D. Whether …… but. [2 T! x8 D0 [! v$ h+ ?9 n
  15. Nancy isn't here. It's my mistake. I forgot all about____ her.
9 W+ @0 d8 Q) w0 }* ^* u0 W  W  A. telephoning B. to telephone C. to telephone to D. the telephone to 8 U9 h" c# Q1 F5 c% V- J/ y* X5 u

/ n- ^. V3 y2 l$ g- w* S4 l  第二节:完形填空
2 n1 Q) Q9 ?! d  A1 o  阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
, W0 o. f0 R% s* C' V3 d: `  “Cool” is a word with many meanings. It s traditional meaning is used to 16 a temperature that is fairly cold. As the world has 17 , however, the word has expanded to 18 many different meanings.
; I) C* y6 i0 i: X9 H  “Cool” can be used to express feelings of 19 in almost anything.6 J& ^( k) K' t0 d7 `7 I" J% Y3 p
  When you see a brand-name car in the street, maybe you can't help 20 , “It's cool.” You might think, “He's so cool,” when you see your 21 footballer.8 n( ]$ Q  |4 a" G
  We all enlarge the meaning of “cool”。 You can use it 22 many words such as “new” or “amazing.” Here's an interesting story we can see 23 illustrate the usage of the word: A teacher asked her students to 24 the waterfall they had visited. On one student's paper was just the one 25 , “It's so cool.” 26 he thought it was 27 to describe 28 he saw and felt.
3 d/ O% A$ O' i  R: c+ k/ \- b3 Y% U  d
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 13:31:36 | 显示全部楼层


 29 the story also proves the shortage of words and expressions. 30 “cool,” some people have no words to express the same meaning. So it is 31 to improve our word strength to maintain some 32 .</p>  As a popular word, “cool” stands for a kind of special 33 that people can accept easily. Excepting “cool,” can you think of many words that 34 your life as colorful? I can. And I think they are also very 35 .
! g  ^1 ~$ g  t8 e( F9 n! m0 a  16. A. find   B. take  C. show   D. make sure
$ X0 M, _' k2 l. {0 i. C! j  17. A. changed  B. been developed C. been cleaned D. informed) _: c) V0 F. Q) k9 c+ x& ]& L: K
  18. A. turn out  B. take on  C. take in  D. come into1 @. e% p5 j5 R: ?3 i) n
  19. A. satisfaction B. interest  C. sense  D. interesting
$ Y- s7 V1 r$ D  20. A. to say  B. telling  C. shout  D. saying
) G5 s; m; ^9 V7 W! }/ l( S% u# \  21. A. famous  B. out of date  C. favourite  D. modern6 g4 y- E$ o. f. z' O
  22. A. in stead of  B. in place of C. to take place of D. exchange4 L& g. t) ~' g" J8 n1 C# Q
  23. A. is used to  B. showing  C. used to   D. explaining: X9 C& k2 r9 Y
  24. A. write for  B. copy down  C. describe  D. say something
* L: b1 ^4 r* m- W% @  25. A. phrase  B. word  C. story  D. sentence, [0 j' f0 C" `0 n6 R- A
  26. A. However  B. May be  C. As far as  D. Perhaps% F8 w& W; a9 H+ C5 E5 F) {) }+ w# A, B
  27. A. The just thing B. the very mean C. some methods D. the best way
) I2 ~, n+ i0 s, e/ M  28. A. the means  B. what  C. how  D. wherever& z# f$ K& ?0 L% k. T
  29. A. And  B. If   C. So  D. But
. V/ i  _; L4 b% t5 V, i3 r  30. A. Without  B. Using  C. Not being used D. With
/ W" I; b, _6 C% x  31. A. important  B. necessary  C. impossible  D. natural0 \; O* x! d8 Q$ m9 x8 Z
  32. A. true  B. belief  C. richness D. interest
; C5 t& U! |- M+ K% V0 S/ C/ M  33. A. habit  B. culture  C. language  D. enjoyment
: H2 P) E, X! Z% h: F( B, X  34. A. put   B. change   C. better  D. make
; d3 X2 S6 S* D5 d  F( i, g+ b  35. A. cool  B. easy  C. difficult  D. important
; Y  m2 {3 r+ |0 ~* e/ x8 S* L( y/ J0 a% P
7 g9 i, s' m! o5 n$ @
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 13:31:37 | 显示全部楼层


