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[商务实战] 商务之战:记商务术语,译商务文书

发表于 2012-8-14 18:53:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
为了帮助广大考生系统的复习商务英语考试课程,全面的了解商务英语考试的相关重点,小编特编辑汇总了商务英语考试的相关辅导资料,希望对您参加商务英语考试有所帮助!* P7 u0 v- U5 N2 N; N. l+ e. r5 l1 q
C-E+ c4 a! \; s2 j
1 \1 c8 [+ W$ J- \: [& zE-C' d* [- J2 f  A
With pledge investment of US $ 12 billion,the UK is acknowledged to be the leading European investor in China and main EU source of technology.5 `' p' C- K8 g1 |0 h. j/ ~% T
C-E/ \$ F4 b3 ]4 I
如果银行认为某位顾客是一位风险大的信用对象,就不会为其办理信用卡.* w/ C3 {' _5 c& K3 y
3 |: X) U6 j! _& _0 T" x! t1 HAt the end of the financial year,profits are first of all allocated to pay the fixed percentage dividends on preference shares /stock.
% k) ?) W. ^) gFYR:
" N; t. U8 L2 D( U) D1The profit and loss account shows whether the company is profitable or not.
5 e/ B5 f  \- Y3 d! a# k6 G, _3 O7 X2英国对中国的抵押投资为120亿美元,是欧洲对中国公认的主要投资国,同时还是主要的欧盟技术来源.) }' a9 r1 i5 E
3The bank will not issue someone credit card if the bank thinks you are a poor credit risk.1 r7 x; F: o+ `( A+ P' {
3 M2 d( j9 L+ U" v4 L: g( I& F% N新加内容:: U( i/ a$ c% n( j0 O
股息,股利# B4 h. V3 `+ K. c/ A1 A7 Q7 Z
: g# m  f  Y) ?+ X股息分配
9 Q, E+ }5 L" W$ z0 pdividend distribution$ K- ~* O0 c% A# ?9 e1 x1 C# @
- n. r+ C& B1 \" c# H/ _& p1 zdividend payout ratio) a/ `; H7 k7 S0 ~& R
优先股息7 R/ m7 i; j. _
preferred dividend

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