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[综合辅导] 考试辅导:外企工作最常用的100个句型,说写通用(上)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. I am writing to confirm /enquire/inform you… 我写信时要确认/询问/通知你…% b8 ^' J' `% x, y6 F- S# w
2. I am writing to follow up on our earlier decision on the marketing campaign in Q2.
" t8 V) U# D7 o" q我写信来追踪我们之前对于第二季度营销活动的决定。
; h' i2 b% k- s: B" ]' E$ }3. With reference to our telephone conversation today…关于我们今天在电话中的谈话。7 ^- \4 M; F4 m5 |+ O+ l- m+ M! O
4. In my previous e-mail on October 5…先前在10月5日所写的信…
3 U4 Q5 O. B# O% I7 Q1 r5. As I mentioned earlier about… 如我先前所提及关于…
4 f% i, D% u% m9 Y  A, i1 ~" U6. as indicated in my previous e-mail… 如我在先前的信中所提出…
% E% g/ h+ ?7 I1 z+ }6 _/ Z7. As we discussed on the phone… 如我们上次在电话中的讨论…  T( c2 G8 |+ G. X* C8 e0 v
8. from our decision at the previous meeting… 如我们在上次会议中的决定…) Q7 O2 E% R, t
9. as you requested/per your requirement… 按照你的要求…
8 v  L* a; D# i, b& ^( l10.In reply to your e-mail dated April 1,we decided…回答你在4月1日写的信,我们决定…# t/ w3 z  s/ }5 r) G/ s) k
11.This is in response to your e-mail today.这是针对你今天早上来信的回复。
8 }& c+ R' G; d) A( v" b12. As mentioned before, we deem this product has strong unique selling points in china.
2 D& u" A. ?$ |& F$ p0 a如先前所述,我们认为这个产品在中国有强有力且独一无二的销售点。
* {7 X* B9 U5 c13. As a follow-up to our phone conversation yesterday, I wanted to get back to you about the pending issues of our agreement. 追踪我们昨天在电话中所谈,我想答复你我们合约的一些待解决的议题。) d6 d- R2 A6 m' U5 i& I
14. I received your voice message regarding the subject. I’m wondering if you can elaborate i.e. provide more details. 我收到你关于这个主题的留言。我想你是否可以再详尽说明,也就是再提供多一点细节。0 w% |, v2 j/ x5 K* \: P5 c
15. Please be advised/informed that… 请被告知…
2 V- ]  y: R% t# v* U9 K( {16. Please note that…请注意…
: F* |$ T0 ?2 @$ s* y$ A4 k2 C17. We would like to inform you that…我们想要通知你…
1 G; @+ F2 X* f3 k" v) ~9 R18. I am convinced that…我确信…
) s" L: s8 q7 r; p19. We agree with you on… 我们同意你在…
& }. `" f. \4 o) Z. [20. With effect from 4 Oct., 2008…从2008年10月4日开始生效…* t. e3 j! ^! p7 {  y8 ^- H& P1 z! d
21. We will have a meeting scheduled as noted below…我们将举行一个会议,时间表如下。
& \" |+ m& V5 x1 }# n22. Be assured that individual statistics are not disclosed and this is for internal use only. 请确保个人信息不会外泄且只供内部使用。. e" u. m" p2 Y. _
23. I am delighted to tell you that… 我很高兴地告诉你…# e4 h/ x; O& `. O
24. We are pleased to learn that… 我们很高兴得知…
8 O! q6 j- I9 u- }. w" |  w; D, W- Q25. We wish to notify you that… 我们希望通知你…
  S& v3 B3 O, B, y' c* m) ], J$ [26. Congratulation on your… 恭喜您关于…
* C0 X5 T) j( L9 ^8 u8 \# F1 e27. I am fine with the proposal. 我对这份提案没意见。# H# a/ {1 x4 A+ P& O& C8 u/ W
28.I am pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to join the workshop scheduled for 22-24 Nov,2008. 我很高兴地告诉你,你已经被同意参加2008年11月22-24日的研讨会。1 b9 ^- @8 g/ P* f  i; _+ O6 ?  v% P6 m
29. We are sorry to inform you that… 我们很抱歉地通知你…; Y+ v6 h9 e, F* C
30. I’m afraid I have some bad news. 我恐怕要带来一些坏消息。
. R" h" _, K: @, q; R+ v31. There are a number of issues with our new system. 我们的新系统有些问题。, W$ @* T, q- O7 m8 l+ p& A2 u' r
32. Due to circumstances beyond our control…由于情况超出我们所能控制…
. W( b1 {4 V) J+ T- ~& K33. I don’t feel too optimistic about…我觉得不太乐观关于…
8 }. {& P7 V) D5 D% ~( y2 d" X34. It would be difficult for us to accept… 我们很难接受…+ I9 ]% j& ?4 m1 I$ D' x$ ~
35. Unfortunately I have to say that, since receiving your enquiries on the subject, our view has not changed. 很不幸地,我必须这么说,自从收到你关于这个主题的询问,我们的看法都没有改变。
! V( ?- p! ?2 @7 J+ i36. We would be grateful if you could…我们会很感激如果你可以…
* Y. {, {9 |8 a7 C37. I could appreciate it if you could… 我会很感激如果你可以…' s% U! x! X! g% X6 ^
38. Would you please send us…? 可否请你寄给我们…?, k; ~7 i- [( D' y( i
39. We need your help. 我们需要你的帮助。" x; e# \% s+ }3 m) \
40. We seek your assistance to cascade/reply this message to your staff.9 x7 B3 P/ t0 `: i& f7 ?+ j- S: M
& S) m! g8 K8 v5 T5 ~+ a- i41. We look forward to your clarification. 我们期待你的澄清。
" \9 F  X$ i* p42.Your prompt attention to this matter will be appreciated.您能立即注意此事,我们将非常感激。
: r# A' y0 a6 K! w: u43. I would really appreciate meeting up if you can spare the time. Please let me know what suits you best.如果您能抽出时间,我希望能与你见面,请让我知道您最适合的时间。3 S+ }5 H, s( g: z0 }- I3 R
44.Please give us your preliminary thoughts about this.请让我知道你对于这件事情初步的想法。
, a! b& K1 U) m# z0 Y4 {0 e$ y45. Would you please reply to this e-mail if you plan to attend? 请您回信如果您计划参加?
( ?' n( R: k/ @% ~0 z, q4 _+ I/ R46.Please advise if you agree with this approach.请告知是否你同意这个方法。中 华 考 试 网: ~+ u) C  H. j
47. Could you please let me know the status of this project? 请让我知道这个计划的进度?" `& C; W) j* u/ U4 l! a* `

) h5 I. h: M' E9 \9 n8 x. o48. If possible, I hope to receive a copy of your proposal when it is finished.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:40 | 显示全部楼层


  g$ ]8 C) ^+ ~) e, S  W8 j49. I would appreciate it very much if you would send me your reply by next Monday.
) {7 S! d/ g; q8 o5 L" P2 g如果能在下周一前收到您的答复,我将非常感激。  M6 v& G3 P! S$ _+ b* z
50. Hope this is OK with you. If not, let me know by e-mail ASAP.3 {, l! O( }8 x& f1 Q4 A) p
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