第三部分:阅读理解</p>  阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。2 A6 t& N6 y  x' |3 n9 }
7 V, b" Z2 {- F" `  Reading is not the only way to gain knowledge of the work in the past. There is another large reservoir (知识库) which may be called experience, and the college student will find that every craftsman (工匠) has something he can teach and will generally teach gladly to any college student who does not look down upon them . The information from them differs from (不同于) that in textbooks and papers chiefly in that its theoretical (理论的) part —— the explanations of why things happen —— is frequently quite fantastic (神奇的) . But the demonstration (示范) and report of what happens , and how it happens are correct even if the reports are in completely unscientific terms (术语)。 Presently the college student will learn, in this case also, what to accept and what to reject. One important thing for a college student to remember is that if Aristotle could talk to the fisherman, so can he.
+ k; C' N8 Y: Q5 m* W- p  Another source of knowledge is the vast store of traditional (传统的) practices handed down from father to son , or mother to daughter, of old country customs (习惯), of folklore (风俗)。 All this is very difficult for a college student to examine, for much knowledge and personal experience is needed here to separate good plants from wild grass. The college student should learn to realize and remember how much of real value science has found in this wide, confused wilderness and how often scientific discoveries of what had existed in this area long age.: l! g' p" ?0 t$ b( |8 s
  36.In the last paragraph the phrase “this wide, confused wilderness” refers to _____.
- @- ?0 M, j: C& C8 h0 w) b$ m  A. personal experience   B. wild weeds among good plants
  X0 g/ H' r. _$ r  C. the information from the parents  D. the vast store of traditional practices
2 a0 U+ _1 J, |$ O' O8 A0 b  37. Which of the following statements is supported by the passage?
! B) Y, m0 ?0 `% K* {1 p; I$ T  A. The college students have trouble separating good plants from wild grass
0 w8 ]; j) x) k0 n+ }) I  B. Craftsman's experience is usually unscientific( u0 s$ g6 A0 R) D2 ~
  C. The contemptuous (傲慢的) college students will receive nothing from craftsmen2 u% L" B9 r) n5 U* m" L/ J: M
  D. Traditional practices are as important as experience for the college student
  o: \: n5 g; S9 [% S! a  38. From this passage we can infer that ______.- @7 f/ P. s& R6 ^, D" c
  A. we'll invite the craftsman to teach in the college9 {& H  ~3 X9 e
  B. schools and books are not the only way to knowledge
( r. i# X2 Y* {* f  C. scientific discoveries late based on personal experience
5 D+ A- l) T0 N8 D7 n9 T+ _' |3 V% W  I  D. discoveries and rediscoveries are the most important source of knowledge for a# D: U" G. F5 R: q
  college student4 p: c+ m8 y/ h3 `  i. a
  39. The author advises the college student to ______ .! z* o  c% `  X/ [  i/ R
  A. be contemptuous to the craftsman. E- R; o, g& t$ q) p6 A$ K
  B. be patient in helping the craftsman with scientific terms2 I, x  ~, S, G( C% r& h
  C. learn the craftsman's experience by judging it carefully5 |9 ]1 S" [  J* X; O) \
  D. gain the craftsman's experience without rejection
4 t! B' E4 _9 |  ]+ ?  40. The main idea of this passage is about ________., v+ Q' ]" k  D4 a8 e) n) L
  A . what to learn from the parents B. how to gain knowledge! w, K# y( [; [. h3 M# v
  C. why to learn from craftsman D. how to deal with experience
  K6 n5 w8 h9 z: b) G9 B. w5 W) ?& z3 M
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 13:31:38 | 显示全部楼层


