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[商务实战] 2011年商务英语口语实战:第一课

发表于 2012-8-14 18:53:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Chapter 1 Daily Office Routines
4 n. U* }5 |4 r2 G  b& j  Introduction and greetings
# B+ I1 E( R7 ]- L8 H1 k  Useful sentences  Q$ a' ]3 Y* {- q- a2 D: ~6 d! f
, T" p% h/ N2 P, {* T* R. L  Let me introduce Mr. Jackson to you.
7 F1 ~" t* {: H5 P! X0 X  Allow me to introduce Mr. Norton to you.
: G/ f6 Y& [1 B7 g' K2 s3 v$ D' h  Allow me to introduce you to Mr. Norton.6 b$ o+ x3 }/ o4 x) N
  I’d like to introduce Peta to you.
% G; R+ W% D% t' ~- Z" Q  I’d like you to meet my friend Edward.* A. U2 j0 \' g5 k1 C1 [
  Meet my friend Edward, please?7 x1 u7 X' T, ]" V, K) U$ u0 p/ O" |
  Let me introduce my friend to you.7 j( g3 C( v4 o! [
  Who is the lady in white?" F; j& F1 E. n# K$ g
  Could you introduce me to the new assistant manager?) s* E! ?4 [7 k! Z# x7 i8 {* G
  Paul is our accountant." ]  y: \- ~4 Q) R1 t# y
  Cathy Will will be our manager from now on.$ N& l* c' p+ J
  Have we been introduced?% Y1 Y5 g( b+ {1 P0 t
  Let me introduce myself.
& i, j8 E3 S2 F; q  May I introduce myself?0 m, f! V+ `! }- @7 v5 Z8 ^3 A, f8 ^
  My name is Marcle Pervers.- u& V% u" R$ w; j
  What’s yours?! T3 d. O% c/ ]4 S% X
  Just call me Peda.
6 C. U& b% Z8 h' @  What’s your family name?
3 _% J# E! a7 ^: l0 j  Havis Spurn.7 E# m+ [; W: ?; ^# u4 [. @
/ N5 ^5 i! f( l/ ]- U) ]+ ?
  Your name just doesn’t come to me.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 18:53:10 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  Greetings:9 n4 Y4 q2 O4 g1 g
  I am delighted to see you here.
) }/ H# d& Q7 [; a; X" K! K& I& ^  It’s a pleasure to meet you.
. j: X' }3 H7 e* Z4 X  I’m pleased to meet you.
+ P) t+ `- u5 P3 v: U" H  The pleasure is mine.
2 Q" k" p% {7 t" n. P  I’m sorry. I didn’t catch your name.' E! {* E3 o8 t1 A1 O
  How large is your family?
( |8 I0 U) L, K  What’s your nationality?1 W$ t2 G& b. o1 g" s5 E7 w
  I think I’ve seen you before.
* {: I4 [8 p7 W( ^; V  I’ve heard so much about you.
/ v, a. i3 A; K; ^  O  Bronson is always talking about you. $ m* ]3 y  q: Q1 x" W
  Situational conversations
' O$ l3 N  I$ |7 u  Dialogue 1 :Glad to meet you# ]- }0 G, o" i0 g' `
  Ben, I’d like you to meet Mary, a new co-worker in our company.
& {2 F2 U( s  f, N3 m- K  Glad to meet you. Guess we’ll be working together.( X, D9 B+ n# v8 C) O8 Q
  Yes. She’ll be working closely with you. Could you show her around?: g# @. J; t1 m
  Sure, come with me please.
, z+ E5 ^/ c$ l/ b, s  Dialogue 2: I just started a couple of weeks ago.
" [" M0 [7 P$ q1 g. W  Hi, there. My name is Elbert Cerke.. m+ [$ @. p& t9 _
  You’re new around here, right?: b( n/ O7 S: t3 i/ r
  Yeah. My name is Angelina Hellen. I just started a couple of weeks ago." n. D0 j( P1 _! n
  Welcome to our company. If there is anything I can do for you, let me know.5 a8 W$ P/ U& X$ @+ N- O* l
  Thanks. I’ll appreciate that.
