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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语辅导:考试课堂答疑精选(4)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1.问题:What influence do you think the media has nowadays on business life in China?
) n: T0 p/ E6 h, E6 o# F0 Q6 `  Z  这个问题,我想了一些说法,但是后面有点接不下去了,讲师可以给我一些思路吗?  s8 x( S9 \) @0 E
  Contemporary media has become the essential tools to affect the business activities relying on their ability to reach a wide audience and form and reflect public opinions- \7 A, d! t4 }
  Messages reach their target audiences through the persuasiveness of media such as television, radio and print media.) T7 ?, T8 p" O( h/ @: R& E# G5 a) ^% k6 F
  回答:I think the media exert positive influence on business life in China. For the first place, with the media, producers can publisize their products to a wider audience. Also, the media can help businesses form public opinions. For example, recently, worldwide car manufacturers are now selling their electric carwith zero emission. The mass media report the news, which can help cusotmers form an opinion and follow the new environmental trend. In addition, the media can play the role of supervision and monitor in business life. Yesterday, the mass media reported two accidents concerning safety airbags. In this way, manufacturers can become more disciplined and cusotmers can become aware of such problem when purchasing cars.
6 e! k" B# N8 F& B. G  这个问题我只谈了对商务生活的积极影响。第一,让生产厂家的产品或服务能够有更多的受众。第二,媒体可以帮助人们形成新的消费观。第三,媒体可以监督商务生活。以上内容仅作参考。
  }* {  V- l8 g4 }. S/ i! P  2.问题:关于我提的那个关于“goods 和commodities" 的问题,学生用书的第二个exam focus 的第一个阅读题的倒数第二个小题,为什么选goods 而不是commodites?,我觉得在商业上不都是用commodites比较正式的的吗?3 B; {' j8 V0 |0 R
* j; q: v, o9 x2 c# [  goods  在英国英语中表示things which are carried by road, train etc 运输的货物3 a. a) h+ L8 O5 z; ]& N
  而commodity: a product that is bought and sold 意思是买卖的产品,我们就把它理解为商品。, r; a# B( ]. p/ r- x' _" U
. c% J9 d- g9 T: Z4 m  我相信这样的学习方法和思路一定会让你在英语学习中取得更大的进步!
1 s- \- }  |% g  3.问题:第4讲作业图标写作的参考答案第三段第一句French and German prices have always varied only slightly from each other within a maximum range of 12%, with French prices staying higher than German prices from 1972 onwards。
( i+ y5 T2 c7 z1 N9 ]9 ^1 t  这句中说,vary slightly from each other 是什么意思呢?
9 m% O2 ]6 B6 n  回答: vary slightly from each other 是什么意思呢?
  R" N+ p* S- c# Y  m8 d  这句话的意思是法国和德国的价格之间变化幅度很小。vary 意思是变化。from each other意思是两者之间。

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