B</p>  Water, water every where.
# X& {2 ?2 p& C- {& T- Y( @  It lasted almost two months , but in August it ended. It left 45 people dead and $10 billion worth of damage in nine states of USA. It was quite a big Mississippi flood ever recorded.
' g0 |/ i; W$ m( u+ j8 {! v0 c  In St.Louis, Missouri, 9,000 people were forced to leave their homes while the city was in danger. St. Louis is just downriver from the points where the Missouri and Illinois Rivers flow into the Mississippi. All three rivers were flooding. But the city escaped the worst when levees (堤) broke upriver. A levee is built of river sand and clay(粘土)。
. N  c  H; V+ v: w4 J, n- h  Eleven miles of flood walls were built in the late 1960's The walls are 18 inches thick and 5 to 22 feet high. They were designed to protect against a 52-foot flood. In St. Louis, water almost reached the top of flood walls. It measured 49.4 feet.
3 k2 n4 M  D6 o/ y# [# e  41.The flood referred to in the passage _____.
, c+ L; N7 r0 @/ K- l1 h* y/ |  A. was the heaviest one in the history B. happened in Missouri and Illinois states, q* _$ D& ~( \+ r
  C. happened in less than twenty percent of the states of U.S.A.( J6 T7 f% U/ c
  D. was recorded several times4 H, i0 \5 W! L  x( @( [7 _
  42. The meaning of the sentence “But the city escaped the worst” is that _____.
( P- d) y# s7 X1 I6 ], i  A. many people escaped from the city B. the flood attacked the city heavily1 E/ P1 N! f. O
  C. the flood did not attack the city at all D. the city avoided the worst situation9 x2 u9 T) D9 s8 G, c$ a2 J, Y9 T
  43. The highest flood referred to in the passage was about ______.4 e) T: a- d' t+ U4 X
  A. 18 feet high B. 5-22 feet high C. nearly 50 feet high D. 52 feet high $ i* s1 T0 T- o) U6 `5 q1 g+ s5 T

3 W# T1 U1 Z& j6 f- c! I, k  C3 g% D* L* n; {1 k- |) s( ^4 o
  In hopes of becoming millionaires, many Filipinos (菲律宾人) began drinking more Pepsi. They hoped to get a bottle cap with the winning number on it. In May 1992, the number was announced: 349. Thousands rushed to get their reward with their bottle caps worth a million pesos (about US $ 40,000) each.
. x; F5 ^1 b4 w3 m/ T  ]  But Pepsi wouldn't pay. The company said there was a mistake. The numbers on the caps did not include a security code (保险号), so the caps were not really winners. Up to 800,000 bottle caps had the number 349.
! m6 R. W# h7 [1 S' [* y/ E  Pepsi has spent millions of dollars on the problem. The company has paid 54 million pesos to real winners. It also paid 500 pesos for each No.349 cap without the security code.
  a+ S" ~# L/ x; s9 ~6 n
# E! Q7 X- Z, ^& L' L: t  
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 13:31:39 | 显示全部楼层


