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[综合辅导] 商务英语口语900句(12):订货及确认

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Part I  N: E5 j, {) i, E2 _
  311. We are pleased to give you an order for 3000 computers in the current stock at the prices you quoted.! e1 R2 L3 O/ q  b
  我方很高兴按你方所报从格条件订购3000套计算机,要求现货供应。# D) }6 f7 y9 `+ Z
  312. We wish to order from you your products as per our purchase.
8 U- I2 T" `9 p6 s$ L) L6 z  我方希望能按照定货单从你处订购贵方的产品。2 h0 A% _+ E1 C' r
  313. We are pleased to place with you an order for 2000 washing machines to be supplied from current stock.* a3 r# s' S+ P5 |7 `8 b0 B  g9 k# [' Y
  我方很高兴地向贵方订购2000台洗机衣,希望能现货供应。* _( V0 N9 l) m' `. H' I
  314. We wish to order from you according to this purchase order.) B3 V2 u: B" A- e3 q% Z* B
9 E# E. I( c% A& j% F- k  315. Thank you for your quotation dated May 20th, and this is our official order for 10 palace lanterns.
$ X8 c- F& S5 O8 D, j  感谢贵方5/20日的报盘,这是我方购买10台宫灯的正式订单。
# `; y) N: ^: {/ ^6 x8 a  316. We are glad to inform you that your samples are satisfactory. We would like to order four of the terms.
( \6 x1 G9 N' I1 X8 R  我方很高兴地通知贵方,你们的样品我方很满意,我方想订购其中的4个商品。
( y+ `3 A3 `. S6 H2 k2 |) R  317. If the quality is up to our exception, we shall send further orders in the near future.& N' D& C! T- A+ i( N; G
  如果质量能符合我方要求的话,我方将会在不久的将来继续向贵方订货。) f$ _- `7 _8 o' t# h
  318. we find both the price and quality of your produces satisfactory to our clients and are pleased to give you an order for the items on this sheet.# R5 P" M) F. t2 y: m
" D0 c9 I' |/ ]  w6 g  319. We should be glad if you would accept our order for coffee whose number is No. 3003.% [& G3 J& w. O+ Z% E6 X
  如果贵方能够接受我方购买编号为3003号咖啡的订单的话,我方会感很高兴。, v7 Q4 Q6 n9 L1 J+ z* F
  320. We'd like to place an order with you for 1000 cases each of No.77 and 100 at $5 and $6 per case FOB Shanghai respectively.. r% a, R( s0 b! s3 u! t* v
& T" P$ Y$ l6 h& |  321. What is the minimum quantity of an order for your goods?2 B) Y$ i9 b6 y, s: ^
1 ^7 C8 j' Y( i! D0 \* D2 |  322. I am trusted to place an order for 100 sewing machines at 250$ each.4 h  P! H( p' \
  我受托订购每台为250美元的缝纫机100台。! X$ ^2 q( z( k4 I$ E1 g6 u2 n
  323. This is our official trial order for 500 computers.
: u$ L6 u7 c. z5 ^  这是我方500台电脑的正式试订单。- o9 Q& K3 T4 ~) H' R' p) m
  324. We need iron nails of all sizes.
3 `+ L/ @2 {, _  我们需要各种尺寸的铁钉。
0 n2 r. {( }8 U/ V6 P  325. If you can fill our order of 5000 ties very soon we'd like to place the order with you now.0 f1 N) g; J/ J. g+ P; ?$ |3 |
  如果贵方能很快的执行我方5000条领带的订单的话,我方想现在就下单。/ @; v- ?, Y7 ^: H. h  f: f
  326. We hoped that you can accept the order in the buyer's design and measurement.
  ?6 |' }. C$ V% I/ o/ [8 o8 k4 F  我方希望贵方能接受客户送来的设计和尺码的订单。
) G# v2 g1 O* T1 X  327. Since you are so eager to secure a order from us now we can place an order with you.  Y/ @4 }. d1 m0 {0 n
