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[综合辅导] 商务英语900句(5):询盘

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Part I+ A! N9 A# _2 `2 a$ x$ u% G
  101. Pleas quote us for the goods listed on the enclosed inquiry sheet, giving your process CIF Jakarta.5 V+ U/ T& I( I  w
  请报所附询价单上的货物的价格,我们需要雅加达到岸价。$ j, c1 B1 `) t3 J
  102. Pleas quote us your lowest price CIF Hamburg for 10MT of walnut meat.
9 y! `7 O5 {" v+ C- `  请报10吨核桃仁最低的CIF汉堡价格。
; h+ E8 |2 V2 A- ?, I0 Q3 Q  103. Pleas quote us FOB London for 100 reams of good quality white poster paper.
/ a' e7 R  F% U5 P! u: @  请报100令优质白色广告纸的伦敦离岸价。& ?8 _9 j) J6 {
  104. Pleas quote us your most competitive prices in order to consummate business.
$ f! b% v# R: }& k3 R6 a+ ?+ A  请报出你方最具有竞争力的价格,以便达成交易。
/ E8 ^3 O! }' i; q+ W( v  105. Pleas quote us your lowest price for fertilizers.' }3 r7 _7 i% F. G, w3 A8 Y
# L  a+ z: Q$ g( D' P  X, i  106. Pleas quote us your best price and let us know the minimum quantity for each order.9 @0 b" ]" \( f  C' H% T! o7 B. Z
& V6 B2 g# a! t+ Y" M  D% V  107. Pleas make us as offer on CIF Hong Kong basis for handmade leather gloves.1 w" J; g$ x' `& h5 m
  请报手工制作的皮手套香港到岸价。- l3 {- C; v& q# q- V) P
  108. Pleas make us an offer, giving your price FOB New York.0 j" ]5 E1 }+ d: }2 O: J
7 ^' O, M( A: I  109. We have already made an inquiry for your articles; pleas make an offer before the end of this month.
: u/ n" \( b$ U: K( [  我们已对你们的产品进行了询价,请在月底前报价。
% \# z4 B8 F3 b3 c1 f" C  110. I would like to make an inquiry about this type of leather bag.
" r% b& u; a2 v: c4 ^# Q  我想询问一下这种款式皮包的价格。7 r1 m9 M8 s- P% X) m
  111. We shall be pleased if you will furnish us with your quotation for this product." J& v# r1 }/ W- F; v$ `7 S
  如果贵方能向我方提供该产品报盘的话,我方会很高兴的。) @% s$ [0 m, a  M& q" h0 Y7 a# D
  112. Many of our customers are interested in your “Seagull” brand household scissors and we wish to have your C&F Shanghai quotations." m3 o+ Z( C& z$ [+ r. }/ S
/ H7 c  g5 j- W, a  113. we want to know the price CIF Tokyo for your printed shirting : x, M; Q! Q; w  N6 q% _
  我们想了解一下贵方印花衬衫的CIF东京价格。# W7 f( [9 p# g: D/ R, E& g
  114. We are anxious to get an offer for your products.
( w0 V- Y6 e: R  我方急于想要贵方产品的报盘。5 F; t7 ~: b+ V, Y5 O& F
  115. We shall be very glad to receive an offer from you on this brand of radios., G5 f/ d% K* }' H  ^$ o
  贵方若能提供这种牌子收音机的报盘的话,我方会非常高兴。3 h$ n" k+ _7 h; {, a+ K
  Part II
2 Z" l- ^8 _: k- p8 o+ M% j7 {1 m  116. We should like to know the offer for the price of this kind.2 q. @3 |8 d* P7 B1 L9 J& J% `
  我们想知道这种大米的报盘是多少?中 华 考 试 网
- C* P9 @! x; D) Z/ ?! [1 J  117. We would like to know the minimum order quantities per color and per design.! C: w3 X# ~+ E
  我们想知道每种颜色、每种图案的最低订购数量。* f0 I# A& B( Y  b
  118. What price could you quote us on two dozen sets?+ X4 \& K" ~1 {1 X' R* e1 o
  我们订购两打的话,你们的报价是多少?7 a" o" k+ i) M6 J2 J: K
  119. Would you please quote us a price on your 71*84 reversible wool blankets, 15% wool and 85% cotton, bound with rayon satin?& Z# {8 G0 }$ H0 m! M% _
  请问羊毛15%,棉花85%,尺寸为71*84用人造丝包边的双面毛毯的报价是多少?2 g' @5 W! I& L+ g+ j
  120. How much are you asking for this brand of ties?
; d, u3 ~. b2 s7 s! }: d  这种牌子的领带,贵方报价是多少?1 d& |& ~2 T2 ^4 D: O
  121. If we order 10,000 units, what will be your offer?7 X' M* y6 D# P! g9 z
  如果我方订购1万套的话,贵方的报价是多少?- r7 Q" ^: C0 e2 V
  122. What's the price for 1000 kilos of white sugar?
* `& d) M. u' s  1000公斤白糖的价格是多少?$ M- s% z2 ]8 u/ J, k8 s7 w
  123. Can you supply this quality at approximately 50 cents per meter?
5 c& ]8 c6 g" Y8 d8 t0 O4 |" }  M  你方可否以每米50美分的价格提供这种质量的产品?: g  O3 g; {+ G: c) Q
  124. If our order is a substantial one, how much will you bring your price down?% x# A+ s" p' T
8 @& Z; u$ g) s8 _7 s' q4 |5 d( q  125. How much discount could you offer on an order of this size?$ x8 w6 t& F2 X6 D& H  q* F% k
  这么大的订单贵方可以给我方打多少折扣?1 |) T- ]" T, N# B: t% g
  126. Pleas inform us what special offer you can make us.
  c9 p5 D; {8 i# M5 ]! j- a  请告知我方贵方所能报的特优价。" n5 b3 R1 p/ q" g1 m- r% Y, H  D* k
  127. Here is a list of my requirements. I'd like to have your lowest quotations, CIF New York.
1 z3 Q- S8 ^2 m- S% ?/ e) c" A  这是询价单,希望你们报CIF纽约的最低价。
' c- x# X1 B' e! J  128. Pleas inform us of your lowest price CIF London.
, t4 ^& \2 e1 b2 Q  请贵方报出CIF伦敦的最低价。
, K/ J1 J2 m1 J: f) ]  129. We would appreciate it very much if you let us know what discount you can grant us if we give you a large order of your products.! h+ X9 i) M8 J6 H3 _
  若贵公司能告知我方在大量订购量贵方产品的情况下给于多少折扣,我方将不胜感激。( }4 E- a& F" R/ E/ w: t" {% {$ U6 M
  130. Pleas let us have your best quotation by tomorrow, together with the appropriate time of shipment.
1 s, C0 [! P7 A  请在明天告诉我方贵方的最优惠价格以及大概的装运期。

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