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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语辅导:等候与回电的英语口语

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1.Yes.You have the right number.
) h& s, ^. v* H; X  F  是的,您打对了。
5 y! Z$ O! f* ~! n8 V! e6 ^# ?3 @6 e  2.Please connect me with Mr. Lee.
/ E& ?4 a, n( u! M* ?4 E  请帮我接李先生。4 {( ~8 i( D8 E" _+ M# g
  3.Who is calling,please?
3 ?. e5 {& B  O0 }- D  请问您是哪一位?8 _8 u, q. ?; x+ P
  4.Are you still on the line?( N1 p9 \( P! B, C- ?! A* R
  J6 }+ }% C+ M/ W! Y  5.I’m sorry,but he has a visitor right now.4 Q/ B) f  y& W7 u% F; S2 t
6 i% `  O" {4 ~3 T& q! C& q& _, ^  6.Could you hold a little longer?/ A& s3 [- N; r& g5 O% {& ^
) y2 F* o7 t( T  7.Or shall I put you through to his secretary?  M# q, U" @/ F. G3 w, o8 f/ Q
9 N' m) J" v$ \, ~0 p  8.Shall I tell him you called?! n' |+ x6 O& p
  我告诉他您来过电话,好吗?  }1 I9 H% f- \3 E
  9.Well,actually,I’d rather call back later.
1 i5 T7 l# {: ~8 b  我还是迟些再打来吧。% v. j3 z4 j8 h  z3 o* W% s
  10.When is a good time to call?
6 K2 G7 l& V" E, Y+ k  什么时候打来最合适?% V7 `4 @; B4 k$ g# Y
  11.Why don’t you try again in an hour?
: }. S3 g* I0 [6 b9 a& b; X' `& p  一个小时后您再打过来,好吗?
: g, f; K# Z& j& t  Z) I1 ?  12.Good afternoon. David Brown’s office.4 i: A* \' r% {$ @1 n1 D* T
  下午好。这里是大卫?布朗办公室。# G( q- x  ~/ f  b3 b
  13.This is .Davis from the University of Washington.. r, ^0 k+ a9 j+ E* ^9 `
  我是华盛顿大学的戴维斯教授。5 v3 L" r6 g$ v0 b, A8 E& g
  14.Would you mind waiting a few minutes?) a2 O; Z' q" h& e( C7 X
  您等一会儿好吗?3 r) u6 Y. ?7 m6 \! ]) x
  15.I’ll just trying to find him.
; `- @8 _3 {! J  @' S  我正试着找他呢。
' @; Y% h" l5 L  16.Yes.Go ahead,please.
  a. E5 Z% `& e- r( P" H; t  是的,请讲。- R; W1 N, I: j' y+ b. s/ G( S, z" w
  17.I’m sorry,but he is in a meeting now./ u" E+ a+ G- E" Z& B* }) {" L
( X& R: J+ ?  z8 I% l  18.The best time to catch him would be 5∶30.
" N8 z* ~% E7 q  最容易找到他的时间是5∶30。
* N: b, a4 T% z5 D" _+ E  19.Could you possibly ask him to call me back?
8 f0 N. a. D: j6 m  H! P  你可以叫他给我回个电话吗?
+ H2 A. `) \& E3 M4 `2 m  20.Of course. What number are you on?
) Y; q: x2 k. B* P  好的。您的号码是多少?  d0 r7 u7 M$ G  ^$ G$ q0 ^/ @' u
  21.He has my number but I’ll give it to you just in case." o* A6 w0 f; d  `; b6 {( E
+ c8 C8 Y7 `0 E7 a$ c  22.There is a call from Wang Ling.( |6 P! }( k( R/ ~' n/ Y# ]. @' R
  }4 W& A6 X7 ~7 {* w3 I- K: Q  23.She is on her way.2 W  R5 ^% Z3 c$ @* c
  她马上来。4 h+ S1 |; k! ^1 P8 q/ x
  24.I’ll hold.
2 b( i, i, E+ N" {  我等一下好了。# _2 c+ @% S# L1 ?
  25.It’s been a while.
! t) |3 I, V0 h. l. g. [3 q  好久不见了。
; a) `9 f7 w" j7 N1 H" B5 P5 Y* V# V+ ]8 p  26.It’s nice to hear from you.
9 f, T$ I# [! c1 f  很高兴你打来电话。

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