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[其他] 专家支招:商务英语入门到提高02

发表于 2012-8-14 18:47:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
在formal正式场合中, 要用:Good morning/afternoon或How do you do,同时要shaking hands"握握手"来显示你的sincerity诚意。当然不要忘了smile一下,因为微笑是消除隔阂、沟通心灵的最好方法。  $ T, c9 g. N/ j" S/ A3 e, i2 R' k
  而在informal非正式场合中,比如年轻人之间或平时的聚会中,我们就可以relax,放松一下,不单穿着随便,而且只需招手致意,问候语用简单的Hi, or Hello!就可以了。 另外,作为新人,应该主动与同事交往,所以要先作self introduction, 除了May I introduce myself? My name’s Peter King,
& x: j/ V0 i0 V" X+ r  你还可以说: Let me introduce myself. My name’s Peter. 或者I’m Peter.
5 x2 Y8 b* ^, g9 R/ H6 M  作完了自我介绍,Peter希望Susan能把他介绍给经理或其他人,听听他是怎么说的: ! N/ h7 o7 a/ t& B; L
  Peter: Could you introduce me to the Manager? : c! c$ t; n/ r' m& u
  Susan: Of course. Mr. King... Mr. White, let me introduce you to Mr. Peter King, the new clerk in your department.
6 @# i# I: H% L) C2 T  White: How do you do. I’m Alex White.
4 F  s+ {' t" C. V  We’re going to be working together.   _# P5 T" I8 N" t# e) t
  Peter: How do you do. I’ve been looking forward to meeting you, Mr. White. 3 |: a- a; K0 i, h+ S
  原来他用了句型 Could you introduce me to sb.? 这显得很有礼貌。另外你还可以这样说:
# X$ d# L9 p/ j3 W. A. W  1、I haven’t met your Managing Director yet. (我还没有见到你们的总裁。)
/ J  y. I3 q6 F/ b  2、I don’t know anyone here. You’ll have to introduce me. 6 E  H+ v3 Y7 U( G
  (这里的人我都不认识。您得给我作介绍。)   d* F% @1 _* J5 b
0 K+ i: g7 y7 j  1、Let me introduce you to our Managing Director.(请让我把您介绍给我们的总裁。); $ q8 ]& @) ]7 s' A- U
  2、I’ll introduce you to our Managing Director , this is Mr. Johnson, our MD. 8 S, y7 s5 H* {& U* e% I" r- e6 a& u2 ~
1 y' O4 p% R" r( g  最后,请问你知道在初次见面时哪句话是必不可少的吗? 对了, 是:
% L  i2 D4 {0 H% ]- Z  Nice to meet you.(见到您很高兴。) 每当对方报上姓名时,你要记得说这句话。 8 c  ^6 ]9 O; h$ o0 v( Z2 U/ K
  为了加深对方的印象,你可以加上你对对方的赞扬: 7 w# _; `$ M; z
  I’ve heard a lot about you. (久闻大名) 。当然用 2 S) p5 R3 q; \6 j
  Glad to meet you. 或Pleased to meet you. 来替代Nice to meet you.也可以。
& A" g% J! {; c; V  得体的介绍和问候会给对方留下美好印象,但是你不能虎头蛇尾呀,告别也要无可挑剔。
% e! n) n( _* _5 ]  常用的告别语有:
* K" F$ ^, X- u. T) Q; i9 ^  1、It was very nice to have met you. 5 v. Z, F, Q6 G7 @* n
  2、It was nice meeting you.
7 r" p& k9 c; o' j  3、Hope to see you again.

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