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[商务实战] 商务实战:MBA小课堂这个世上没有失败

发表于 2012-8-14 18:53:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
! n  A+ u& a* U, P  _3 L7 r"We have a peculiar philosophy within the company. There is no such thing as failure, we only view things as clinical experiments."
+ F; q2 p# R. A- f! E) ?: r“在公司里,我们有着独到的理念,那就是,在这个世上没有所谓的失败,有的只是一次次临床试验而已。”1 j: Q* V- k0 K- ~

# G8 w# M2 n1 E/ ?1 B5 w- k. J, C5 ^9 {( R1 u" d/ t0 V/ L
To demonstrate his point, Sandor used the drug Salvarsan — also called compound 606 — as an example./ e7 w# ?# ^% o4 g) f. ^1 _" k
' M0 b3 s; Q' y/ `4 I# H# R( ^1 e- _2 k+ i9 g. r

  w/ o6 L  ]) L0 R% e" {- XCompound 606 predates penicillin and was used to treat syphilis in the early 1900s. According to Sandor, the drug got its nickname after its creator failed 606 times before getting it right.
, y( n. a' d% U$ ]在20世纪初,606化合物被认为是治疗梅毒的特效药,后来被盘尼西林(青霉素)所取代。Sandor表示,606化合物的昵称就来自于该药的问世经历,在试验了606次之后,终于研制成功。中华考试网(www.Examw。com)
! }' N. R- l7 a' D5 m( v- @5 z8 x! @! N, b1 P( {8 H/ _

' U7 b# i* H, D& X; B  n& _& a, ePerseverance is an important factor when reaching towards a goal and Sandor believes that failure cannot be viewed as the end of a project.
4 U6 t# _- ]$ O$ `$ _% z# C坚持不懈的毅力是达成目标的重要因素。Sandor认为,一次失败并不能被当做是某个项目的完结。
3 a5 x2 S2 _: W. L7 R' P' X( ?9 S4 p! o1 ^
7 [* g/ G3 @, c' B1 p: h
"Leadership and inventive activity require the perspective of clinical trials as opposed to success or failure."
, u6 B) L% x; g/ s1 _“领导才能和创造发明一样,不能光用成功或失败来定义,两者都需要不断地进行试验才行。”
. _) A6 ?$ W, X1 \: u! j$ T5 F; c+ ?; }$ m' C

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