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[综合辅导] 2011商务英语辅导:汉英商务英语对照(9)

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
我需要一个成套服务,包括机票和住宿 I want a package deal including airfare and hotel.( B$ b) o) X5 {6 l8 x3 }! k
我想把这张票换成头等车。 I'd like to change this ticket to the first class.
7 ~- \8 x9 x6 _' C/ u$ B/ }3 `我要预订去芝加哥的卧铺。 I'd like to reserve a sleeper to chicago.
3 t% e: v4 h2 D5 l这件行李我不托运。 I won't check this baggage8 M; r5 u8 q# p0 e0 O5 m( E9 P- Y
我要坐在飞机前部 I'd like to sit in the front of the plane.: P- ]: d' i: I+ V6 L/ Y9 o& f5 \
我未赶上火车 I missed my train.. b7 G% F) Q  ~$ w" s
我没有要申报的东西。 I haven't nothing to declare.
. c1 }, T/ E% m8 D( ]这些东西都是我私人用的 It's all personal effects.
) S8 U6 V) ~6 q# k4 D8 I, @* G我会在机场柜台拿机票。 I'll pick up ticket at the airport counter.
+ \; w% G# E7 V, B7 m, ~我想订两张今天西北航空公司7班次到底特律的机票。 I'd like two seats on today's northwest flight 7 to detroit, please.1 U( \/ M: p7 E
我们在机场的大厅里等约翰。 We waited for john in the lobby of the airport.& A/ o5 R3 b) X6 P5 |( o* I
我要买一张优待票代替。 I'd like to buy an excursion pass instead.. T6 e. I2 e' n5 b7 R: p
我要退这张票。 I'd like a refund on this ticket.
% D- ?: d' U) L! D3 A, l我要一个靠窗的座位。 I'd like to have a seat by the window.5 [) Y0 D% z0 k, _
你必须要在芝加哥站转车。 You have to change at chicago station.2 h6 ]' c5 Y6 w- s% z8 C) o
到纽约的一天只有一班。 We have only one a day for new york.
+ Y3 {! p" M" A抱歉,全部满了。 Sorry, they are already full.' h+ _* _1 e5 E; @; q$ |- [2 X& l
我要预订一个座位去纽约。 I'd like to reserve a seat to new york.' M  N' g$ a" l4 f( y( I
班机号码是9月5日ak708 The flight number is ak708 on september 5th.- |, Y+ r1 T0 X: s$ E4 ^
早上10点半有班机。 There's a ten thirty flight in the morning.! u8 a' ?0 w4 ]( h
我正在找我的行李。 I'm looking for my baggage.1 G9 ~/ f* X4 }  ]) D7 J9 s' X
我想预订。 I'd like to make a reservation
( t* Q( c, G1 E9 N越快越好。 The sooner, the better.6 \$ J( z9 w& X* M
我想变更一下我的预订。 I'd like to change my reservation.
5 j) ^! x& ^) d+ `8 s2 V我要再确认一下我从伦敦到东京的班机。 I'd like to reconfirm my flight from london to tokyo.; B. B$ G- x6 t% B0 E
我的预订号码是2991. my reservation number is 2991.) g3 M3 p- v8 Z- o0 S; e! c$ T; c, v
我在东京预订的。 I made a reservation in tokyo.
+ F' j3 U# b, \7 s我昨天预订的。 I made reservations yesterday.
" S& F# p0 H! g! _' _( c# Z我要预订一张从洛杉矶到东京的机票。 I want to reserve a seat from los angeles to tokyo.
- h. w, n+ a, O% [$ X' p9 `我星期六总是有一大堆的衣物要洗。 I always have a big wash to do on saturdays.( T' H( [9 A  [5 G
衣服还没干。 The laundry is not dry enough.
