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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语辅导:复习必备词汇(1)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Unit1:银行业务( k0 k/ I- A7 k( v8 E3 y: q  i
banking 银行业务# w+ H! Z6 [0 d& ~+ d3 |
general business 一般业务
6 }/ v4 ?$ u% zATM 自动柜员机
5 K; r8 K1 s! z. N+ EYou can change your PIN at the ATM. 1
! r8 @0 {% D0 I- i1 l  N你可以在自动柜员机上修改密码
. l+ T6 @; e% uautomatic bill payment自动转帐服务# E9 g$ @- t& E; V
Tina pays her phone bill with an automatic bill payment.
& G! W( d, j' z! n蒂娜利用自动转帐服务付电话帐单
5 b' ]1 u! b$ z" [balance差额 余额
0 u3 z! S# r3 e1 }- ^If you keep a balance of $1,000, you won't have to pay the $20 monthly-service fee., g( i, {& v3 |! a) f$ ~9 }8 \
. N) a; s% N- ]2 _bank account帐户" [" o4 \( K5 y! O* W% `
How do I open a bank account here?
4 k" M+ r1 T( {9 {9 w3 F我要怎么开户
# o9 b8 _6 S/ A( t3 r$ U; lbank holiday银行公休日 国定休息日9 b2 k1 t7 ?. i( i' X/ A
What happens if payday falls on a bank holiday?
! }! P; S+ e" G7 U) S. X. Y& T0 S/ Q如果发薪日正好碰上了国休日那该怎么办
' S2 T, G5 ?% dbanking银行业务
! m2 V( g+ s% Q: `Could you sign me up for online banking? 2
2 Q0 C& v. Y$ {# M3 h) I. Z$ a- D你能帮我申请网络银行服务么6 _" P, T; q& V: |, n
banknote纸币 钞票
6 v  d& d4 Z, t( s) O7 ]9 L) UWads of banknotes were hidden in the bag.6 [0 q7 L$ X7 s6 j' ?
包里藏了几数叠钞票9 \6 l; A" E3 n0 b
certificate of deposit定期存款
* s  A1 ^, {8 m0 \, gRedeeming your certificate of deposit before maturity may result in withdrawal penalties.
. F2 e  |: ~+ {3 w如果你在定期前解约可能要付提前解约金
! i4 k- x6 u2 D7 {$ mchecking account 支票存款帐户
( y0 {* S/ Z% \2 `+ T; WI need to make a withdrawal from my checking account.
* M! [* ^' E* n# P- m" v  _" r( _$ o我要从我的支票帐户中提款: `6 y- j( G* k0 @( v
# O& L) l5 ]" [. I! ]* wI didn't get my pay deposit this month.
! E/ c2 @2 r% L+ |+ f我这个月的薪水存款没有入帐
) x+ c& x+ Q3 D. b1 D4 Wdiscount rate 贴现率! |! I' s8 r, S$ K; r5 E( i4 X8 |
The discount rate is set by the Fed.
" `8 s! D- z, ?5 x  y& A贴现率是由联储决定的
2 j  f5 k5 `# Q8 EIndividual Retirement Account 个人退休帐户2 J% b( K8 ^) K6 l  ]* c% V
Does it matter where I open an Individual Retirement Account?
+ V  w! k& E% f+ k( Z+ s我到哪开个人退休帐户重要么?
0 ~1 E" e6 o7 T3 c! a1 _/ \interest利率
! J3 i" j# z/ t2 x  s# g* mInterest rates are not expected to increase.
! j$ v. a0 A; X; j1 P) J4 L! {3 o利率应不会再涨  j( Z; O" ]0 M
safe-deposit box (银行)保险箱. [- d2 a) P! M: @0 L' w4 H' C0 U; i
She kept her jewels in her safe-deposit box.5 ~, N) B  X1 z- U' R% ~
$ s" C4 Q# b: l7 s/ p) G( k9 Usavings account 储蓄存款帐户$ r6 T& ^; O, c% G+ ~
I need to transfer money from my savings account to my checking account.0 c) @, m! J3 X  o0 o
我要把钱从储蓄存款帐户转到支票存款帐户( A/ n$ c! \6 D/ M* d
signature 签名; P% _" H3 A. I1 {2 H' ]# C7 I+ |7 ]
Tom forged his boss's signature to steal company funds.
# s7 ^/ f: U8 h% e' }* ^( _0 z汤姆伪造了他老板的签名盗取了公司的资金, U' X/ p3 h( W! o8 {
teller出纳员* E( Y+ Q, j' I; W! _! l, u+ V
Marcy started as a bank teller, but now she's a loan officer.
) g8 g$ W4 x4 C! d6 Z9 @玛希刚开始是当出纳员,但是现在是贷款员
" G- S: r$ @4 y4 e7 f+ N0 [: Ytransfer转账0 }3 ?6 T3 X" j" l
The money has been transferred into my account.' D2 {7 _' b# S9 g( M' u% B
钱已经转入我的帐户$ K1 O; m8 E2 |) A- D
wire汇款5 D7 _; M) K# H: s& q2 e
Judy's father wired money to her bank account.
2 {, }4 `! ^7 _. ]. l朱迪的父亲将钱汇入了她的帐户& D/ ^+ u- p6 F) |+ J! C% P, `: H
withdraw取款# i7 U3 X5 D3 n; y  @
I withdrew $300 from my savings account.5 V8 S/ M6 }, w& M; f, |6 @0 n

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