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[商务实战] 2012年商务英语中级考试指导:办公室常用对话

发表于 2012-8-14 18:53:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  "Mr. Lawrence, there's a call on line 2."
5 }  l; P$ I1 Y& X* k% Z$ K) Q  "Miss Simon, get Acme Corporation on the phone, please."
; r  Q& @6 x2 G" j, Z  "Good morning, Lawrence Manufacturing.  Miss Simon speaking. May I help you?" 1 }. s4 V+ Q  ?) w; ~" n$ b+ ~
  "Good afternoon.  Thank you for calling Continental. How may I help you?" ! K" t  M  s, B  t
  "Miss Simon, have Fred come into my office before he leaves the building."
* @2 h8 v6 x9 e0 W  "Certainly, Mr. Lawrence."
5 U- }; I+ ^- o  "Will you have time to go to lunch with me today?" / T# B7 n5 v# M- p/ o! Y
  "Miss Simon, make lunch reservations at Moreno's.  I'm meeting a client there."
  W9 [% i9 }! N- @! I4 g( @  "Wait!  Hold the elevator for me!" + p+ \4 F9 O3 W. f8 g$ W
  "I'm going to take the stairs today."
- o3 \9 @+ L4 m: K5 y, b9 Y2 t  "Sam, did you brown-bag it today?"   @8 p. R' l# P6 o7 ?' t8 O, k
  "No, I didn't bring my lunch.  I thought I'd go to the deli today."   - p) w6 O1 B( S
  "Rita, what options did you pick for your 401K?"
2 B( \: Y5 ^8 t/ R% ^, ?" W# S  "You've only been here a month.  Why are you thinking about retirement already?"
; ~: ~$ @# r9 ?* z. ?& C% {  "Welcome to Continental Investments, Mr. Smith.  This is the Human Relations Department." , s3 z# ~/ C% N3 z- \6 |
  "Is that the same as Personnel?" ( W( k+ D5 ?% b) _4 a& f7 D1 X8 M
  "Yes, that's the old name for us.  We need to fill out your W2 form for your payroll deductions." 7 i* t% V0 {" h3 D$ R* T
  "Did you want me to send this letter by e-mail or by snail mail?"
4 X$ o0 l$ c- d' o  "Let's do it the old-fashioned way: type it, sign it, put it in an envelope and drop it in a mailbox."% g* c- q$ b0 i
  "Julie, will you please file these sales reports."
; n/ _( H% |! B. e' k  "Julie, where did you files last month's sales reports?"
# v3 q& S5 C, g5 ?+ s  "Mrs. Everett, I'd like you to type up that memo I left on your desk."
1 ]) L. e# K; R1 g+ D  _  "When you get that memo typed, see that all department heads get a copy." + U  A# O. I# I# Z* v6 N
  "Shall I fax the new proposal to the head office?"
6 [  i( G: Y7 J8 n) h) K  "Hey, Jim.  How'd you make out with that new prospect?"
# t8 ~1 ~8 M+ u) p. N" m  "Call Maintenance, Mrs. Everett.  The copier's jammed again." % F# b& Z( k" O, l! v# }
  "Mrs. Everett, set up a conference call for me with Joe Baldwin and my attorney." 0 @6 U8 e" V4 S* u! x
  "Tom, this is Morris Gruber.  He's just starting today.  Would you like to show him the ropes?"   }/ U- |  _& N
  "Morris, this is the time clock.  You've got to punch in before the bell rings or you will be docked."
6 T% r. ]5 \3 y: z  L  "What do you mean 'docked'?"
" L8 U0 [9 K# K' C2 ^/ V  "If the time card shows one minute past 8, you lose 15 minutes of pay."
8 E' j+ j& u8 l. ]  "That doesn't seem very fair."
& B9 D- J; b: B  "Attention Employees: There will be no loitering around the water cooler during business hours."
* C7 N4 _3 ^% g, _' e9 i- ^" o  "Betty, did you see that new memo about employee parking?" 3 K6 h, ?& e- s& c# I% v
  "Yeah. All the big shots get to park right by the building and we have to walk half a block."

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