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[综合辅导] BEC商务英语考试图表作文常用套句(3)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
这是图标作文里一些可以用到的写作套路。个人感觉图表作文在将来的工作中用处非常大,尤其是需要自己做PRESENTATION的时候,其实都要在讲话时援引和多数据图标,其中的表达方式,和我们考试中的写作模板句如出一辙。所以,大家要好好学习这部分内容,将来成为PRESENTATION达人哦!这样你在工作中的专业感和权威感就能够很快竖立起来了!   21. The general trend appears to be increases.
! [* a  {2 q" d0 @% V: ]  22. There were approximately…
% P) N( n# ^& b+ h# j  23. …had jumped four fold to**
, p; ^7 O+ R3 m+ x/ X: T# B  24. …rose sharply from** to **
3 x3 l# n: y) s) L) Z1 t  25. Remained constant at **
7 h" P: d' O# N8 ]6 X; f- k! S  26. The overall trend for…. ^/ p' }( d4 M) w
  27. The graph shows the percentage of…  c* n0 L% a" s+ q/ D+ p$ Y
  28. We can see that…swell during the …hours,peaking at**am.9 R% `8 ?7 D' n; O
  29. Although the raw data does not provide an explanation for these trends,
. w) K; U/ m' X+ L8 ?  30. When coupled with the grahpic information, leads to some possible conclusions.

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