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[商务实战] 商务实战:城市90后成消费主力军

发表于 2012-8-14 18:53:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
商务实战:城市90后成消费主力军3 \+ x0 L/ _7 }0 b
一项最新调查显示,中国城市的90后在消费方面扮演着十分重要的角色,因为他们有着更多的可支配资金,在家庭中也有更大的话语权。根据北京新生代市场研究公司的调查,2010年,中学生的每月零用钱平均为382.3元(61美元),而10年前的类似调查显示结果仅为67.7元,如今的零用钱是10年前的5倍。& ]% r/ f4 r" r$ L- V& S# v+ N+ M
先看相关英文报道:8 ^  t8 w- S* v( N3 r+ a
A recent survey found that urban Chinese born in the 1990s are playing a significant role in consumption because they have more disposable money and a greater say in family spending. The pocket money for a middle school student averaged 382.3 yuan ($61) a month in 2010, five times more than the 67.7 yuan a month found in the pockets of this demographic in a similar survey conducted 10 years ago, according to a report from Sinomonitor Marketing Research Co.  Q  h3 s) q( Q7 \
分析:: Q& t8 S5 `1 e% ~3 B' ]- j
上述新闻中的“disposable money”意为“可支配资金”。“disposable”有“可自由支配的、可任意实用的”意思,如“disposable income”为“可支配收入”。“disposable”也有“一次性的、用完可丢弃的”意思,如“disposable worker”为“临时工”、“disposable slippers”为“一次性拖鞋”。
/ N/ l* l2 ^0 X1 J“可支配收入”,就是拿到手的收入。即工资收入中扣除掉基本养老保险、基本医疗保险、失业保险、公积金、个人所得税等剩下的那部分,扣除它们后拿到手上的钱才是想怎么用就怎么用的。, t1 ?( _( V2 l# v  g; D/ l
* E& M' I$ c# v3 Q7 j" U4 b1. have a greater say  in... 在……方面有更大的话语权5 L4 w4 \3 E) M; w* a: T2 k
例句:China might currently be the junior partner but, as it grows stronger, it will want a greater say in how the world is run, particularly in the Asia-Pacific region./ |1 \* c' N& |1 ^1 P) [! Z
中国也许现在处于一个较弱的地位,但是随着国力的增强,它将在世界秩序方面发出更强音,尤其是在亚太地区。; |8 e7 [  b9 r; I
2. pocket money 零用钱, O$ ~, @6 @2 w1 b6 p' D8 }
3. basic endowment insurance 基本养老保险
) U9 @" W- ^+ B  d  i$ D8 M3 @' z5 C4. basic medical insurance 基本医疗保险: \' p( D. q0 [9 v& i: s7 }
5. unemployment insurance 失业保险
; T5 Y& J3 y% c7 Y6. accumulation fund 公积金$ q  ]! A9 F# j* K! `) u- w
7. personal income tax 个人所得税
+ J% G9 U- S6 }1 s2 H- o. [7 S8. post-90s 90后
% _) J0 i+ W: c+ c9 K; B0 R例句:
. S- ?6 a1 j; q- c# V. b1. It taxes growth directly by taking disposable money out of consumers' pockets, and restricts central banks' ability to provide support by easing monetary policy.7 [  L# B! J8 E
- `7 x+ f) C/ |0 ]' ~+ I2. The problem is not lack of desire to spend, but lack of money: Household disposable income has been shrinking as a share of GDP.
. i+ H; K) c# V9 D问题不在于人们不想花钱,而是缺钱:家庭可支配收入占GDP的比例一直在缩水。, }4 U) z4 _; V  ^, A
3. Time is money, a disposable resource.
. r3 h$ E0 J* t4 O- y; v时间就是金钱,一种可以挥霍的资源。

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