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[综合辅导] 商务英语辅导:初级考试词汇练习题(1)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
找出与中括号内单词意义相近的单词.6 {! h  R+ |0 |. W6 B  \( Z
1. Steam can [generate] electricity by turning an electric generator.
. [5 e% Q7 W& G5 ka.change b.produce c.stop d.spread, C) h' b% ^8 H* Y! U/ f+ `* G" n. u7 w
2. He earned high [commendation] from the people for his bravery.; [8 x% ^/ j/ s1 `7 R: t, q
a.reward b.pride c.praise d.consideration
6 C" t4 _6 ]  J* R7 B$ D/ l7 O/ c% E2 m3. The policeman [halted] the speeding car to see if the driver was drunk.4 l7 ~# m; r3 \" \
a.stopped b.found c.chased d.caught+ e( V- t8 E# ^5 P! F6 ~
4. I have a [sore] throat from cold.% v) u( u+ r# p. w( a
a.strong b.weak c.clear d.painful0 Q$ _8 s* f. x6 j" R9 f) c* I
5. I will show you the [magnificent] palace of the king.
2 c5 e+ v( L- w% ]* W0 r9 a- W. c& }) q" ia.grand b.ancient c.dull d.colorful
+ z& J9 ^& P  E, P, ^1. 正确答案:b
3 S3 d- I! i- V, O! _' A题目翻译:发电机可以转化让水蒸汽产生电. 选项翻译:a.改变b.产生c.停止d.覆盖
) C( \1 X4 l# N1 }3 G* j2. 正确答案:c
& R: I% \6 \  c; ^8 ~- o' }5 _% k题目翻译:他的勇敢赢得了人们很高的赞扬 选项翻译:a.报答b.自毫c.表扬d.考虑% x) Z% W- \7 `- [
3. 正确答案:a0 j3 e& n7 E. G3 o$ X
题目翻译:警察让超速的车停下检查司机是否喝酒. 选项翻译:a.停止b.发现c.追捕d.拿
( `7 f4 a1 d( Z! L* J7 H% @4. 正确答案:d) Y0 R4 L5 Y( h- K4 z
题目翻译:我感冒喉咙痛. 选项翻译:a.强壮b.微弱c.干净d.痛* r& ^7 g' b- ?; l' @- g
5. 正确答案:a
+ @4 h, z; _+ R* D题目翻译:我带你去看国王华丽的宫殿. 选项翻译:a.伟大的b.古代的c.钝的d.彩色的4 `( G3 ~0 }& N3 ^- {
完整拼出下列句中空格处的单词,注意:是完整拼出.* l* ^$ m5 C, m4 i: ?
1. Although he was a f(   )e at school, he became a successful man later. 失败者* W* m7 `: z+ O
2. He was so c(   )s to know what was in the letter that he opened it ,even though it was addressed to his sister. 好奇的
: V7 o, }" X% f! h/ L3. Will you be quite f(   )k with me about this matter? 坦白的www.examw.com
0 p" \  l/ I8 Z$ i4 `4. In their school they have an i(   )l of ten minutes for recess. 间隔的时间& I, n+ y+ I% s
5. The police watched the cafe to which the robber was known to r(  )t. 常去
9 v. R! b* b& A1 `1. 正确答案:failure 题目翻译:尽管他在学校是个失败者,最后他还是成了一个成功的人.
3 x$ f1 U) p  @8 i/ L) ^2. 正确答案:curious 题目翻译:他太好奇信里是什么,就打开了,尽管是寄给他姐姐的.
2 N& O# f5 a% Y: r3 K6 F3. 正确答案:frank 题目翻译:你能非常坦白的告诉我这件事吗?
2 V$ o2 z2 ~5 T9 N: c4. 正确答案:interval 题目翻译:在学校里,有十分钟的休息时间.
- R4 e/ S+ |( N5. 正确答案:resort 题目翻译:警察们监视了强盗们常去的咖啡馆.

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