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[商务实战] 商务实战:别让领导的事无巨细绑住了自己的手脚

发表于 2012-8-14 18:53:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
# b' D/ Q) R4 e9 Y* Z0 s"Often micromanagers are oblivious to the effect they are having on other people. They actually think all their micromanaging is producing a better work product."0 @8 W  P9 f+ x2 X, A+ a: R- n
“通常事无巨细的管理者不会意识到他们对其他人的影响。事实上,他们认为这样的事无巨细、通盘管理创造的是一个更好的工作环境。”& W/ ]1 x# V2 n: S/ N9 P. j8 y" {8 V
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Micromanagers often feel pressure to produce and when someone on the team is not doing they share, the micromanager feels out of control. Consequently, they tend to lash and make unfair demands on everyone else, says North.www.ExamW.CoM- T: i5 E8 M" }
North表示,这样的管理者在做事时往往倍感压力,如果团队中有人没有按照他的指示从事,他就会感到失去控制。最终,他们就会变得非常严苛,而且会对所有人提出不合理的要求。; \. c7 n; {$ B, s6 O2 f* u5 T  f8 m6 J
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While micromanagers might have a good reason for their behavior, their actions are unproductive and demoralizing.
8 y) [. L2 @" Y! ~虽然他们可能有很好的理由为自己的行为辩护,他们的行为仍然会影响到效率,使人感到泄气。0 y1 x* f7 H6 {$ j
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% C: {. Z8 n- f' i5 C5 P"Without being confrontational, find a way to let this person know how micromanagement affects you. A little levity could diffuse the tension. Or you might just ask how he or she thinks it feels to be second-guessed and mistrusted all the time."
! A2 ?7 u! E3 T+ {9 A& V“不要与这样的领导者对抗,找到一个合适的方式向他表达他的这种事无巨细的行为如何影响了你。一点点的不稳妥都会造成关系紧张。或者你可以问问领导,如果他们自己总是被事后劝告或者不被信任,他们会是什么样的感觉。”

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