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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语辅导:中级口试会话素材(15)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.Advertised index 广告目录9 n6 {% Y/ G$ s+ A( e; r
A: In the magazine, how do you find an advertisement for a company?( v7 p- Y$ s- a  ]$ u" o
B: There is an advertised index on the back of the magazine.4 \1 x8 p  y0 J& c$ t* y
, ~! b& _5 m' P+ Y, \2 C, ~B:杂志后面有广告索引。+ ^7 _3 b* F( x! {
2.Agent fee 佣金
/ U3 V: t% ~8 TA: But we need to pay them for an agent fee.* T" K4 m/ Y, s) Z4 O; \" O$ J' J
B: That's what they do for living.- u1 M! U6 @6 }
, A' L3 G: F( N# e  J" i/ MB:他们也得赚钱生活啊。. Z" I- y  O# }+ d( N- x! g1 }' ]
3.Bidder 投标人/ _8 E2 V1 D+ {% v1 ]1 Q* X
A: Who is the highest bidder?
1 `& B  ~6 G% iB: XYZ Company." m; D1 P8 u* K% J+ S) |
A:谁是最高投标人?# d7 |9 h% B* @
B:XYZ公司。) O  C/ a0 N7 p7 e
4.Breach of contract 违约. N$ b. a2 C8 B# j8 w
A: What do you mean by breach of contract?
6 j4 b3 q3 B; l* v$ R7 oB: Anything against the contract.* M+ z; m0 z+ }/ m" ~; \; D
& M$ B6 p- ~5 B- M1 R% E- W7 UB:指任何违反合同的行为。
0 w- M$ C" x; W: V0 z5.Business tax 营业税
! G6 o9 K* X- l. t- N0 H5 e; yA: How much do we pay for Buiness Tax?
5 _: _9 K$ _$ Q% }B: Ten percent.
4 D& _+ i3 F8 I" d2 KA:我们要付多少营业税?
- M7 {; ^' Q0 d% I- PB:10%。

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