: ~9 \/ w: H% @1 R2 [: t- [. R8 i- G  Dialogue 3: I didn’t catch your name.
8 j: e! x8 E3 x0 B  Hello. My name is Kalven, the assistant to the marketing manager.* y- y- k" o0 ^0 v& w2 b
  Hi, Kalven. Pleased to meet you. My name is Pierce.
# U. \  b, k3 E+ z1 E2 m( t5 M& z3 ?  Sorry. I didn’t catch your name.% x* ?6 O0 ~! `# [
  Oh, my name is Pierce./ L8 Z- q! L* e* |# {; g
  Would you mind spelling it?
' y8 a/ l. k/ h8 A# z) ~  o/ [  Not at all. That is P-i-e-r-c-e. Pierce
& j! p4 D+ R9 U, e7 k# ^( e0 j4 T' ]7 I6 |) q1 O7 v1 `
  Thanks. Nice to meet you Pierce.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 18:53:11 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  Dialogue 4 :You have a special accent.6 x' k7 q5 O( o
  Good morning, Mr. Cerke. I’ve been sent over from the after sale service department to fill in for Paul Jackson.7 {8 b! r) c1 P- [6 g- A
  Oh, really? Nice to meet you? You have a special accent. Where is your hometown, if you don’t mind me asking?* b5 B% n7 F8 R7 D; M
  Not at all. I was born in Japan. But I came to China when I was ten years old.$ }, X5 Y' H. ~& a; n) F, S- N
  I guess that must be what I am hearing. A little difference from accent of Chinese people.
) N' F, I5 c  K  Dialogue 5 :How do you like China so far?
/ S- x( _2 `: q  p! f* Q) G9 {  Mary, this is Joe. The new director of our export department.
% `: D3 l- e( Z9 E9 l+ W( N* T3 c  I’m very pleased to meet you.1 V* j- R8 b8 k5 m; K4 W9 @
  It’s a pleasure to meet you.
/ l7 m; u& q0 C7 _. I4 Y  How do you like China so far?
2 O: O8 o6 t+ \: h; l5 G) q  It’s really different from what I expected.
' p+ t) O' p: [3 M5 B8 n  Don’t worry. You get to used to it at no time.
) P4 b( w5 c: A  Dialogue 6: Welcome our board. ]5 \; J9 v* p6 J1 I0 t. a1 p
  Welcome our board.
6 K, }8 t: Q  Y) F* ~  Thank you. I’m delighted to be working here. Shall I meet my colleagues?
/ N* `4 x# T1 V) w# y3 X# u  Sure. Come with me. Mary, I would like you to meet our new co-worker, Jerry. He just graduated from Guangzhou University./ L1 |2 b3 J1 ^, ~) X
  Nice to meet you.. A1 v5 V  Q5 F" f/ q6 v+ |5 Z+ W
  I am new to the working world. I would appreciate your guidance.
* Q; L% \- U. G6 U# R2 P  Well, I will try my best to assist, if you need any help.
9 b) N0 J7 G; I; m& Y5 i! p  Great!
0 ^  B# P0 q: k1 b5 ]  As the other guys are still not in. I will introduce you to them later.
( {2 ^8 i1 J9 g! r; G- m$ K  Ok.. B$ b+ o9 r2 K- z) r! G
  Dialogue 7 :I’m happy to work with you.
" o5 ~/ h5 j0 e2 [  Ben, this is Angelina. Your new co-worker.
# \$ u% {: u* w- I% o. x4 Y  Hi, Angelina. Welcome to our board.
# P2 l" ~% x1 z! q$ n# v; ]  I’m happy to work with you.
' M; J4 A/ y) o* G* b  Me, too.
( U9 L0 H4 X$ W3 G  Ok, now Let’s continue the tour and your introductions. Let’s go to the second floor. We can take the elevator over there. It’ll be faster. This is Edward, our accountant; and Paul, our cashier; and Meg, my sectary. This is Angelina, our new employee.
9 X3 A7 ^) @7 d6 W4 T  Welcome to our group.+ B( Y) G, v5 u
  It’s good to be here.
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