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[商务实战] 商务实战:透视“穿越剧”爆红背后的秘密1

发表于 2012-8-14 18:53:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
商务实战:透视“穿越剧”爆红背后的秘密: L" E1 J) w8 \$ n
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" I/ A, U1 O$ Z: l6 D( x  Stephen Hawking, one of the world’s smartest physicists, once said: “I’m obsessed by time。4 F* L0 n! k( u$ Y
6 y# I- r4 B; X: g: @) S; r  Many of us are, and the popularity of time travel TV series has just proved that。
$ B: O; q" `5 N- ]  我们中的很多人亦是如此,因为“穿越剧”的走红已经证实了这一点。外语学习网" r; m, x% L& B. T% M$ L
  After Palace and Startling by Each Step achieved startling ratings last year, Palace 2 aired on January 20, attracting time travel fans back to TV。
0 V9 I- `% e5 Z& p  随着去年《宫》和《步步惊心》接连获得令人赞叹的收视率之后,《宫2》于今年1月20日开播,引来无数“穿越迷”的追捧。/ j" d, B, z: d- g! H: @
  “It’s fun to watch characters travel back in time and deal with the conflicts between modernity and ancient times,” Xia Xiaoyan, who works for a foreign-owned enterprise in Shanghai, told China Daily。" G1 B, [. {5 l7 [
  上海某外企职员夏晓燕(音译)在接受《中国日报》记者采访时表示:“看到剧中人物穿越到过去,应对古今之间的矛盾冲突,真是太好玩了。”4 \, U" Q* ]7 q$ K3 j
  Time travel series connect both today and the past, thus offering room for imagination, said Cai Yinong, the producer of Startling by Each Step。% `8 J  r+ P  J' e1 }6 D7 c) d

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