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[综合辅导] 商务英语口语900句(15)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  366.We are able to work as your sole agent because we have local knowledge and wide connections.
- k4 X+ v7 w' N% C. h" _  我们能够胜任担当贵司的独家,因为我们有本土化和广泛关系的优势
2 j% S( v+ z2 \) N$ _, W4 Z  367.We can be a good agent because we have a group of well trained salesman.
/ y; B% e9 h- B  我们能够胜任代理,因为我们有一支训练有互的销售队伍& I7 [% t7 L2 _. x0 x4 D. l6 E
  368.If we may have the honor to act as your sole agent in the sale of handy crafts in our territory . No doubts such ties will do good to expend our mutual trade.
9 n7 B5 \% j) D* E1 `  如果我们能够担任贵司手工品在我们区域中的独家代理,拓展我们双方的贸易例如领带将没有任何问题
6 A0 Y( P$ Z+ i4 E4 x# S" @  369.If you can sign a sole agency agreements with us will double our turnover.
6 D$ i& H" ?% U* H  如果和我们签订独家代理协议的话,将会使销售额翻番
' H0 q: g+ N2 L5 M5 y% d  370.If you make us your agent in China, we will try our best to push and publicize your products.
: k! U# E! P2 g% J) J( J" g  如果贵司让我们做贵司在中国代理的话,我们将尽最大努力来推进和宣传贵司的产品8 o7 S1 A+ A1 G
  371.We have many advantages to act as your sole agent., X+ g  [5 q  r8 l2 g$ o9 G
: w! v' M, v5 r' h  372.We have sufficient canvassing abilities to be your sole agent.8 G* I' U4 I# z& i
: A  F( S8 G: \0 `  373. We have enough positive experiences to act as your sole agent.  [5 y4 \, o0 _* F5 K/ ]. \
  我们有足够的积极的经验来担任贵司的独家代理6 t( v1 ^" F) @0 j% P. w
  374.We trust that our experiences in foreign trade marketing will entitle us to your confidents.
( [8 c. r& l" a0 i( V  f; ~  我们自信我们在国际贸易市场的经历能够取得贵司的信任+ E8 s. @3 t8 w4 c
  375.We believe that many years of our experiences in international trade will undoubtedly meet your requirement.
7 D1 L5 G* \) K$ z. v  我们相信我们多年的国际贸易经验能够毫无疑问地符合贵司的要求
- e6 x% I) _- x) }6 ?: _# t  376.The salesman in our company is well trained and have rich canvassing experience .
2 ^+ h$ N7 d- a: C, H  我司的销售人员训练有素,有丰富的调研经验
0 B. K( q7 `9 k  377.It is our hope that after knowing our sales ability you will consider according us the exclusive selling right for your portable cassette recorders.
" t! ?: m+ I0 ]3 _& B# z  知道我们的销售能力后,我们希望贵司可以根据我们独有的销售能力来考虑贵司的便携式卡带机" C" M' v% [2 [' I7 H1 W5 U
  378. We have 30 years experience in agency and we believe that we could work up very satisfactory in pushing the sales of your products.) ?. N) j; F. z; Q+ h  b5 q6 E
  我们有30年的代理经验,我们相信在推进贵司产品方面能够让贵司满意6 X1 U% r' T* e* M
  379. We can assure you that we are well experienced in this line.8 |& P+ a% {7 R" O
  我们让你确信我们在这个行业经验丰富8 G7 j5 a/ \' y$ |
  380. Which our rich experience in marketing your products in our city, we have the ability to increase the turnover to 50,000 $.# G0 K7 F- `6 X

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