5 M# `" L: ?( Z; I! T5 y0 p/ k) b我在洗衣机里放了太多的洗衣粉。 I put too much detergent in the washer.
0 v5 I; S, t0 k3 I1 k( k6 E这污垢去不掉。 This stain is really stubborn." h  \( t6 P: g: L' K2 `
我今天洗了三次衣服。 I did three loads of wash today.
* m7 u4 j% R" t' }# f坐火车很舒服。 The train is comfortable.
6 ^( Y, P( y  [0 D% U我在行李房托运行李。 I checked my baggage in the baggage section.8 L+ J: V% ~4 w$ b0 [2 l  g
* Q: N4 c6 v& R& t
他猜想火车会很早到达。 he guessed the train would come in early.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:40 | 显示全部楼层


</p>    火车站里经常挤满了人。 The stations are always full of people./ W" B3 `* @' G1 r9 |
祝你旅途愉快。 I hope you have a good trip.
4 [6 r  h/ D5 c; Q你必须在中央车站换车 You need to transfer at central station.
7 J4 K' j4 P8 `2 }9 N0 ]0 F  P你要在这里停留多久? how long are you going to stay here?: s8 T, O( m$ Q# [0 p0 p
你有东西要申报关税吗? do you have anything to declare?& h) P8 X8 B) D6 H) K! \/ Q
你旅行的目的是什么? Whats the purpose of your visit?
! W  U7 q( L9 A3 t船什么时间启航? What time does the ship leave?' |$ n  _2 w  v  g. k3 R. n  v) W, h
这艘船什么时候出发去檀香山? When will the ship leave for honolulu?( h4 @; ]) i. C# E7 U. T7 E4 f
你能告诉我出发的时间吗? could you please give me the departure time?
3 B1 e! @5 u5 X& [9 r9 U. z0 |我坐船去需要预订吗? do i need a reservation to go by ship?$ }: {$ U' }4 T$ t' t* U0 i
去上海的单程票多少钱? how much for a one-way ticket to shanghai?
' }& e& d# T; z9 S你打算什么时候回来/去? When would you like to return?
: ~6 a9 W6 L4 @' _1 A+ N你们有那天的票吗? do you have any tickets available for that date?
; s3 I4 o) J/ ^5 x% y; H你们有那天的票吗? Do you have any tickets available for that date?
4 i/ ^% U" m% V3 ~1 g/ u3 P6 P7 Q7 y一张去那边的往返票要多少钱? How much does a round trip ticket to go there cost?- b' G% I% f* ]0 t5 ^
你可以把这件外套送到洗衣店吗? Would you take this coat to the cleaners?" h: \( m% k1 x2 U8 T0 d
可以帮我把这件裙子烫平吗? Will you iron out the wrinkles in this skirt?
4 I" t3 C- h9 k( i9 [# J可以帮我烫这件衬衫吗? Wont you iron this shirt for me?% a0 E1 N; A7 Q" b
下雨时请你收一下衣服,好吗? Will you bring the laundry in if it rains?$ E! \# r$ G" N
我应该在哪里补票? Where am I supposed to pay the excess train fare?8 b5 m7 i& H: `' @
你在哪里取你的手提箱呢? Where can you pick up your suitcase?
/ Y8 ^6 c3 q; F' p9 W你什么时候可拿到车票呢? When can you pick up your ticket?: |  Y7 o) [4 K' J! ~. j
入境处在什么地方? Where is immigration?7 q7 m7 k+ e7 A+ O# r% d
我到哪里去拿我的行李呢? Where can I get my baggage?/ ]( L2 v9 f7 i  {' Q( w
起飞时间准时吗? Is the departure time on schedule?8 j. s6 M& l. K1 |" [* a6 o& Z* q
班机诞误多长时间? How long will the flight be delayed?
3 j6 Q& M' y# O; m# v4 q什么原因延误? Whats the cause of the delay?: Q! |3 V6 e: H5 f* P: K

6 P2 h# i/ z8 r! p4 K6 z% z7 R这班机会延误吗? Will the flight be delayed?
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:41 | 显示全部楼层


</p>     请给我行李标签好吗? May I have baggage tags?$ G3 |  x( s, I/ k- X) i
对不起,请问飞机何时到达东京呢? Excuse me, what time will the plane arrive in Tokyo?
