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[商务实战] 商务实战:公司文化助企业走过成长的烦恼

发表于 2012-8-14 18:53:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
商务实战:公司文化助企业走过成长的烦恼5 K3 m& @: V: Q
"In a small organization, there's nothing more important than culture. People tend to get fired up about their jobs when there's a dialogue that's trustworthy, friendly and doesn't require a intermediator or moderator."www.examw.com
6 b2 m! N0 f1 j1 m# c# G7 a“在一家小公司里,没有什么比企业文化更重要的了。当彼此之间的对话充满了友好和信任,不再需要任何调解人时,人们的工作热情也会被点燃。”# H) z6 ?9 e& }1 j2 q
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# I& s5 G* {+ }This is especially crucial at the beginning of forming any company when you're dealing with growing pains, Rudenstine says about his company CityMaps, which provides a social interactive map with aggregated information about local businesses." a& e$ Q" s3 G" v" j3 [7 @! j9 b3 Z! O
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5 O9 n& D! Z4 C  n+ R( P, W" AThe Harvard-grad tell us that when you grow from three to 15 people in a short amount of time, it can be challenging for everyone in the company and personal connections help to pull the company through during these hard times.
/ S8 ^5 s. p, y8 l! s哈佛的校友告诉我们,当你的公司在短期内由3个人成长为15个人的时候,这个时期对公司里的每个人都是艰难的挑战,而良好的人际关系就会有助于公司度过这样的困难时期。
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"The personal connections that I forge with people I work with are really important to me. If you can create a culture where there's trust, respect and open dialogue, everything will run a lot more smoothly."! ^) `' V4 X* i0 c9 P/ Q8 W

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