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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语辅导:商务礼仪美语(5)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
陈豪在北京的ABC美国公司工作。他今天在走廊里遇到了美国同事Amy.7 \7 U  F: Q( W: Q4 Q
(Office ambience)
; e8 [! ^! y2 fA:Chen Hao, you look pleased about something. What is it?3 @* _- L7 R( h9 p6 L
C:我刚才发现电话上有个叫speaker的键,只要按下去,就不用再拿着话筒说话了。% R. v6 Y: Q  i7 r3 M4 [
A:It is called a speaker or speaker phone, 中文可能是叫免提功能。
7 L- G1 A6 j) I7 \( D4 xC:这真是太方便了。我可以一边打电话,一边干别的事。& D2 O0 |/ v: G! y
A:Speakerphone is a great convenience, but you need to be careful about when and how you use it.
. b" j+ M$ d; ?: IC:不能随时用吗?
3 v. y# Y9 j5 uA:You need to consider whether the person to whom you are speaking is comfortable being placed on speaker phone.
! A. _% x" v8 F# q  iC:这跟他们有什么关系啊?
" F) U) a( C# R  _0 P0 gA:Because it is like broadcasting your entire call to other people who might be listening.
5 h& F; Y: }( {% z0 VC:Broadcast?我还是不太明白。
, m. j$ J% t6 ~A:When you place someone on speaker, anyone passing by or in close proximity can hear both sides of the conversation.
  N( C: j9 F5 l1 C; @$ qC:对呀,那又怎么了?9 Q2 W5 r$ U- a" \( k
A:The person on the other end may not be comfortable with other people overhearing what he is saying, especially if he isn't aware that he is on speaker.( V0 Z- W9 }2 b& ]
C:噢,你是说对方可能不想让别人听见他跟我说些什么。. G) X6 b; S/ X7 G
A:Exactly. Always ask permission before putting people on speaker phone.
: Z6 ?$ o2 V$ U. k2 j; Q& [$ xC:谢谢你的忠告,免得我得罪人。; t5 A! b: y0 A7 T1 s
******0 y- U) N8 s" r- y" ?
% ]; g1 J: U3 n3 Q. f6 q5 pA:Chen Hao, how was your day?
3 M3 i6 G3 r9 l/ a: v6 CC:还记得我们说的speaker phone吗?有个客户打电话给我问资料,我就问他能不能把电话放在speakerphone上,这样我就可以一边找资料,一边跟他通话了。
& D! X. S8 E# }- n* B+ s  J3 jA:What did he say?: }1 t0 ^+ h1 D  R7 @( O7 s
  F8 \5 S2 q. s5 L* _2 IA:That is another point you need to be aware of regarding speaker phones. Using them in your cubicle when others are working in adjacent cubicles is inconsiderate.
+ }" L5 _3 C/ }' d! I0 ~* LC:既然有这么多限制,那这种功能不是白费了吗?7 {3 p8 e2 @$ b% x+ O5 S8 v9 i8 A
A:You can use it, just be thoughtful. Another reason that people use speaker phones is to be able to have a conversation or phone meeting when everyone involved cannot be present physically.7 K! M- p1 R- p$ S6 u4 [
C:就是说,销售部主任正好出差,而咱们俩要是用一个电话跟他开电话会议就可以用speaker phone了吧?8 w7 _2 J& ]' ?) ]
A:Yes, with speaker phones, not everyone has to be in the same room to have a meeting.
6 t" Q: _) o) U, H! wC:Amy,你再提醒我一遍,什么时候该用speaker phone, 什么时候不该用?行吗?
. Y) a( T4 U5 ]5 P. \' N2 [/ s/ dA:It's really simple. Don't put people on speaker phone without asking permission and don't use speaker phone when it may disturb others.; T) }$ F# H* p& Q; M+ x

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