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[商务实战] 2012年商务英语中级考试指导:如何集中注意力

发表于 2012-8-14 18:53:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
by Glen Stansberry of LifeDev (feed).   Focus is something of a novelty these days. We’ve got cellphones for texting and calls, IM, Twitter, Email, RSS feeds, Facebook, Myspace… the list goes on and on. If you don’t have ADD before you start working online, it seems it’s almost inevitable thanks to these inputs. If you’re a web worker who uses the Internet for the majority of the day, you’re especially at risk for losing focus.) n/ P1 N' f9 r. n4 F" T
  注意力如今成了新鲜物。我们有手机来发短信、打电话,即时聊天工具,博客,电子邮件,RSS订阅,Facebook,Myspace……不胜枚举。如果上网工作前你没有注意力缺陷障碍(attention deficit disorder),那么因为上面那些东西,你也将会不可避免地患上这种病症。如果你是一位一天大部分时间都使用互联网的网络工作者,那么注意力不集中的可能性更大。: d. ~$ N$ ?+ ]; m
  Focus is something that must be fought for. It’s not something that automatically switches on when you want to. You have to make sure your surroundings are perfect for working if you want to be focused. Here’s a few ways I’ve found this to work:
+ Z( t4 T9 X8 V9 E  注意力是需要争取的,它不会在你想要的时候自动开启。如果你想让注意力集中,那么就必须让自己所处的环境最适合工作。下面是我发现的一些有帮助的方法:) M  n# f  r5 P# g" x) V
  1. Use offline tools. 使用非网络工具。Paper products, pens, and other physical tools are a Godsend for those of us who have a hard time focusing throughout the work day. They’re so simple that we can use them quickly, without having to worry about becoming distracted.# k6 o9 F0 u+ q  C# d8 o

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