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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语辅导:电话占线的口语表述

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1.How may I direct you call?; {& K9 D9 J6 {" ~; u# ~4 I
6 Y- v) l' M2 Y  2.Could I have extension 239,please?
4 S3 `6 m3 p9 E  N" Z$ m  请转接分机239。
! D6 ^8 \# X. {4 ~- S- O  3.I’m sorry the number’s engaged.7 H5 F' Q6 N0 z) j" U; Y
  对不起,这个电话有人在打。( L3 o- R# K! f' g' [9 V3 Z
  4.The line is free now. I’ll put you through.
: ~, j/ n" `" B9 i- X7 N  ~  不占线了,我帮您接过去。
1 ~6 _  C* {. U9 A" h4 I. f5 a  5.Whom am I speaking to,please?
" T8 ~; ~+ L1 u4 C3 N. Q  请问是哪位?% P( O6 ]8 S0 A( q; c- ]
  6.Do you mind if I use your phone?; Y; I) Y2 z- x. M5 a
  我可以用一下你的电话吗?& `7 B2 Z; |, M" y
  7.I wonder if I could make a long distance call?' W, q* n- T! ?" A9 [
# e1 I5 {# G( Z" k1 [  8.I’d like the extension 4130,please.
8 N6 v: V% x7 m& Q7 ?  请转4130分机。" G$ E1 W( a. E/ B, |3 V. L
  9.The number is busy now.
  P& Y' C8 \  Y. q  电话占线。3 @# A4 f0 X& D: @+ a
  10.Well,it’s ringing,go ahead,please.% P! Y# m1 C. S" i2 W% ]
  好了,通了,请讲话。0 L; ^3 t# @1 s) [- P1 w
  11.And it took me quite a long time getting to you.. p( E5 w: V. b/ e  m! i% q' [
. a& n  z% S4 u; Z/ q! Y9 t  12.I’ve been busy on the phone.+ E6 z% y5 o  f1 J( x: D
  我一直在通话。( q  D7 x4 `/ g' N: \
  Dialogue A
* t+ @+ y, E0 F8 `  (A:Operator B:Mary C:Jim), ]* R) Y, l1 `
  A:Hello. Dodge Automobiles. How may I direct you call?  k  J9 p( L- t' J
  B:Could I have extension 239,please?: R& R; k" F2 Q/ i+ @
  A:I’m sorry the number’s engaged. Would you care to wait,please?
4 _, _% V& z7 r8 M  B:Sure.
8 [* E) p2 r: C! ]6 Z( _" x* i7 D) X  (A few minutes later.)
" ^& v% H6 X- S' u- f) E  A:The line is free now. I’ll put you through.
( J- S5 C+ f7 E- Q$ @  C:Hello. This is Jim. Whom am I speaking to,please?5 X. @' l( V5 U, E& v
  B:It’s Mary.
( m: e0 M$ h' I8 ~& Q  C:Oh,Mary.
0 u5 l" F  E( L" h6 M8 \0 N  B:Where were you last night,Jim?I waited for you for almost an hour.
" N" i* U* V* s* S8 k6 _  C:Oh!I’m sorry. I completely forgot.' z( K+ `0 P; f7 @( a" _6 S, T
  B:You forgot!What did you do last night?
! o1 H% B) A# ~; u: Y  C:I stayed in…I was studying.
) q$ q9 l4 ?+ d. A1 k* I  B:No,you weren’t. I saw you at a quarter past seven and you were with another girl.2 G' k7 N* ]2 h  ~# F2 n7 c# k
  C:I’m sorry,Mary. I’ll explain everything. It won’t happen a-gain.4 k  i' D1 E3 i; T
  B:It certainly won’t. I’m never going to see you again(Mary hangs up the receiver).

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