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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语辅导:结束电话的英语口语

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1.I’ve really got to go,I’ll get back to you when I get the office.
; X0 c( Q1 f$ D6 l! M) {  我真的得走了,我进办公室再打给你。+ Q  e6 A1 P% H% ^7 e. L0 X
  2.Sorry,I must end the conversation. There’s someone on the other line.  ~" o8 o3 @" d8 w% U
  抱歉,我不能再说了。有人在另一在线。( Q. G  O$ w3 z! F
  3.Sorry,I’ve got to hang up. My wife’s waiting for me.8 X4 O+ y4 e, \. E' U
  抱歉,我得挂电话了。我老婆在等我。7 W# C: B- f3 C8 i9 v1 w8 p- ^( ~
  4.I think I’d better let you go. I’ll talk to you later.8 k2 N% X" j( t# I% R# @
  我想我应该让你去忙了,我晚点再打给你。( [( f0 g  q! N( ~/ O! d
  5.I have to get back to work. I’ll call you later tonight.
* @  h! Z) \* ]0 K  |; r" {2 z+ e  我要回去工作了。我今晚再打给你。+ ?1 o% ?" F) J% W  e
  6.Shall we continue this later? I’ve got a call waiting.& L* z. a# P% m3 n1 W
  我们可不可以晚一点再继续谈?我有插播。! T' v' q: c6 O3 y
  7.It’s kind of late. Why don’t we talk about it tomorrow?
) m2 w* G* B, m- o; P$ q  有点晚了。我们何不明天再谈呢?
! |  [$ J( w$ A3 u7 |" }! v  8.I’ve got to meet a client right now. Can we talk later?
: Y6 |, c# V# |+ b; v: j3 @4 z% z) v2 |  我现在要去见一个客户。我们可以晚一点再谈吗?
* T8 y, I8 r4 D  {  9.I won’t keep you any longer.
. _( A1 \* {8 {* h5 F0 p  我不耽误你时间了。
+ K+ e8 y8 c6 `$ m: z2 K  10.Sorry,it’s getting late. Can you call again tomorrow morning?4 G! ~; y& S* M. P

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