44. Which of the following is not true?</p>  A. All those who got the number of 349 got some money. _, {" d3 o" `, ]( W
  B. All those who got the number of 349 didn't get the same amount of money5 f$ e; S( L8 J! j) K9 `- P4 U
  C. None of those who get the number of 349 wasn't rewarded
  y  {# q: j( c0 t! ~2 |  r# X* f  D. The company made a mistake so as to sell more pepsi) ]6 W) g5 F; t% Z1 ]
  45. From the passage we can guess that peso is _________.  ?4 _$ R; i2 k' t9 P$ F# D
  A. the name of a person   B. a kind of drink9 J& D# O( G- @! }" C- |% \- ~
  C. the name of a company   D. none of the above
; H( }5 m7 A+ Z9 H  D* R1 E  d& X) [8 ]: v" T6 C% U: p
  In Cardiff I was put to work in furniture department at one of the local stores. It was large, fairly out of date, run ( 经营 ), like its parent company in London, by a group of relatives. Being only a member of the store for a short time, I was in a very fortunate position. The others, particularly the older members of the store, were naturally asked to produce good sales figures. I was more of an observer. If I made a sale, I was pleased, but if I didn't, I would not be blamed. I was really there to observe and learn, and as I had no interest in making a position in the furniture business, I wasn't too diligent (勤奋) about that either.4 x, b. ~; l; [! T$ @5 Q5 D) j  R
  One salesman in late middle age once expressed his insecurity (不安全感) by scolding me of trying to steal one of his customers (雇客)。 Nothing could have been further from the truth, but he demanded that I go to the stockroom (货仓) with him to settle the matter. He was very small and thin, but to my surprise he started dancing about among the carpets and closets working his arms wildly and calling on me to 'put them up'. I couldn't put anything up ——I was too busy rolling on a four-foot six - inch spring mattress (弹簧垫子) , helpless with laughter. Finally he saw the joke too, and we went off to the members' store for a conciliatory(和解)cup of tea. Several days later, I finally left the store. Thank God!
9 j9 X: d. h& \# m& J( I  46. The furniture department was run by _____.! s3 T2 r% V# ?( |0 X! y  R: _' [4 g
  A. the author's parents B. the author's relatives5 |# h9 Z4 {3 N* d
  C. some member of a big family   D. the local government
; h2 w" s3 g5 i& N- d  47. The shop in Cardiff ______.
% m% c/ _. T# Q( Q1 f  A. was big and very modern B. was old but beautiful
( g- N" m6 C( K& a# P" u* U0 i% s  C. didn't sell furniture only D. was famous in London7 b& a' u1 i& ]; \# t
  48. The author was lucky because ________.
* |; X4 V8 K9 U6 b5 Q, J  A. sales figures were not important for him B. he was younger than the others
4 p9 M2 e, Y  x/ I, Q$ R% d  C. he produced good sales figures  D. his pay was higher
( F9 v( h5 m& R! Q0 @1 W: j9 C9 z9 ~  Y
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 13:31:40 | 显示全部楼层


