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[综合辅导] 2011年商务英语辅导:商务礼仪美语(1)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
8 v) S" F" C9 _4 o" G(Office ambience)7 m$ _- g. A* _1 N3 H2 ?: q
CH:Amy, 你有时间吗? 我又遇到了点儿为难的事。" h6 \/ F' J5 f% K& s. D- D6 b
A:Well, tell me what the problem is and I'll try to help.
% R: Q+ c. P, D: l( T8 Z  _- mC:有个很重要的客户,今天下午要来公司见我。1 H# Y. J0 X0 e0 ~7 P- J* V/ G* |
A:Why is that a problem?
) Y* M) l6 g( k: n7 Y/ q/ c, sC:你也知道,我的办公室特别小,看了也不是很体面。我怕会让客户小看我,以后不好打交道,所以有些紧张。( N% g) |; D# A
A:I see what you mean, but you have some options.
& Y7 ~) K/ e2 JC:真的?那你快告诉我。
' ?1 G1 @# p; \9 `7 G. ^A:First of all, you can check with Mary Ann to see if the conference room is available.
  ]3 Q# n) z6 O! i% d4 E# QC:是啊,我怎么就没想到呢!我可以把客户请到公司的会议室。这下问题就迎刃而解了。% q3 Z+ Q" k2 w) \
A:That's right. Your client never has to see your office space or what is basically a cubicle.
; H0 z" u0 T9 OC:好,就这么办。3 E8 T' ]4 W  r2 g9 E  q
A:Not so fast. Call Mary Ann first. It may not be available. If not, we'll have to come up with another plan.
1 x; z9 M1 }' k: W# E0 @C:那好,我马上给Mary Ann打电话。
4 \" G: ^/ E$ c& ?2 |8 m******, G* D3 G  j4 E) q. c
不一会儿,陈豪很扫兴地回到Amy的办公室。- P- C8 ?6 P4 \# ?- ?
A:So how did it go? Is the conference room available?0 _4 z! B- ~; B+ B6 r
& r" v9 k! q( S/ v: ?$ h* fA:Don't worry. This is not the end of the world.
! H+ R9 z6 Q* @6 ^C:那我该怎么办呢?$ c6 D# [5 G8 y+ K  q% K6 c' ?
A:He won't even notice the surroundings if you pay attention to the details that make him feel comfortable and welcome.2 p5 i1 c3 ^( \5 [+ {
C:我怎么做才能让他觉得宾至如归呢?* i3 f( [! {% L' d
A:It's been raining so much that he may show up with an umbrella or a raincoat. Offer to take them right away and hang them up.  Z4 e$ C- r5 d' Y0 I
C:可是我的办公室里没有衣架呀!2 y3 f# S# x0 h- X9 C' N
A:you can ask one of your colleagues ahead of time to help you by taking them for you.
9 i3 e5 \, H. c  [- w( MC:那我就先跟Jenny打好招呼,让她帮我把客户的雨具保存起来。还有什么吗?! g# d: P7 r$ B
A:Be sure you have a comfortable chair in your office.
# x# i4 P! E( u0 CC:还有呢?
" C0 _0 c& [( y$ j$ V2 xA:Most important, ask the receptionist to call you when your client arrives so you can go down and greet him in the lobby. Making the effort to meet him and show him to your office will make him feel valued.: h% j/ i/ q1 f
C:对呀,我每次出去见客户,人家也都会到大厅里来迎我,然后带我到办公室里去。还有给我倒水喝。Amy, 你能再从头说一遍,我都应该注意些什么吗?$ a" S3 o7 p  A2 n
A:Meet him in the reception area and escort him to your office. Take his hat, coat or rain gear so he doesn't have to worry about where to put them. And finally, never be late or keep your client waiting.

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