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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语辅导:复习必备词汇(4)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Unit4:办公室流程3 f3 j9 Z7 _, ^- F5 S2 {2 k
business operation 企业经营
+ h5 d: \/ C- s$ Y, Poffice procedures 办公室流程' y3 B+ s! i" M, ^1 O
8 c' U" w3 f% d/ t/ m) an. 名牌;识别证
+ X! f- u# w. ~  S: g- dEmployees should wear their badges at all times in the building.
9 M: Z* k3 Q0 o& P; w% r员工在大楼内必须随时佩戴名牌。5 L! S- @5 s9 Z/ ?
, [" Y! w' u( G" \5 `& Hn. 同事
4 v' d# W$ n! V0 Y% z- vShelly always goes to lunch with the same coworkers.% _% n6 x8 N9 k/ l: z$ Z
雪莉总是固定和那几位同事去吃午餐。6 s5 h# u3 {" M3 ]  `
dress code
/ E/ T+ _6 ~% H1 o! {- h+ q8 D4 r服装规订
& w7 o7 i; o+ {! ^9 ?( zWe have a casual dress code.
+ u9 {/ R" P* w- Y1 |  [% b. a% j" e8 |我们对上班服装规定很宽?。
2 D/ l! j* w; @escort5 L9 ]# ~! L5 E# F# L5 l
v. 陪同$ y8 q3 Z4 J, @* g7 i
Jenny, could you escort our visitor to the door?8 P7 V9 I* l7 r  X7 n! x3 ]
珍妮,麻烦你送我们客人到门口。0 C  v7 |, c# D8 H
6 T7 b* u1 ~- an. 库存" d/ Q# n- `# ~0 _, q& B. K
The company doesn’t need to keep inventory, unlike its competitors in online retailing.% i* @4 U" R( T7 b7 Q
& {* H" B1 p. @) ]& G- z/ z! Xmeeting room& H9 J7 Q* H+ o( d- [& i
会议室+ e! [# o# F- G. @6 Q( K1 m
Let’s head over to the meeting room where we’ll have more space.4 S  ?6 I; R+ t2 V6 @; U
' S6 L7 R* @# [punch in) {  z1 @* ]2 t* s# L
9 r9 O  O* t  P8 L8 t0 x; _Jason usually punches in around 8:50 a.m.3 w( ?4 N- V+ M! T" H. n) o
杰生通常大约在早上八点五十打卡上班。2 |8 l& K8 J9 g! i$ i
8 O1 v7 q# V" @7 Q7 I( u: Vn. 柜人员;接待人员
& o. T( V/ v( IAs Sam came in the door, the receptionist greeted him.
& v# \  G( ]8 e: y* z3 a4 E当山姆进门时,接待员前来招呼他。/ f3 R5 I; f8 H4 @' M5 z. z3 s
requisition form
- {6 z8 w4 W, K0 `, E8 x- |需求单; b6 V5 l; Q& Y  V" R* K
You need to fill out the purchase requisition form and have it signed by your supervisor.
3 v) y5 Q, r) f4 C- j2 z& D你必须填写购买需求单,并让你的管理者签字。9 t0 I8 n* e# @4 a
security guard
) ?& G# _3 @& A3 }7 M保全人员
; _. x4 P+ Z* s. [+ Q0 hThere are two security guards in the lobby.
, v# s  V8 D* S" q$ q" B大厅有两位保全人员。
6 j" F8 a9 |* U9 `+ _9 w( G. gsecurity system
: Q2 C1 {! ~8 H3 Z) L保全系统
- D$ K% [; O! m  xCary put his key card into the security system slot.3 I: e7 `' `( Z" G; @/ z* f
8 V# i5 [, \' v; x# ], dshredder7 H" H' u6 F) }- z8 |% ]7 ]
n. 碎纸机$ O7 u) K$ r8 T2 W9 v
Our shredder is broken, so I’ll tear these confidential documents up manually.
/ ?5 h1 m$ g! z5 C0 t我们的碎纸机坏掉了,所以我会徒手将这些机密文件撕碎。  e' R/ Z# D  R% x
9 f4 ]2 Y- o. j3 q6 ]% an. 储藏室: n8 P0 T  s+ V9 i% H8 w# k
You can walk to the stockroom to see if there’s any toner cartridge left.+ j* P$ y2 ]( }# l" _& p' t
你可以到储藏室看看碳粉匣有没有剩。; P) }% k  G) x+ X4 d
swipe card
( K3 H3 x; a( u* `刷卡0 ^1 _. l$ Z% b) @
What if I lose my swipe card?
0 d7 i4 ^6 S; ^9 s. o" l7 ]" q( ]- j如果我弄丢了刷卡该怎么办?

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