- m; x9 Z* g/ F请你说明一下怎样填这张表好吗? Could you explain how to fill this out?
" x* `# S; E2 _8 k8 ?请给一份海关申报表好吗? May I have a customs declaration form, please?
! U8 m6 N1 V+ P请给我一张离机卡好吗? May I have a disembarkation card?6 m$ o0 w- f/ _5 S% I2 W
这个在免税限额内吗? Is this within the tax-free limit?
/ v" j+ W8 u" ^6 K免税店在哪儿? Wheres a tax-free shop?
. T! k. E. ~4 L0 `4 V3 N我在什么时间到登机门? What time should I be at the departure gate?: s" V+ W+ T, X3 P( q
请你帮我找我的行李好吗? Could you help me find my baggage?
% O. f9 l, C1 U; Q5 I) V% ]: h1 @这班机会被取消吗? Will the flight be canceled?6 Z' w0 d' ~$ A' A, Y/ s4 G
请帮我预订明天去芝加哥的座位好吗? Would you please make my reservation to Chicago for tomorrow?" H" S6 {# z2 U, e* V! A
你们有下周一大约下午10点起飞到纽约的班机吗? Do you have a flight to New York departing at about 10 a.m. Next Monday?
, f* u2 d' @6 D. t/ t. H1 g/ h去纽约的经济舱机票多少钱? Whats the fare to New York, Economy Class?3 |3 G, u- m( _  h8 l6 c  x, X" m
我什么地方拿机票? Where do I pick up the ticket?
2 r, d: e, J4 k* w1 f9 j这列火车从哪个站开出呢? From which station does the train leave?. ^. y( i2 f1 {& j
我在中途可以停吗? Can I stop over on the way?
3 q& O6 w5 l) v0 ^: u请给我一张去芝加哥的单程二等票好吗? Can I have a second-class one way ticket to Chicago,please?
* L: O! x0 l- s5 Y8 n给我有折扣吗? Are there any discount tickets for me?
& f4 S& B% G+ {1 s, \飞机何时起飞呢? What time does the plane take off?
7 D% v- N; _: j6 |; h. x单程票还是双程票呢? One way or a round trip ticket?2 |, f5 u: G/ N' k! N; T
第一班去波士顿的列车什么时间开出呢? What time does the first train to Boston leave?% m: E9 y" o& z' ?$ n3 I
这是直达车吗? Is it direct train?
0 G2 `: q  R% N这班车从哪个站台开出呢? What platform does the train leave from?' K( Z7 t; z9 O0 b. q
我该什么时间办理登机手续呢? By what time should I check in?; P5 J! R% ^; r& _- h: Q
何时登机呢? What is th boarding time?
0 t8 f! p3 s6 ^超额行李费多少钱? How much is the excess baggage charge?$ N# D: p% H4 |' ^( A
这班机准时起飞吗? Will this flight leave on time?* S9 u/ y" s: Q1 h+ [" W
这件我可以带上飞机吗? Can I bring this on the plane?9 ~- b$ [0 R! b- j, J
登机门是几号? What is the gate number?5 Y/ D0 v5 x% w* k& N- K$ {. W$ P
车上有预订座位吗? Are there reserved seats on the train?
  a' A) X( r) t* C, K6号登机门在哪儿? Where is gate six?5 W' X6 v' e1 y0 }
这班飞机的登机门在哪儿? Where is the boarding gate for this flight?
) x- v4 D& P* X3 w这个座位号已开始登机了吗? Has this seat number started boarding?9 m8 O) r+ d7 G, Z( x" W
售票处在哪儿? Where is the ticket office?
) D9 Y1 Y& P) g- ?2 Z这车票有效期多久? How long is the ticket valid?
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