49. One salesman thought that ______ .</p>  A. the author was more of an observer than a real member of the store5 N7 w( K# [$ Q" J+ H8 D
  B. what the author had said was far from the truth
) o; v! ~, \, ~1 |6 c  C. the author tried to get a person to buy the furniture dishonestly
( C8 b& B- z3 E5 Z  l  D. the writer destroyed a four-foot six - inch spring mattress0 T- R3 N* A4 f4 G, f, o( P
  50. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
+ o5 H+ V" v9 y7 l; P3 |, G; O  A. The author only stayed in the shop for a short time because he was not interested
/ @. _$ `# ]: ~  S! {  S" S  in business.$ H+ x* F7 |7 b; p
  B. The author felt light - hearted when he left the shop.# S# ^: Q) i' ?
  C. The author was punished for stealing money from the customer.
* w/ h$ H6 J* ~7 \6 y# g1 {& ]  D. The author was asked to put up the carpets.
% e/ f, v- t! g1 c% r! j% k; C% Q  A3 Q0 @7 A8 X# c
+ D  c2 N% v( t  Driving cars, trucks and motorcycles is an important part of our lives. We do it every day to get to work, to school or to friends' houses.+ S; t, D: a- _5 M% i& I
  Driving can be very convenient, but can also cause many problems. Waiting in line at a red light, a driver may get impatient and decide just to drive right through it. If another car is coming from the other direction, there might be a terrible accident. Cutting another car off can make its driver angry, so that driver cuts off someone else. Pretty soon everybody is angry, and impatient.
# V: D' D- W1 y, j- ^/ {  Traffic accidents declare millions of lives every year worldwide. In Taiwan alone, over seven people are killed in accidents every day. The annual death rate (年死亡率) from traffic accidents in Taiwan is twice that of Japan.
8 {6 L/ q2 j; Q3 e2 c# y  To allow traffic to move smoothly and safely, everybody must follow the rules. Before you drive, learn all the traffic laws. That way of driving is safe, convenient and even fun!8 R4 g; `3 N/ l5 B5 \) X! X9 Q) W/ O
  51.The word “ convenient ” in the passage means ________ .- Q) q+ ?' X8 c6 m
  A. handy, easy to do    B. that can be changed+ n3 n: ]" x. Q) j3 E9 b+ F
  C. fond of drinking and merry-making D. carriages or other trucks, x* m" C( Q& k+ m* F' I
  52. If you cut another car off, its driver may be _______.
% Y; }: ?, G$ d0 j  A. impatient  B. terrible  C. angry  D. both A and B
$ [. }3 I7 B' H' N# Y4 `# m6 b3 y  53. The sentence “ Traffic accidents declare millions of lives ”means “_______”。4 Z1 g  U8 a. z
  A. Traffic accidents make some people become millionaires: u7 Y& E5 g* B( d& p
  B. Many people die from traffic accidents
+ [. B. S2 x. O3 o7 u% Q2 Y  C. Millions of people say they themselves have had traffic accidents
- K6 B  }2 y$ C+ B- Q  O  D. Millions of people remain healthy after traffic accidents" e, S+ T8 a. |; C' i1 A6 J! ~- S" l2 A
  54.According to the passage, driving can be safe if _______.' g" y; m; }) v4 \0 H, e
  A. you are patient    B. you obey all the traffic rules: L4 F4 K0 g2 Y$ G+ a4 n
  C. you don't cut another car off  D. you wait in line at a red light
2 [) e' t# _6 d3 a3 A4 r) d& N
5 B+ e: Q# ?- \: x4 j3 C  
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 13:31:41 | 显示全部楼层


55. Which of the following may be the best title for this passage? _______.</p>  A. Traffic Safety B. A Careful C. How To Drive A Car D. A Traffic Accident2 c: U  \" I* B  o
  第四部分:写作. G3 T/ r- c$ \& D7 b2 x5 C0 }
7 p8 e  \9 N9 x6 f* q0 s; ^4 w! [  此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个勾(√); 如有错误(每行只有一个错误), 则按下列情况改正:9 X) s* @0 M1 s8 h( J
  多一个词: 把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉, 在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。
2 R5 i4 L# O- _+ w  缺一个词: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。% g- h0 s. \1 G
  错一个词: 在错的词下划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。0 M0 C# ~6 U' d  U) w: F& ]; J
  注意: 原行没有错的不要改。
/ |+ ]' x2 F5 \; G. r- n  John put the last of paint in his model spaceship.    56_______
$ j6 E) w8 _3 _, x  He'd painted it silver and blue. He help it up to show dad.    57_______3 a% f' J  X: |4 A4 ]; z- n
  “It looks greatly. ”said dad. “Let me help you hang it.”     58_______# T6 o& c0 j. v; N
  They hanged the model from the ceiling with thin thread.    59_______
( H# M" C5 y6 h1 l) x/ q4 z  John watched the spaceship swing back or forth. He began to   60_______
3 F0 [. W  P5 L3 ^  think about journeying all lonely out of space. “Suppose a man    61_______4 I& m- e2 a+ ]- m7 b" t& H8 B
  is in the spaceship ,“John said.” And could he run out of water to drink?“   62_______
% F- B! F( ~+ P  “yes.” said dad. “ And could he run out of air to breath?” “Of course.”   63_______
5 S7 n6 w$ p. x0 Q) H  answered dad. “Then which would happen to him?” John asked.    64_______
8 f1 A  }7 L; o- s4 ?6 q  “I don't think he 'd live long. Do you think that?” asked dad.    65_______' L5 Y! a9 G$ a' B
  “No, I don't think I'd like to be out in a spaceship.” said John.+ w4 o4 b& b  d/ `3 Q0 F/ ]

