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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语辅导:中级口试会话素材(4)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Introduce capabilities、Laser pointer、Next slide please、Raise questions、Show the findings.
6 [) {; g0 n4 ]9 m, f+ R0 E) `# u' `1.Introduce capabilities 介绍能力
2 I, @7 `$ y, c7 }& ?2 QA: Let me introduce to you our development capabilities.
+ B9 }$ r. O2 l/ b% [, i+ uB: Go ahead.
* y. z$ P( `1 u* e% P7 A4 vA:请允许我介绍一下我们的开发能力。6 s5 T; {! g0 b) V" t# L( U+ T
9 t6 t5 I8 M. _( T. T) p2. Laser pointer 激光笔$ m* H" A6 R( s
A: Could I borrow a laser pointer from you?
$ l, W2 J4 s# M) y& ^% l  D) fB: Certainly. Here you are.
# o0 V/ F, ?8 A7 b+ @2 I' z  ?; d' uA:能借用一下您的激光笔吗?
3 v2 a7 b9 F- P& a$ Y1 @; S% }B:当然,给您。$ d8 G3 Y9 }% T$ s8 k- ^3 A- G
3.Next slide please 请翻到下一页幻灯片+ q! C0 q6 e& U* i
A: That's all I want to say for this example. Next slide please.7 V, R; ]6 g! Z* S( o# d3 ]( G0 ?
B: Okay.
, T8 A) s3 T0 i  d( m# \A:这就是我就这个例子想说的,请翻到下一页幻灯片。- F& k8 O# T0 m% N' m
7 Q$ t# _4 |6 g4.Raise questions 提问
0 T' v5 {! C3 b( Q% oA: Don't hesitate to ask questions.
" u) H; @1 D( d3 O3 ZB: Raise your questions whenever you have one. If you wait, you may forget.
  K+ `2 r- m, B  `6 p  Z( \. JA:有问题尽管提。) h6 F/ R$ ^! ], T, m
B:有问题随时提出来,要是等着的话,就可能会忘掉。: j* q; \# J% }
5.Show the findings 展示成果% U- I& ~6 N5 r, ^0 Y- e' W
A: Let me show you the findings of our project.4 d% ?" r0 v7 k/ h
B: Make it as detailed as possible.
7 R+ H% M, N2 D0 ~, BA:下面我将向你们展示一下我们项目的成果。
. H. ~+ N" t+ o9 l4 X2 Y/ zB:请尽量详细一些。

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