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[综合辅导] 商务英语辅导:利比亚政府军正向反对派“临时首都”班加西突进

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  World News from the BBC
8 R, C9 s# z" {+ A  利比亚政府军正向反对派“临时首都”班加西突进7 f2 v9 b5 ~( ~" G
  Rebels in Libya have been forced to withdraw from the eastern town of Brega after coming under heavy bombardment from troops loyal to Colonel Gaddafi. Jon Leyne reports from the rebel-held town of Benghazi.
/ z4 P5 e: |" h2 w) s$ ^  Government forces are continuing to press on with what is becoming a fairly rapid advance in eastern Libya. Two days after the small town of Ras Lanuf fell into government hands, the oil town of Brega, 100 kilometres further east, has either been captured by Colonel Gaddafi’s forces or looks like it’s about to fall. That leaves the town of Ajdabiya as the last major obstacle before the rebel stronghold of Benghazi. So the big question now is whether Colonel Gaddafi has the forces and the backup to try and recapture the rest of the country. A battle for Benghazi will be far bloodier than anything seen so far.; o5 J  I) ^4 m8 d. T$ o: C7 U
  Meanwhile, France has said it wants to speed up diplomatic efforts to impose a no-fly zone over Libya.
2 }$ w; W/ O1 b. k* z  也门警民发生冲突 百名民众因催泪弹及攻击而受伤+ r2 h4 b9 D% u7 Y; O1 o! R6 Q
  There have been more violence clashes in Yemen between police and demonstrators demanding the end to the rule of President Ali Abdullah Saleh. Reports say at least 100 people were injured when police used tear gas and live ammunition to disperse protestors in the capital Sana.& |$ i( W# W5 u) a
  阿曼苏丹表示将部分职权转移给议会7 G6 y0 q' p9 H# c3 V6 |
  The ruler of Oman, Sultan Qaboos, has announced he is to hand over some of his powers to officials from outside the royal family. A royal decree said the Legislative Council of Oman would be given lawmaking powers. Until now, the role of the council has been to advise the Sultan, who has ruled Oman for four decades.. @- n. r  a  v& J: k
  失言批评五角大楼 美国务院发言人克劳利辞职7 p2 I8 I5 O' Q( Y& @1 @3 D6 J( x( Q
  The American State Department spokesman P J Crowley has resigned after criticizing the Pentagon for its treatment of a US soldier suspected of passing classified documents to the WikiLeaks website. In a statement, Mr Crowley said he was taking full responsibility for the impact of his remarks. On Friday, Mr Crowley said that holding the soldier, Private Bradley Manning, in solitary confinement and obliging him to strip repeatedly was ridiculous, counterproductive and stupid.

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