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[综合辅导] 商务英语辅导:商务英语常用缩略语表(9)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  FB foreign bank 外国银行
& k3 s0 Y5 ^7 D/ i  F. B. E. foreign bill of exchange 外国汇票   p7 f: x/ q7 w4 v% b6 R5 @
  F. C. fixed capital 固定资本 9 a* C3 G5 E' ?5 }: o! |
  F. C. fixed charges 固定费用
, Z0 K! t; }3 [' `7 H8 h& Z. b( I9 i  F. C. future contract 远期合同
# @9 U4 i: D$ q* Y% T/ O9 B( h4 L  fc. franc 法郎
/ e9 i9 A; o% D2 r! T9 r  FCA Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants 特许会计师学会会员
( F5 @. h2 d! t/ L  FCG foreign currency guarantee 外币担保
4 Q9 O4 O; R% J' i4 y  FCL full container load 整货柜装载 ; z2 W' d. x$ O8 X, C) y
  FCL/LCL full container load/less (than)full container load 整装/分卸
9 o  n7 `9 s& C3 y6 t4 F  FCR forwarder's cargo receipt 货运代理行收据 - d( C, K: v" q, v+ G" P( x
  FCT forwarding agent's certificate of transport 货运代理行领货证
# N. C7 u% O" q: {3 V  fd. fund 资金 ) Q8 L; n! t7 F$ m) Q/ B' O' E
  FDB method fixed rate on declining balance method 定率递减余额折旧法 2 X/ H3 ^3 ~9 L2 l2 L0 F8 L% L
  FDI foreign direct investment 外商直接投资 1 H1 I  w8 w% f6 E
  FDIC Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 联邦储蓄保险公司
. b( s- ~6 O+ ]3 z4 [4 }  FE foreign exchange 外汇
" T. o% L/ V8 s$ c+ b% d  FE future exchange 远期外汇
6 w) R; i! k% J% y- \1 X! S  FF French franc 法国法郎 外语学习网
9 w2 W9 v6 s* E  fib free into barge 驳船上的交货价 / `; P! f  y" c% Y+ I1 i
  FIBC financial institution buyer credit policy 金融机构买方信贷险 : L( s- s. K, R0 M( \1 K
  FIFO first in, first out 先进先出法 4 k" N( D1 H4 _8 K! ]
  fin. stadg.(stndg.) financial standing 资信状况
- R, G3 k' c; Z+ ]% C" ^% n' t  fin. stat. (F/S) financial statement 财务报表 3 q* }' ?* Q# Q) [$ `1 G% t& p' E
  fin.yr. financial year 财政年度   F7 y2 l' D. ~8 M" \2 ]
  FINA following items not available 以下项目不可获得
) y* |, y9 B) G% d$ u  FIO free in and out 自由进出 5 }! t$ ^2 ?# V* s- _3 |) {
  F. I. T free of income tax 免交所得税
$ D3 E- y+ B; v# V. S4 g  fl. florin 盾 " b$ k& {. _8 p- F
  FLG finance lease guarantee 金融租赁担保
: Y: S* Z% `5 _; \) k; m  flt. flat 无利息 . c1 I9 i" I3 B0 {3 c! S" l& _1 d
  FMV fair market value 合理市价
7 C9 p( `  t2 y1 a0 `! J. S- y  FO free out 包括卸货费在内的运费
) R) \# ^6 ~7 X, _0 s1 r  fo. folio 对折、页码 * D( Y( Y3 T- P1 R7 x# |
  FOB free on board (启运港)船上交货、离岸价格 * p4 ~. ^  W: C: H; `9 @
  FOB airport FOB airport (启运)机场交货(价) 3 w2 F, ]: o5 N8 ?- f6 ^2 I
  FOBST free on board stowed and trimming 包括清理及平仓的离岸价格 ; N% Y/ }) X- B/ K
  F.O.C. free of charge 免费

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