  既然贵方那么想获得我们的订单,我们现在可以向你们订货了。& m9 C- ~% `* D5 @4 l. {9 f
  328. We will send you the order very soon, please hurry on the execution of the order.
- {  k1 M9 _4 I6 j  我方很快就会把订单给你们寄去,请贵公司加紧履行订单的工作。, C: U8 ^8 c8 A- B
  329. If we are satisfied with the product, I think we will place more orders.
; s6 v7 H* c. V$ J* W' t  如果产品令人满意的话,我们以后还会下更多的订单。8 O$ Q/ D% M. [# T" }5 R( `: {1 e
  330. The order is so urgently required that we must ask you to make the earliest possible shipment.; r0 V1 x- G, e6 _2 s
. j$ _2 Z7 l  X  Part Two
' n, @" _. V3 b: A/ b& Z  331. We can now confirm you the order for 500 bed sheets and pillow cases.3 I$ o! H1 K3 X5 s/ `
  我方现在可以确认贵方所订购的500床床单和枕套。8 M9 A, Q" ^5 D$ \  `
  332. We are glad to receive your order and confirm the acceptance for it.
3 N5 P) @2 Y' g, K* D  很高兴接到贵方订单,并确认予以接受。
  B0 c6 l: L$ \  Q- _  333. This is the confirmation of your order place last week.2 [9 X( b4 c- w2 h# L6 B/ i, w" e" ]
5 h" z, W" V9 C6 a3 e9 z- r/ F  334. This is our sales confirmation confirming your order No 26 of April 10th.8 n* Q: }9 v0 u# Y& T) v8 Y. p
  这是我方的销售确认书,确认贵方4/10的第26号订单。" N% Z( x+ ?; a3 y* A0 |; s6 u# Q
  335. We have booked your order No 267 for optical instruments.
* Z& g/ h* ]& Z" l" L$ D4 B  我们接受你方有关光学仪器的第267号订单。
% Q7 W; q: _4 c3 R  a* y* F# U  336. We have accepted your order of June 10th for 300 typewriters.
& w% W2 w$ A9 C( w7 L5 i) {# W  我方已的接受贵方6/10关于300台打字机的订单。. V. R# V0 B$ _/ l+ `( u; ^$ b- _
  337. We acknowledged your order of May 5th for 100 unit motorcycle P180.2 ?% L: Z4 n  G& e) R' b2 _
# o/ t  C+ z. e$ a: N  338. We have decided to accept your order in spite of the current shortage of the goods.
! M& a3 O8 q9 _! @! Y" y  尽管现在的供应非常紧张,但我方还是接受贵方的订单。
% E4 g  o' u* u, [( n; ]) Q  339. We have now decided to supply you with all the parts as itemized in your order and going to apply to the government agencies concern for export licenses.  r; a9 W9 r# q8 D- Z
4 \0 G; A5 f' r4 E* V  340. We thank you for your order of 20th May and supply you with 2,000 ties No.235.
, c( P( n  @+ X% M2 u7 o  感谢贵方5/20日的订单,现向贵方提供编号为235号的领带2000条。+ `. H  \% x7 U5 {( L3 C) I, X6 S
  341. You maybe assure that we shall do our best to execute the order to your satisfaction.
2 S( ?* U3 O; \5 {$ g  我方会尽力执行贵方的订单,让您满意。  {# c3 `$ Q6 C% ~- W
  342. We promise to give our best tension to the execution of your order.
! a1 H, p* T, e* O+ o" \3 B  我们保证认真执行贵方的订单,敬请放心。
2 I% h5 Y( u) S; P- Q  343. We regret that owning to the shortage of stocks we are unable to fill your order.  |/ |* v$ s4 K& P  q4 _% \/ F6 v, E
% M' L# L; Y  I% j4 t$ o  344. We feel great regret that we can no longer supply the goods you order as the production has been discontinued since last August.7 l1 Y) R! i* [, i$ r; [7 Q
& Q  N. y) e2 p! l' U! _  345. It is hard for us supply the amount you need.& ~8 B8 c' R" p
  我方很难提供你们所需的量。) k  m/ q+ ]2 X3 X1 ]9 e. {
  346. It is impossible for us supply 3,000 sets for the time being.0 N- I2 [1 F6 c# y9 ?* A+ \% \# i
4 O' t" u+ n  A8 {$ U- d  347. At present, we can not undertake to entertain your order owning to the uncertain availability of raw materials.
6 L2 a% \+ ?+ G* O' v0 V  我方无法确定原料供应量是否充足,所以目前我们不能接受贵方的订单。
% O+ C) n6 q  h0 g; _0 j3 _  348. We regret that we are unable to meet your requirement for the time being as orders has been full booked.
- g1 x' P5 X' @4 j$ g* h: H1 N  货物已全部订单,目前我方无法满足贵方的要求。  L$ |# V" L+ A; J* O( ?
  349. We are sorry to inform you that we are not able to supply these articles for the moment.8 S2 h& s: D# \  Z9 W
  很抱歉,这些商品我们暂时不能供应。) C0 ]# }+ t, o
  350. We are too heavily committed to be able to entertain fresh orders.2 o( i7 ?" ~6 P' U$ E: z" R( \

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