" J1 A% _, B! {  p, `1 L 
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 13:31:42 | 显示全部楼层


 第二节:书面表达</p>  假定你叫李华,是中州市第27中学的学生。你前不久在%26lt;%26lt;中国日报%26gt;%26gt;上读到一篇有关农村(countryside)儿童辍学(leaves school at an early age)的报道。你于2000年1月14日给编辑写去一封信,谈了农村儿童辍学的主要原因以及你的看法。1 m  s  |6 D% u1 J1 r, h$ Q
  内容要点:原因:1.家庭贫困    2.帮父母挣钱" w1 [2 ]; Q: m6 q
  3.学习有困难  4.不原上学
  w; k" H& Y* z8 n( N  5.这些原因中家庭贫困是主要原因
1 z% G& }! C3 ~) l1 @: H  看法:每个孩子都应有受教育的机会,愿将自己的零花钱(pocket money)送给失学儿童。/ N, c, ]# F% t& X! O! y
  注意:1.要点不能遗漏,但不能逐点翻译。 2.词数80-120个词。+ ^/ w; T' j3 q' o/ U6 d- X
  3.信的开头己为你写好。 4.书信格式正确。- A4 c2 j2 b! O3 L3 C
  *********************************************************************% L) D! ~; ^$ W
  No.27 Middle School
& r0 ~$ J6 s6 [# {/ M1 _: |  Zhongzhou, Sichuan Province
; s( J; o/ y& |5 _$ r; S: j- _  January 14, 2000
9 u& k9 q. d0 s  Dear Editor
2 X$ n4 F. ^" K4 r6 Y
1 L: M' _% }8 x$ {. D5 `- Y) ^: ~9 A$ I 
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 13:31:43 | 显示全部楼层


 Keys:</p>  1-10 CBCDA CDDDB 11-20 ACCDA CABBD' v4 U5 h% ]/ d2 A5 k( w2 q3 x: M  e* Q
: T' c$ d+ H' ^. N8 o% U7 P# K6 h+ I  41-50 CDCDD CCACB 51-55 ACBBA
4 r# y. @) y- w- d  56. in → on  57. √  58. greatly → great 59. hanged → hung
+ |. N  X; S1 q. ?- b9 G" @  p% I% n  60. or → and  61. lonely → alone 62. the → a 63. breath → breathe8 P- X& `8 {9 y' A: w2 ^( F
  64. which → what 65. that → so- a3 L$ @" O2 ]! N9 O  J
2 P; Y+ {6 Z0 t" q3 K% D2 o  No.27 Middle School
& T* n3 k! q5 h2 E5 l/ M2 g( z  Zhongzhou, Sichuan Province- G  R1 E1 R/ ]- e" b, H0 H
  January 14, 2000
) W, ^. @: R$ e3 u; E1 w  Dear Editor
: m: ~8 O- [1 X  In the countryside a lot of children are leaving school at an early age for various reasons. Some have to leave school because their families are too poor to pay for their education. Some find difficulties in study. Some have to help their parents to earn money. And some simply do not like studying. In my opinion the main reason that the children can not finish school is the poor living conditions of their families.
" K3 C& F& U8 s' i* r* _2 R  I think every child has the chance to receive education. As a student I can't do much about it. but I would try my best and now, I would like to give them all my pocket money and hope it will help some children.8 z% z) S8 W6 I! l1 p) i$ b' {
  Your truly
( X7 x2 u( d! ^6 W9 i! l* A  Li Hua
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使用道具 举报

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