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[商务实战] 2012年商务英语高级实战篇三

发表于 2012-8-14 18:53:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Asking Questions   询问问题
# [# M- m2 r2 hDirect questions/open-ended:
/ L+ n4 t- Y5 G7 f! kWhat/why/how/where/when) T  v, {  D4 D4 n' H' b+ {
Closed questions :
3 O  [) E+ S$ h5 X! FDo you/did you
* G6 F& E0 h) D% R: YDelicate questions:
6 {0 [. C6 j  X1 Q) p9 G% w; q1 mI was wondering if/ could I ask you/ would you mind telling me/if it's not indiscreet I'd like to know/might I ask/may I ask8 y+ h; s9 \  e  Y% e! ?
Clarifying Questions   澄清问题
0 |/ D4 |) @, u/ a4 ~. RSo you want to know about---/is it the figures that worry you/ when you say---do you mean---/If I've understood the question you want to know about---& u+ ~/ h! Y" r. j- |/ Y8 \0 F7 Z
Evading Questions   回避问题
$ H% B- Y: p. ^$ R( `. sThat's not really my field---/ that's a bit outside the scope of today's topic/ I haven't got the precise information with me today/ that's not really for me to say/I'd need notice of that question to answer you in full/this is not really the place to discuss that matter/ perhaps that's a question for another meeting
4 a) \; Y! E. R6 E! TInviting Comments   鼓励并听取意见
# ~2 ^# ^( S6 E8 [& @) I! bHas anyone got any questions at this point?+ {+ y. }  U: I' T/ d
Would anyone like to comment on that?
! O# P9 E7 ?, Z7 ~Does anyone disagree with my last point?
' k- J' O0 J1 V2 ]+ HCan anyone confirm my experience?: E7 ?! d. s) q5 H( Y1 x
If nobody has any questions then I'll move on

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