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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语辅导:考试课堂答疑精选(2)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1.问题:老师您好:BEC中级考试的作文格式能不能具体说一下呢,比如说是不是段与段之间空一行呢,如果这样的话怎么分配考试的答题纸呢,还有最后的署名到底在右还是左面的??谢谢" f# Z5 r9 U) V5 A
  回答:我就根据你提出的问题一一作答,如果对格式还有不清楚的地方你还可以继续提问。; P: {& s; a, F8 [9 X' Y* }
. K& V/ H  |, _3 K  (2)关于最后署名,无论你是齐头式还是空格式,签名都在左面对齐。) t. M! T7 q2 M' U& h( A
  H% v: r4 j" E& n5 T( r$ C7 V  2.问题:这是这次的MEMO作业,麻烦老师批改!: M, F# Q) b' W  `
  To:All the staff
) h2 U5 i  P& {, r( t) e, d+ b# F  From:Andy Lee Training Manager: t8 e, l* D' _: ?! G; m% M
  Date:2 February
' p3 u( w# _) K2 N; D9 Y0 c  Recently,our company has won a large export order.The foreigh language training for the staff who would operate the order is required.Please attend the course in this saturday on 2 February.( \+ I! B; M) K( |+ ]
  回答:To:All the staff
' H3 R5 R7 |5 M3 O' x  From:Andy Lee,加逗号Training Manager
* W) J0 {. }, w  t! b: r  Date:2 February7 s1 I3 W% @4 X8 A# [0 i& C5 C
  Recently,our company has won a large export order.The foreigh language training for the staff who would operate the order is required.Please attend the course in this saturday on 2 February.* c+ G+ C  u$ p$ I- B, e: ?0 |
  第二句没有表述清楚,你的意思可能是The staff who will be invovled in the order are required to participate a foreign language course.
3 O: Q/ I" \6 L: [' k# ^5 c  3.问题:(1).Time Management: how to manage a heavy workload effectively
9 r% h. j6 }/ C+ d  (2).Time Management: the importance of planning work time effectively. [8 E5 o3 M6 Y; d2 k) u9 t6 @
  would you please suggest  some ideas about the above two topics concerning time management? it seems blank to me 。
- M8 |3 q, c6 e3 V( v  回答:Question 1: how to manage a heavy workload effectively. m' X; v, m! G. c8 h4 S( w
  I think there are three major ways to manage a heavy workload effectively. First of all, we must learn to prioritise our tasks. By this, I mean we should do the most important or urgent tasks first. Also, we can ask help from team members. Usually, any project is operated in a team. When one is under pressure with a heavy workload, the other members should lend a hand. Last but not least, we should rely on advanced technology to reduce the workload. Sometimes, by using technology, a heavy workload can become a minor job.
( h2 A, \2 e' X5 v4 }$ \) _0 C  Question 2: the importance of planning work time effectively
% S! x4 Z7 m# L% p: X7 q  I think that it is very important for staff to plan work time effectively. The reasons are many. First of all, it generates a huge amount of productiviity. This is extremely important for all businesses. Second, for a staff member, by planning work time effectively, he will not work under pressure. In the contrast, he will enjoy working. A further reason is that it will help other members in a team if one plans work time effectively. The others' work will not be delayed or interrupted.
0 G/ `/ w. e9 r; m  4.问题:老师,这是这次的家庭作业,报告作文,麻烦老师批改。6 L1 v8 W8 ]7 J$ M
  To:John Smith Export Sales Manager
# L! _3 i4 @/ y  From:Shirley Tylar H&R Manager
( r7 J. I, n% k: u  Date: 9 December 2008: J( s0 B2 _( x/ q, {) K8 o1 b
  Re:Comparing Globelink with FTD which is more suitable for our company
) k: P* @- T# G( n( }, g4 Y" Z' y  Introduction! B6 p" H3 m  C/ f% f" s3 F
  This report aims to compare Globelink with FTD and determine which freight is more suitable for our company.7 H, q' e8 j! ^! @5 p8 P* ~
$ p8 w: k" U3 q- ?+ S+ _5 G  Globelink ownd 25 year’s experience in sea freight and worldwide destinations,therefore,if the order is urgent,Globelink is a good choice.FTD shipping agents just has freight to many major ports,especially in Europe.Due to it can ship small quantity,small orders should take it into account.Both air freight andsea freight are available to Globelink,whereas FTD can provide refrigerated shipping and containers.Globelink complete all customs forms,but FTD don’t.Futhermore,the charge in FTD is a bit higher than Globelink.
- i! ]# j3 q# B  Conslusion
8 Z6 ^# m9 b# Q  N7 I  Whether Globelink or FTD suit for our company depends on the goods what we want to frieght.7 T, z+ ]+ ~& q6 y
0 z8 F) W3 l& ^4 K  It is recommended that we can take both into consideration.
% A+ @/ T* t0 o4 M' v1 O  老师,我想问问,题目中给我no quantity too small,是什么意思。( j! ^8 ?, V9 o
  回答:To:John Smith, Export Sales Manager
, ^9 t& s2 S9 z! v0 Z' X7 M7 q  From:Shirley Tylar, H&R Manager: c2 |& w( }# o5 v$ O
  Date: 9 December 2008) v0 L- d. f' s0 }, e1 a: f
  Re:Comparing Globelink with FTD which is more suitable for our company
% W: E( |# V+ F* u/ L7 u  主题句用名词短语, 修改:
8 F$ r  }7 R. b6 l$ H  Re: Determination of a Freight Company between Globelink and FTD1 y- ~+ G0 v# Y4 w
; K+ H0 f$ H( x. ^% m4 ?9 ~  This report aims to compare Globelink with FTD and determine which freight is more suitable for our company.3 F% h' P* [+ T) x
$ L6 a0 u  u5 E7 y' \% q  Globelink owned 25 years’ experience in sea freight and reaches worldwide destinations. Therefore,if the order is urgent,Globelink is a good choice.FTD shipping agents just has freight to many major ports,especially in Europe.Due to 后面只跟名词短语it can ship small quantity,small orders should take it into account.修改Since FTD can deliver small quantity, we can take it into consideration for small orders.
( c7 E( I1 u& p8 ]$ ~, K. z, E  Both air freight and sea freight are available to Globelink,whereas FTD can provide refrigerated shipping and containers.Globelink complete all customs forms,but FTD don’t.Futhermore,the charge in FTD is a bit higher than Globelink.2 b4 h; H0 h2 v6 Y
- }8 ?/ \% [! u* P) Q. v( r0 {7 H  Whether Globelink or FTD suit for our company depends on the goods what we want to frieght.
3 w( d. ~) l* _4 @5 A3 ~1 L  Recommendations
6 ]0 O3 Y9 `- Z# j7 E2 b5 C  It is recommended that we can take both into consideration.# ]4 z" V1 t( J5 g0 s
6 F$ u2 ]9 @5 v! k  解释:no quantity too small: 我们同样运输那些小量运输货物的订单。

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